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  • Journal article
    Sadek M, Calvo R, Mougenot C, 2023,

    Co-designing conversational agents: a comprehensive review and recommendations for best practices

    , Design Studies, Vol: 89, ISSN: 0142-694X

    This paper presents a comprehensive review of fifty-two studies co-designing conversational agents (CAs). Its objectives are to synthesise prior CA co-design efforts and provide actionable recommendations for future endeavours in CA co-design. The review systematically evaluates studies' methodological and contextual aspects, revealing trends and limitations. These insights converge into practical recommendations for co-designing CAs, including (1) selecting the most suitable design technique aligned with desired CA outcomes, (2) advocating continuous stakeholder involvement throughout the design process, and (3) emphasising the elicitation and embodiment of stakeholder values to ensure CA designs align with their perspectives. This paper contributes to standardising and enhancing co-design practices, promising to improve the quality of outcomes in the case of CAs while benefiting stakeholders and users.

  • Journal article
    Yi Y, Demirel P, 2023,

    The impact of sustainability-oriented dynamic capabilities on firm growth: investigating the green supply chain management and green political capabilities

    , Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol: 32, Pages: 5873-5888, ISSN: 0964-4733

    Building on the dynamic capabilities literature and natural-resource-based view, the paper examines whether firms can attain sales growth through a range of sustainability-oriented dynamic capabilities including (1) internal green supply chain management capabilities, (2) external green supply chain management capabilities and (3) green political capabilities. Based on a dataset of 277 public US firms between 2010 and 2020, a panel quantile model of firm growth showcases that while internal green supply chain capabilities and green political capabilities affect firms' growth performance positively, external green supply chain capabilities are associated with slower growth. Importantly, the results indicate that the positive growth effects of green political capabilities are short-lived, while those of internal green supply chain capabilities are long-lived. The study contributes to the sustainability-oriented dynamic capabilities literature by showing that different capabilities have different implications for firm growth depending on the firm's base performance and the time periods under consideration.

  • Journal article
    Bonkile MP, Jiang Y, Kirkaldy N, Sulzer V, Timms R, Wang H, Offer G, Wu Bet al., 2023,

    Coupled electrochemical-thermal-mechanical stress modelling in composite silicon/graphite lithium-ion battery electrodes

    , Journal of Energy Storage, Vol: 73, ISSN: 2352-152X

    Silicon is often added to graphite battery electrodes to enhance the electrode-specific capacity, but it undergoes significant volume changes during (de)lithiation, which results in mechanical stress, fracture, and performance degradation. To develop long-lasting and energy-dense batteries, it is critical to understand the non-linear stress behaviour in composite silicon-graphite electrodes. In this study, we developed a coupled electrochemical-thermal-mechanical model of a composite silicon/graphite electrode in PyBaMM (an open-source physics-based modelling platform). The model is experimentally validated against a commercially available LGM50T battery, and the effects of C-rates, depth-of-discharge (DoD), and temperature are investigated. The developed model can reproduce the voltage hysteresis from the silicon and provide insights into the stress response and crack growth/propagation in the two different phases. The stress in the silicon is relatively low at low DoD but rapidly increases at a DoD >~80%, whereas the stress in the graphite increases with decreasing temperature and DoD. At higher C-rates, peak stress in the graphite increases as expected, however, this decreases for silicon due to voltage cut-offs being hit earlier, leading to lower active material utilisation since silicon is mostly active at high DoD. Therefore, this work provides an improved understanding of stress evolution in composite silicon/graphite lithium-ion batteries.

  • Journal article
    Miguel Angel M, Pinson P, Kazempour J, 2023,

    Online decision making for trading wind energy

    , Computational Management Science, Vol: 20, Pages: 1-31, ISSN: 1619-697X

    We propose and develop a new algorithm for trading wind energy in electricity markets, within an online learning and optimization framework. In particular, we combine a component-wise adaptive variant of the gradient descent algorithm with recent advances in the feature-driven newsvendor model. This results in an online offering approach capable of leveraging data-rich environments, while adapting to the nonstationary characteristics of energy generation and electricity markets, also with a minimal computational burden. The performance of our approach is analyzed based on several numerical experiments, showing both better adaptability to nonstationary uncertain parameters and significant economic gains.

