The REF2014 assessment phase was a process of expert review, informed by indicators where appropriate. For details of the REF2014 panel members please see panel membership. During 2014, each submission was assessed on three elements:

  • Research Outputs (65%) which was assessed by peer review, informed (where appropriate) by citation information
  • Impact (20%) assessed the benefits of the research undertaken on economy and society
  • Environment (15%) considered the research strategy, infrastructure and environment, including research income and research degrees award

Published results: REF quality profiles

Sub-panels judged the three distinct elements of the assessment to produce a sub-profile for each element. The overall quality profile comprises the aggregate of the weighted sub-profiles produced for outputs, impact and environment, for example:

Quality profile

The overall quality profile shows the proportion of research activity in each UoA submission assessed to meet the definitions at each starred quality level, for example:

Percentage of research activity in the submission judged to meet the standard for:
Unit of Assessment AFTE Category A staff submitted4*3*2*1*u/c
University X 50.45 18 41 25 16 0
University Y 65.2 12 32 45 10 1
Percentage of research activity in the submission judged to meet the standard for:

The definitions of the overall starred quality levels are as follows:

Star ratings explained
Star levelDefinition
4* Quality that is world-leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour.
3* Quality that is internationally excellent in terms of originality, significance and rigour but which falls short of the highest standards of excellence.
2* Quality that is recognised internationally in terms of originality, significance and rigour.
1* Quality that is recognised nationally in terms of originality, significance and rigour.
Unclassified Quality that falls below the standard of nationally recognised work. Or work which does not meet the published definition of research for the purposes of assessment.
Star ratings explanation