We believe that successful students require both excellent academic and pastoral support. There are a range of people and services available to you, within the Department, wider in the College and external organisations, that can provide personal, wellbeing and academic support.

Support within the Department

Student Wellbeing Adviser

Amy Picton

Amy is currently unavailable. In her absence please contact Sian Haynes (s.haynes@imperial.ac.uk) who will make sure you are directed to the most appropriate support as soon as quickly as possible.

Note that as well as speaking to you on a one-to-one basis on a wide range of issues including settling into college life, relationship worries, stress, mental health, loneliness, concerns about substance or alcohol misuse, Amy also develops resources, workshops and awareness-raising events.

Personal and Senior Tutors

Personal Tutors

Please contact your assigned tutor

Your personal tutor is there to support you in your personal, general academic, and professional development. Through regular contact and the establishment of a supportive and professional relationship, the Personal Tutors maintain an overview of their tutees’ academic progress, development and wellbeing.

Senior Tutors

Dr Siti Ros Shamsuddin  (Years 1 and 2)

Email: s.shamsuddin07@imperial.ac.uk

Dr Yongyung Hwang (Years 3 and 4) 

Email: y.hwang@imperial.ac.uk

Senior tutors are responsible for the welfare and academic progress of every undergraduate student in the department.  You can speak to them if you have concerns about your academic progress or if you feel that there are circumstances that are causing you academic pressure. 

Tutor for Women

 Dr Thulasi Mylvaganam

Email: t.mylvaganam@imperial.ac.uk

Maria's role as Tutor for Women provides women with additional support and the opportunity to discuss any issues they may be having with a female member of staff.

While the first point of contact for each student is their personal tutor, if female students feel more comfortable talking to a female member of staff instead, Maria is here to support you. In addition, as a champion for equality, diversity and inclusion, her role is to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and fairness in a diverse environment.

Student Representatives

Academic Departmental Representative

Erica Keung
Email: erica.keung22@imperial.ac.uk

Academic reps can signpost you to further support and use your feedback to inform academic staff on issues that students face, including assessments, learning experience, resources and academic experience.

Wellbeing Departmental Representative

Hasan Rashid

Email: hasan.rashid21@imperial.ac.uk

Wellbeing reps can signpost you to further support from the Wellbeing Adviser. Wellbeing reps raise awareness of any issues affecting student wellbeing including mental or physical health, finance, relationships, equality and diversity, and personal safety. 

Mental Health First Aiders
Disability and Safety

Disability Officer

Dr Siti Ros Shamsuddin

Email: s.shamsuddin07@imperial.ac.uk

Safety Officer

Dr Nigel MacCarthy

Email: n.maccarthy@imperial.ac.uk

Confidential Support for BAME Students


Email: n.jackson-macfarlane@imperial.ac.uk 

Naomi Jackson-Macfarlane, Student Wellbeing Advisor, can be contacted directly via email and provides confidential support for Black, South Asian, and all Ethnic Minority Students across the Faculty of Engineering. Naomi is available for students who may feel more comfortable talking about race or other specific experiences to a member of staff who is also of the Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority (BAME) community.

Trusted Contact Scheme

The Trusted Contact scheme is a Faculty intiative to enable a Department to collect the name of a student's trusted contact (a relative or friend) via a Qualtrics survey at the start of the academic year.

The Department (usually the Senior Tutor and Wellbeing Adviser) will contact the trusted contact in the event of lower level concerns for a student's safety, health, or wellbeing - for example, you are unwell, are not present for an exam, are not responding to emails etc.

Please note completion of the survey is optional.

Support within the wider College

College Mental Health First Aiders

As well our Departmental Mental Health First Aiders, you can access Mental Health First Aiders across the College.

Visit the College's Mental Health First Aid pages to access an Excel spreadsheet of names and contacts


Student Support Zone

The Student Support Zone is your ultimate guide to wellbeing at Imperial. You can find information about how to access student support services and advice, common concerns, health and wellbeing and personal development.

The webpage also has contact details if you need to speak to someone urgently for support out of office hours.

Find out more


External, Out of Hours and Emergency Support


If you need someone to talk to immediately please call the Samaritans 24hr Free Helpline: 116 123

If you feel you are experiencing a mental health crisis Call NHS 24 hour Mental Health Crisis Lines:

  • Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea, Hillingdon, Brent, Camden and Harrow: 0800 0234 650
  • Ealing, Hammersmith, Fulham and Hounslow: 0300 1234 244
  • Wandsworth: 020 3513 4421
  • Berkshire: 0300 365 9999
Out of Hours


Tel: 116 123 (24 hours, 365 days)
Email: jo@samaritans.org  

Papyrus and SHOUT

Tel: 0800 068 4141 (9am - midnight)
Text: SHOUT to 85258 (24/7)

For people under 35 and those concerned for a young person:
Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org

NHS Mental Health Crisis Service

Tel: 0800 0234 650 (single point of access 365 days)

Central and West London
Email: cnw-tr.spa@nhs.net
Tel: 111 for NHS medical advice

Student Minds and Student Space

Tel: 0800189 5260 (4pm to 11pm)
Can provide wellbeing resources and advice for students


Emergency Services

Call 999 or visit your nearest Accident and Emergency Department.

Campus Security

Tel: 4444 (from College phone)
Tel: 020 7589 1000 (from an external phone/mobile)



If you are feeling very low speak to your GP.

Workshops and Courses

Microaggressions Online Course

This short online course is recommended for all Faculty of Engineering students. It provides an introductory and basic overview of

  • what microaggressions are;
  • guidance on how to appropriately challenge microaggressions that we witness, experience or commit;
  • tools to help create a more inclusive workplace culture.

Access the Microagressions online course via the Human Resources webpages. 

Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service

The Student Counselling and Mental Healh Advice Service offer a range of workshops and courses for Imperial students.

Sessions include:

  • Introduction to Mindfulness
  • Sleeping well
  • Procrastination to Productivity
  • Stress Less for Exam Success
  • Introduction to Self-Compassion
  • Mood Boost
  • Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction
  • Compassion-focused Therapy

See upcoming dates and register via the Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service webpages

Student Support Zone

The Student Support Zone is a great guide to wellbeing at Imperial.

Be sure to check out the 'What's On' section on the Student Support Zone homepage for a variety of workshops and masterclasses. 

These include sessions on:

  • Attention & Concentration
  • Enhancing Performance 
  • Resilience
  • Performance
  • Confidence and Self Efficacy
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Emotional Intelligence