  • Journal article
    Gong Y, Li J, Yang K, Li S, Xu M, Zhang G, Shi Y, Cai Q, Li H, Zhao Yet al., 2023,

    Towards Practical Application of Li-S Battery with High Sulfur Loading and Lean Electrolyte: Will Carbon-Based Hosts Win This Race?

    , NANO-MICRO LETTERS, Vol: 15, ISSN: 2311-6706
  • Journal article
    Harkin R, Wu H, Nikam S, Quinn J, McFadden Set al., 2023,

    Reuse of grade 23 Ti6Al4V powder during the laser-based powder bed fusion process

    , Metals, Vol: 10, ISSN: 2075-4701

    Titanium alloy powder used for laser-based powder bed fusion (L-PBF) process is costly. One of the solutions is the inclusion of a powder recycling strategy, allowing unused or exposed powder particles to be recuperated post manufacture, replenished and used for future builds. However, during a L-PBF process, powder particles are exposed to high levels of concentrated energy from the laser. Particularly those in close proximity to the melt pool, leading to the formation of spatter and agglomerated particles. These particles can settle onto the powder bed, which can then influence the particle size distribution and layer uniformity. This study analysed extra-low interstitial (ELI) Ti6Al4V (Grade 23) powder when subjected to nine recycle iterations, tracking powder property variation across the successive recycling stages. Characterisation included chemical composition focusing upon O, N, and H content, particle size distribution, morphology and tapped and bulk densities. On review of the compositional analysis, the oxygen content exceeded the 0.13% limit for the ELI grade after 8 recycles, resulting in the degradation from Grade 23 level.

  • Journal article
    Ratcliffe E, Baxter W, Aurisicchio M, Childs P, Martin Net al., 2023,

    The role of ritual communication in consumption: a consumer coffee experience

    , International Journal of Food Design, ISSN: 2056-6522

    Rituals are part of the consumer experience of goods, especially food and drink, and can contribute to consumer enjoyment of and fidelity to a specific product. However, we lack detailed description of food/beverage-related rituals and their potential impact on consumer perceptions, in particular whether and how communicating those rituals to consumers influences their attitudes. Here we use coffee as an example of a ritualized product within the UK market to explore this potential relationship and identify opportunities for design. In Study 1, we identified rituals associated with coffee preparation and consumption. In Study 2, we found that several procedural aspects of the rituals identified in Study 1 were not consistently conveyed in coffee advertising, indicating a potential gap in communication with consumers. In Study 3, we showed that communicating such rituals to consumers resulted in significantly greater willingness to pay for coffee, mediated by perceptions of social attention. This work connects growing interest in the psychological mechanisms of ritual with work on consumer perceptions and behaviour and carries significant implications for the design of messaging around food experience.

  • Conference paper
    Wang B, Zuo H, Cai Z, Yin Y, Childs P, Sun L, Chen Let al., 2023,

    A task-decomposed AI-aided approach for generative conceptual design

    , ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2023)

    Generative algorithm-based conceptual design has beeninnovatively applied as an emerging digital design paradigm forearly-stage design ideation. With powerful large languagemodels (LLMs), designers can enter an initial prompt as a designrequirement to generate using machine reasoning capabilitydescriptive natural language content. The machine-generatedoutput can be used as stimuli to inspire designers during designideation. However, the lack of transparency and insufficientcontrollability of LLMs can limit their effectiveness whenassisting humans on a generative conceptual design task. Thisgeneration process lacks theoretical guidance and acomprehensive understanding of design requirements, whichmay potentially lead to generated concepts that are mismatchedor lack creativity. Inspired by the Function-Behavior-Structure(FBS) model, this paper proposes a task-decomposed AI-aidedapproach for generative conceptual design. We decompose aconceptual design task into three sub-tasks including functionalreasoning, behavioral reasoning, and structural reasoning.Prompt templates and specification signifiers are specified fordifferent steps to guide the LLMs to generate reasonable results,controllably. The output of each step becomes the input of thenext, aiding in aggregating gains per step and embedding theselection preferences of human designers at each stage. Aconceptual design experiment is conducted, and the results showthat the conceptual design ideation with our method are morereasonable and creative in comparison to a baseline.

