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Daniel Balint
- Hydrogen in metals for nuclear and storage applications (e.g. delayed hydride cracking, hydrogen enhanced plasticity)
- Dislocation plasticity in ionic crystals (as battery materials)
- Mechanical recyling of plastics
- Multilayer paint film evolution and failure under hygrothermal cycling
- Irradiation hardening, strain softening and fracture in in zirconium alloys for PWR fuel pin cladding
- Semi-analytical crack network modelling, integrity of auxetics, failure of thermal barrier and wear coatings
- Elastodynamic discrete dislocation plasticity
- Fatigue in titanium alloys, lifetime prediction of thermal barrier coatings
- Discrete dislocation plasticity, size effects and defect-solute interactions
- Metal forming methods and associated materials modelling
- Environmental barrier coatings

Jun Jiang
- Robotic flexible rolling for incremental forming large sheet components
- Solid state diffusion/pressure bonding dissimilar metals
- Thermal cycle fatigue of chips or DB joints
- In-situ thermal-mechancial testing and characterization of dislocation density using EBSD
- Superplastic forming modelling with Professor Jianguo Lin
- Hybrid AM+radial forging
- Diffusion bonding process and RS prediction

PhD study
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