Led by Imperial College London, the team will investigate and develop stakeholder and public communication and education activities with regards to the CCUS technology blueprint developed and the validation of monitoring, modelling, and verification methodologies applicable to these systems.
Project activities
The work on this aspect of the project is split into two areas:
- Stakeholder/community perception and engagement
SUCCEED will design a stakeholder communication/consultation strategy that addresses the general public, local communities, and institutions/competent authorities that should benefit from the leanings of the project. An informed polling questionnaire will be developed and implemented reflecting policy and stakeholder willingness to envisage CO2 injection application at several candidate industrial sites in the wider region. The survey tool will be designed such that it can be readily modified for use in other EU countries. All data will be processed and analysed statistically. - Training and educational activities
Specific workshops will be organised to present the project results to groups of stakeholders such as central and local authorities, regulators and NGOs. These events will have the form of Open Forums and be organised with panel discussions, sub-group activities and topical reporting. The objective will be to jointly assess, in detail, project results which would offer a wide and representative range of possible CO2 injection scenarios. The strengths and weaknesses of these documents, as discussed and established during the workshops and will be fed-back to the reports and publications.