  • Journal article
    Sadek M, Calvo R, Mougenot C, 2023,

    Designing value-sensitive AI: a critical review and recommendations for socio-technical design processes

    , AI and Ethics, ISSN: 2730-5961

    This paper presents a critical review of how different socio-technical design processes for AI-based systems, from scholarly works and industry, support the creation of value-sensitive AI (VSAI). The review contributes to the emerging field of human-centred AI, and the even more embryonic space of VSAI in four ways: (i) it introduces three criteria for the review of VSAI based on their contribution to design processes’ overall value-sensitivity, and as a response to criticisms that current interventions are lacking in these aspects: comprehensiveness, level of guidance offered, and methodological value-sensitivity, (ii) it provides a novel review of socio-technical design processes for AI-based systems, (iii) it assesses each process based on the mentioned criteria and synthesises the results into broader trends, and (iv) it offers a resulting set of recommendations for the design of VSAI. The objective of the paper is to help creators and followers of design processes—whether scholarly or industry-based—to understand the level of value-sensitivity offered by different socio-technical design processes and act accordingly based on their needs: to adopt or adapt existing processes or to create new ones.

  • Conference paper
    Wang E, Davis J, Moro D, Zielinski P, Lim JJ, Coelho C, Chatterjee S, Cheung P, Constantinides Get al., 2023,

    Enabling Binary Neural Network Training on the Edge

    , Workshop on Binary Networks for Computer Vision
  • Journal article
    Chappell D, Bello F, Kormushev P, Rojas Net al., 2023,

    The hydra hand: a mode-switching underactuated gripper with precision and power grasping modes

    , IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol: 8, Pages: 7599-7606, ISSN: 2377-3766

    Human hands are able to grasp a wide range of object sizes, shapes, and weights, achieved via reshaping and altering their apparent grasping stiffness between compliant power and rigid precision. Achieving similar versatility in robotic hands remains a challenge, which has often been addressed by adding extra controllable degrees of freedom, tactile sensors, or specialised extra grasping hardware, at the cost of control complexity and robustness. We introduce a novel reconfigurable four-fingered two-actuator underactuated gripper—the Hydra Hand—that switches between compliant power and rigid precision grasps using a single motor, while generating grasps via a single hydraulic actuator—exhibiting adaptive grasping between finger pairs, enabling the power grasping of two objects simultaneously. The mode switching mechanism and the hand's kinematics are presented and analysed, and performance is tested on two grasping benchmarks: one focused on rigid objects, and the other on items of clothing. The Hydra Hand is shown to excel at grasping large and irregular objects, and small objects with its respective compliant power and rigid precision configurations. The hand's versatility is then showcased by executing the challenging manipulation task of safely grasping and placing a bunch of grapes, and then plucking a single grape from the bunch.

  • Journal article
    Wang K, Xin G, Xin S, Mistry M, Vijayakumar S, Kormushev Pet al., 2023,

    A unified model with inertia shaping for highly dynamic jumps of legged robots

    , MECHATRONICS, Vol: 95, ISSN: 0957-4158
  • Journal article
    Arteaga JM, Sanchez J, Elsakloul F, Marin M, Zesiger C, Pucci N, Norton GJ, Young DJ, Boyle D, Yeatman E, Hallett PD, Roundy S, Mitcheson PDet al., 2023,

    High frequency inductive power transfer through soil for agricultural applications

    , IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol: 38, Pages: 13415-13429, ISSN: 0885-8993

