Image by Elisa from Pixabay

All are welcome to the Good Science Project‘s first conference. Join leading scientists, including Sir Paul Nurse FRS, and Dame Ottoline Leyser FRS, and our provost Professor Ian Walmsley, as we debate today’s research culture and the values needed for good science.

Please note: we are now operating a waiting list for Day of Doubt registrations. You can register here to be put on the waiting list and we will be in touch over the coming weeks to let you know if places become available. Thank you for your interest!

A major theme of the day is doubt. We will ask:

  • Why is doubt an important resource in science?
  • What is academic success?
  • How can we support the kind of science that takes intellectual risks – and takes time?
  • How easy is it for early-career scientists to doubt established truth, and find their own way?
  • When should we doubt innovation?

If you enjoy discussion about science, have views about its place in society and the way it organises itself in universities, then this conference is for you. Expect a lively day, with plenty of interaction, as we search for a better research culture. The conference is free and lunch is provided.


09.45 – Registration

Welcome tea and coffee

10:20 – Session One

Sir Paul Nurse FRS and Professor Ian Walmsley FRS debate their own definitions of ‘good science’. How can scientific institutions recognise the value of doubt, as much as they value rapid success?

The session is introduced by Daksha Patel, an artist known for her work with scientists.

11:45 – Session Two

Two parallel sessions – delegates will choose to attend one:

13:00 – Lunch

Lunch provided

14:00 – Reflection sessions

Our afternoon sessions provide an opportunity for delegates to peel off into smaller groups to reflect on one of the aspects of research culture below. The sessions will take place concurrently, so delegates will be asked to select one of following sessions:

15:15 – Break

Tea and coffee

15:45 – Plenary session

The ideas generated by the reflection sessions will be shared and discussed when we all come together for the final plenary session.

Chaired by Professor Mary Ryan CBE (Vice-Provost, Research and Enterprise) and Dr Felicity Mellor (director of the Science Communication Unit).

17.00 – Drinks reception

After our plenary session wraps up we welcome delegates to share reflections over a drink at our informal reception.


Registration is now closed.

Stay in-the-loop

Please contact Claudia Cannon if you would like to be added to The Good Science Project mailing list to stay in-the-loop on our activities.

(Image by Elisa from Pixabay)

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