Appeals process

  1. Research Independence. If a member of staff on a research-only contract who is otherwise eligible for the REF, believes that he/she has grounds for an appeal based on paragraph 38 of the Code of Practice, then the action in paragraphs 3-13 should be taken as soon as possible after he/she has been informed of his/her likely independence status.

  2. Staff Circumstances. If any member of staff who is eligible for the REF believes that he/she has grounds for an appeal based on paragraph 70-75 of the Code of Practice, then the action in paragraphs 3-13 should be taken as soon as possible.

    Head of Department's Stage

  3. The individual should request a meeting with his/her HoD (or the nominee who is responsible for REF matters in the department). In preparation for the meeting, the individual should identify what he/she believes to be the potential grounds for appeal. It would be helpful if these representations were put in writing, although it is recognised that an individual may choose not to. The individual may bring a Trade Union representative or work colleague to the meeting if he/she chooses. The HoD may also choose for a work colleague to be present and they should notify each other if either are to be accompanied.

  4. Following receipt of the request and/or written complaint, the HoD (or nominee) should meet with the individual, normally within 10 working days of receipt of the letter, to discuss the matters that the individual has raised.

  5. After the meeting, and following full and proper consideration of the matters raised, the HoD (or nominee) will write a formal response. The response will be issued within 7 working days of the meeting.

    College Panel Stage

  6. If the individual continues to believe that he/she has grounds for complaint, formal written notification should be submitted to the Deputy Director, Organisational Development of Inclusion (HR) stating what action has been taken to date and the reasons why he/she remains dissatisfied. The notification should be received not later than 7 working days after the receipt of the HoD’s (or nominee’s) formal response. Following receipt of the letter, the Deputy Director, Organisational Development and Inclusion will arrange for a REF Equality Committee to meet. The meeting will be convened at the earliest opportunity to ensure that each case is considered as quickly as possible.

  7. The individual may be accompanied by a Trade Union representative or work colleague. A representative from HR will assist.

  8. The HoD, or nominee, will be asked to attend the meeting to answer questions and this will be in the presence of the individual and the person who is accompanying him/her if this is the case.

  9. The Chair may choose to ask the relevant Faculty Dean to attend to answer questions. This will also be in the presence of the individual and his/her companion.

  10. After the meeting, and following full and proper consideration, the Chair will write a formal response which will normally be issued within 7 working days after the meeting.

  11. Appeals will be dealt with as expediently as possible. The early communication of decisions is intended to ensure that all appeals will be completed before the final submission is made.

  12. This concludes the appeals process.