    This paper presents 13.56 MHz inductive powertransfer (IPT) through soil for sensors in agricultural ap-plications. Two IPT system designs and their prototypes are presented. The first was designed for gathering data and observing the relationship between the performance of the coil driving circuits in response to water content, salinity, organic matter and compaction of the soil. The second prototype was designed as an application demonstrator, featuring IPT to an in-house sensor node enclosure buried 200 mm under the surface of an agricultural field. The results highlight that from the parameters studied, the combination of high salinity and high water content significantly increases the losses of the IPT system.The experiments demonstrate an over 40% rise in the losses from dc source to dc load after a 16% increase in soil water content and high salinity. In the technology demonstrator we mounted an IPT transmitter on a drone to wirelessly power an in-house bank of supercapacitors in the buried sensor-node enclosure. A peak power transfer of 30 W received at over 40% efficiency was achieved from a 22 V power supply on the drone to the energy storage under the ground. The coil separation in these experiments was 250 mm of which 200 mm correspond to the layer of soil. The coupling factor in all the experiments was lower than 5%. This system was trialled in the field for forty days andwireless power was performed five times throughout.

  • Conference paper
    Deterding S, Cutting J, 2023,

    Objective difficulty-skill balance impacts perceived balance but not behaviour: a test of flow and self-determination theory predictions

    , CHI PLAY 2023, Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Pages: 1179-1205, ISSN: 2573-0142

    Flow and self-determination theory predict that game difficulty in balance with player skill maximises enjoy- ment and engagement, mediated by attentive absorption or competence. Yet recent evidence and methodologi- cal concerns are challenging this view, and key theoretical predictions have remained untested, importantly which objective difficulty-skill ratio is perceived as most balanced. To test these, we ran a preregistered study (n=309) using a Go-like 2-player game with an AI opponent, randomly assigning players to one of three objective difficulty-skill ratios (AI plays to win, draw, or lose) over five matches. The AI successfully ma- nipulated objective balance, with the draw condition perceived as most balanced. However, balance did not impact play behaviour, nor did we find the predicted uniform ‘inverted-U’ between balance and positive play experiences. Importantly, we found both theories too underspecified to severely test. We conclude that balance and competence likely matter less for behavioural engagement than commonly held. We propose alternative factors such as player appraisals, novelty, and progress, and debate the value and challenges of theory-testing work in games HCI.

  • Conference paper
    Ballou N, Deterding S, 2023,

    ‘I Just Wanted to Get it Over and Done With’: a grounded theory of psychological need frustration in video games

    , CHI PLAY 2023, Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Pages: 217-236, ISSN: 2573-0142

    Psychological need frustration—experiences like failure, loneliness, or coercion—is emerging as a promising explanation for why people disengage with games and other entertainment media, and how media may induce dysregulated use and ill-being. However, existing research on game-related need frustration relies on general instruments with unclear content validity for games. We also do not know how need frustration arises in video games, nor how it leads to disengagement. We therefore conducted a semi-structured interview study with 12 video game players, following grounded theory methods to develop a model of need-frustrating play. We find that need frustration is a common and impactful experience in games, with distinct antecedents not fully captured in existing measures. Felt need frustration arises when observed need-frustrating events negatively violate expected need frustration or satisfaction; repeated violations update players’ expectations, which lead them to modulate or quit play to reduce expected frustration exposure.

  • Conference paper
    Whitby MA, Iacovides I, Deterding S, 2023,

    “Conversations with pigeons”: capturing players’ lived experience of perspective challenging games

    , CHI PLAY 2023, Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Pages: 833-855, ISSN: 2573-0142

    Video games are increasingly designed to provoke reflection and challenge players’ perspectives. Yet we know little about how such perspective-challenging experiences come about in gameplay. In response, we used systematic self-observation diaries and micro-phenomenological interviews to capture players’ (n=15) lived experience of perspective challenges in purposely sampled games including Hatoful Boyfriend, The Stanley Parable, or Papers, Please. We found a sequence of trigger, reflection, and transformation constituting perspective-challenging experiences, matching Mezirow’s model of transformative learning. Most of these were game-related or ‘endo-game’, suggesting that medium self-reflection could be an overlooked part of everyday game reflection and appreciation. Reflections were accompanied by a wide range of emotions, including frequent epistemic emotions, and emotions could change drastically even during short gameplay experiences. Actual perspective change or transformation was rare. We construct a model of granular types of triggers, reflections, and transformations that can aid reflective game design.

