Supporting you to be successful personally and academically at Imperial

Starting your time at Imperial is exciting and busy, but it's important to take some time to look after yourself and take steps to set yourself up for future success. Imperial is an academically challenging environment, but your wellbeing, physical, and mental health is extremely important. Have a look below to see how Imperial supports your success so that you can succeed academically while maintaining good wellbeing.

Discover Imperial

On Monday 30th September, 10:30-16:30, the Discover Imperial fair will be taking place in the Queen's Tower Rooms in the Sherfield building where you can explore all of the services, support and opportunities available to you as a student at Imperial. Until then, you can find out and hear from some of the people you'll meet at the fair below. Each box below links to some information and a video about that service at Imperial so that you can start to see how you can make the most of your time here.

Discover Imperial