White City Workshops

Building Scribbling RobotsWe are looking for individuals, teams and departments to get involved with our White City Workshops for families.

With our expert knowledge and resources, we can help design and deliver engaging STEM workshops around your research areas for family audiences in and around White City. These workshops will run during half terms, holidays or as part of our Discovery Day family festivals.

Workshops are a fantastic opportunity to deliver creative and memorable public engagement and work up engagement ideas in more depth. It’s easy to get involved, all you have to supply is the science – we can take care of the rest!

You don’t need experience or even a workshop idea yet. You or your team can work with the Public Programmer at the Invention Rooms who can develop the content, resources and activity, with full support from the White City Team.

We can provide:

  • Budget for resources
  • Workshop development and co-delivery
  • Training and feedback

Our White City Workshops are a great opportunity to interact with a diverse local community and get different perspectives on your work. They are also a unique chance to develop high-quality public engagement activity that can be used in different contexts, such as at the Festival or Lates. Contact us for more information or to get involved.

Discovery Days

Parent and child at discovery dayBecome one of the pioneering teams to deliver a festival-style Discovery Day at our new White City Campus. Discovery Days are your opportunity to take over our Invention Rooms and share your research and passion with the local community.

Running like a small festival Discovery Days are aimed at families and adults in and around White City. They present a unique opportunity to engage hard to reach audiences that might not otherwise take notice of STEM, making that engagement all the more meaningful and impactful.

We will provide resources, training and support to develop your public engagement ideas to help make your research accessible for our local audiences.

Staff and students are encouraged to submit ideas for research demonstrations, talks, workshops and any other contribution that might entertain and inspire the public around your research.  You don’t need lots of experience and we can help develop content.

We are currently looking for ideas proposals for discovery days– this could be across a department to run your own discovery day, or as teams and individuals.

Discovery Days will take place on Saturdays across the year, with an aim to see approximately 200 people across the day. Get in touch with us for more information on how to get involved.

Find out about Public Engagement opportunities such as events to take part in, training or funding.


Got a query or suggestion?

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