  • Journal article
    Turner R, Turner W, Wu H, 2023,

    On the pre-forging heating methods for AA2014 alloy

    , World Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol: 11, Pages: 893-901, ISSN: 2331-4249

    The aluminium alloy AA2014 is one of the most widely used of the 2xxx series alloys, owing to its superior strength-to-weight ratio and stiffness. It is commonly forged to shape for use in aerospace parts. Three different small pilot-scale AA2014 billets were subjected to different heating operations, to physically simulate a pre-forge heating operation. The unheated sample and heated samples were then analysed for micro structural evolution and mechanical properties, to understand how the pre-forge heat treatments may vary the starting condition of the alloy before being forged. It was shown that an induction heating process has the greatest impact upon the precipitation distribution. Whilst this variation is commonly considered a negative impact, the opportunity to control the induction heating to promote preferential microstructure at specific locations within the billet may be possible.

  • Journal article
    Psarras S, Munoz R, Ghajari M, 2023,

    Compression performance of composite plates after multi-site impacts: A combined experimental and finite element study

    , COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, Vol: 322, ISSN: 0263-8223
  • Journal article
    Zhao Y, 2023,

    Ampere-hour-scale soft-package potassium-ion hybrid capacitors enabling 6-minute fast-charging

    , Nature Communications, Vol: 14, ISSN: 2041-1723

    Extreme fast charging of Ampere-hour (Ah)-scale electrochemical energy storage devices targeting charging times of less than 10 minutes are desired to increase widespread adoption. However, this metric is difficult to achieve in conventional Li-ion batteries due to their inherent reaction mechanism and safety hazards at high current densities. In this work, we report 1 Ah soft-package potassium-ion hybrid supercapacitors (PIHCs), which combine the merits of high-energy density of battery-type negative electrodes and high-power density of capacitor-type positive electrodes. The PIHC consists of a defect-rich, high specific surface area N-doped carbon nanotube-based positive electrode, MnO quantum dots inlaid spacing-expanded carbon nanotube-based negative electrode, carbonate-based non-aqueous electrolyte, and a binder- and current collector-free cell design. Through the optimization of the cell configuration, electrodes, and electrolyte, the full cells (1 Ah) exhibit a cell voltage up to 4.8 V, high full-cell level specific energy of 140 Wh kg−1 (based on the whole mass of device) with a full charge of 6 minutes. An 88% capacity retention after 200 cycles at 10 C (10 A) and a voltage retention of 99% at 25 ± 1 °C are also demonstrated.

  • Journal article
    Kallis C, Calvo R, Schuller B, Quint Jet al., 2023,

    Development of an asthma exacerbation risk prediction model for conversational use by adults in England

    , Pragmatic and Observational Research, Vol: 14, Pages: 111-125, ISSN: 1179-7266

    Background: Improving accurate risk assessment of asthma exacerbations, and reduction via relevant behaviour change among people with asthma could save lives and reduce health care costs. We developed a simple personalised risk prediction model for asthma exacerbations using factors collected in routine healthcare data for use in a risk modelling feature for automated conversational systems.Methods: We used pseudonymised primary care electronic healthcare records from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) Aurum database in England. We combined variables for prediction of asthma exacerbations using logistic regression including age, gender, ethnicity, Index of Multiple Deprivation, geographical region and clinical variables related to asthma events.Results: We included 1,203,741 patients divided into three cohorts to implement temporal validation: 898,763 (74.7%) in the training sample, 226,754 (18.8%) in the testing sample and 78,224 (6.5%) in the validation sample. The Area under the ROC curve (AUC) for the full model was 0.72 and for the restricted model was 0.71. Using a cut-off point of 0.1, approximately 27 asthma reviews by clinicians per 100 patients would be prevented compared with a strategy that all patients are regarded as high risk. Compared with patients without an exacerbation, patients who exacerbated were older, more likely to be female, prescribed more SABA and ICS in the preceding 12 months, have history of GORD, COPD, anxiety, depression, live in very deprived areas and have more severe disease.Conclusion: Using information available from routinely collected electronic healthcare record data, we developed a model that has moderate ability to separate patients who had an asthma exacerbation within 3 months from their index date from patients who did not. When comparing this model with a simplified model with variables that can easily be self-reported through a WhatsApp chatbot, we have shown that the predictive performance of the model is

  • Journal article
    Ferraro P, Yu JY, Ghosh R, Alam SE, Marecek J, Wirth F, Shorten Ret al., 2023,

    On unique ergodicity of coupled AIMD flows

    , International Journal of Control, ISSN: 0020-7179

    The AIMD algorithm, which underpins the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) for transporting data packets in communication networks, is perhaps the most successful control algorithm ever deployed. Recently, its use has been extended beyond communication networks, and successful applications of the AIMD algorithm have been reported in transportation, energy, and mathematical biology. A very recent development in the use of AIMD is its application in solving large-scale optimisation and distributed control problems without the need for inter-agent communication. In this context, an interesting problem arises when multiple AIMD networks are coupled in some sense (usually through a nonlinearity). The purpose of this note is to prove that such systems in certain settings inherit the ergodic properties of individual AIMD networks. This result has important consequences for the convergence of the aforementioned optimisation algorithms. The arguments in the paper also correct conceptual and technical errors in Alam et al. (2020, The convergence of finite-averaging of AIMD for distributed heterogeneous resource allocations. arXiv:2001.08083 [math.OC].).

  • Journal article
    Cacciarelli D, Kulahci M, 2023,

    Hidden dimensions of the data: PCA vs autoencoders

    , Quality Engineering, Vol: 35, Pages: 741-750, ISSN: 0898-2112
  • Journal article
    Qi N, Pinson P, Almassalkhi MR, Cheng L, Zhuang Yet al., 2023,

    Chance-constrained generic energy storage operations under decision-dependent uncertainty

    , IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Vol: 14, Pages: 2234-2248, ISSN: 1949-3029

    Compared with large-scale physical batteries, aggregated and coordinated generic energy storage (GES) resources provide low-cost, but uncertain, flexibility for power grid operations. While GES can be characterized by different types of uncertainty, the literature mostly focuses on decision-independent uncertainties (DIUs), such as exogenous stochastic disturbances caused by weather conditions. Instead, this manuscript focuses on newly-introduced decision-dependent uncertainties (DDUs) and considers an optimal GES dispatch that accounts for uncertain available state-of-charge (SoC) bounds that are affected by incentive signals and discomfort levels. To incorporate DDUs, we present a novel chance-constrained optimization (CCO) approach for the day-ahead economic dispatch of GES units. Two tractable methods are presented to solve the proposed CCO problem with DDUs: (i) a robust reformulation for general but incomplete distributions of DDUs, and (ii) an iterative algorithm for specific and known distributions of DDUs. Furthermore, reliability indices are introduced to verify the applicability of the proposed approach with respect to the reliability of the response of GES units. Simulation-based analysis shows that the proposed methods yield conservative, but credible, GES dispatch strategies and reduced penalty cost by incorporating DDUs in the constraints and leveraging data-driven parameter identification. This results in improved availability and performance of coordinated GES units.

  • Journal article
    Ruan H, Barreras JV, Steinhardt M, Jossen A, Offer GJ, Wu Bet al., 2023,

    The heating triangle: A quantitative review of self-heating methods for lithium-ion batteries at low temperatures

    , Journal of Power Sources, Vol: 581, Pages: 1-16, ISSN: 0378-7753

    Lithium-ion batteries at low temperatures have slow recharge times alongside reduced available power and energy. Battery heating is a viable way to address this issue, and self-heating techniques are appealing due to acceptable efficiency and speed. However, there are a lack of studies quantitatively comparing self-heating methods rather than qualitatively, because of the existence of many different batteries with varied heating parameters. In this work, we review the current state-of-the-art self-heating methods and propose the heating triangle as a new quantitative indicator for comparing self-heating methods, towards identifying/developing effective heating approaches. We define the heating triangle which considers three fundamental metrics: the specific heating rate (°C·g·J−1), coefficient of performance (COP) (−), and specific temperature difference (°C·hr), enabling a quantitative assessment of self-heating methods using data reported in the literature. Our analysis demonstrates that very similar metrics are observed for the same type of self-heating method, irrespective of the study case, supporting the universality of the proposed indicator. With the comparison insights, we identify research gaps and new avenues for developing advanced self-heating methods. This work demonstrates the value of the proposed heating triangle as a standardised approach to compare heating methods and drive innovation.

  • Journal article
    Lu X, Lian GJ, Ge R, Parker J, Sadan MK, Smith R, Cumming Det al., 2023,

    Microstructure of Conductive Binder Domain for Electrical Conduction in Next-Generation Lithium-Ion Batteries

    , ENERGY TECHNOLOGY, Vol: 11, ISSN: 2194-4288
  • Conference paper
    Attar HR, Lei Z, Li N, 2023,

    Deep learning enabled tool compensation for addressing shape distortion in sheet metal stamping

    , 14th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, Publisher: Springer, Cham

    This paper presents a novel deep learning-based platform for addressing shape distortion in sheet metal stamping (e.g., springback, thermal distortion) by tool compensation. Conventional approaches to tool compensation involve computationally expensive Finite Element (FE) simulations to update tool geometries. In contrast, the proposed platform uses a generator network to create 3D tool geometries and an evaluator network to predict the resulting shape distortion and post-stamping thinning. The generated tool geometries are iteratively updated by a gradient-based optimisation technique in the direction of minimising shape distortion in the resulting component. The platform is demonstrated on a cold stamped U-channel component case study, which experiences severe shape distortion in the form of springback. The optimisation problem was formulated to find the optimum tool geometry that enables a desired U-channel geometry to be formed after springback by tool compensation, while meeting a maximum thinning constraint. The platform successfully optimised the tool geometry to compensate for springback in this setting, showcasing its effectiveness in improving manufacturing outcomes and product quality. The presented approach offers a superior method for addressing shape distortion in stamping processes, as compared to conventional FE simulation iterations or trial-and-error methods. This approach can efficiently and effectively compensate for arbitrarily complex tool geometries without requiring extensive process expertise.

  • Journal article
    Slater KB, Ahmad M, Poirier A, Stott A, Siedler BS, Brownsword M, Mehat J, Urbaniec J, Locker N, Zhao Y, La Ragione R, Silva SRP, Mcfadden Jet al., 2023,

    Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)-based electrochemical test for rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2

    , ISCIENCE, Vol: 26
  • Conference paper
    Hogg A, Liu H, Mads J, Picinali Let al., 2023,

    Exploring the Impact of Transfer Learning on GAN-Based HRTF Upsampling

    , EAA Forum Acusticum, European Congress on Acoustics
  • Journal article
    Tsaousoglou G, Giraldo JS, Pinson P, Paterakis NGet al., 2023,

    Fair and Scalable Electric Vehicle Charging Under Electrical Grid Constraints

  • Journal article
    Wang M, Yang K, Ji Y, Liao X, Zhang G, Masteghin MG, Peng N, Richheimer F, Li H, Wang J, Liu X, Yang S, Petrucco E, Shearing P, Castro FA, Silva SRP, Zhao Y, Pan F, Zhao Yet al., 2023,

    Developing highly reversible Li-CO<sub>2</sub> batteries: from on-chip exploration to practical application

    , ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, Vol: 16, Pages: 3960-3967, ISSN: 1754-5692

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