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All members of staff and job applicants will receive equal treatment regardless of age, colour, disability, ethnic origin, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, nationality, parental status, pregnancy and maternity, political belief, race, religion or belief (including lack of belief), sex, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, or trade union membership.

We particularly welcome and encourage applications from women, disabled people and ethnic minority groups, recognising they are under-represented across Imperial College. The principles of fair and open competition apply and appointments will be made on merit.

Further information on the College's approach to equal opportunities can be found on the Equality webpages and following the links on this page.

All applicants are required to indicate if they require a work permit or visa to take up a post at Imperial College London.  A copy of the Asylum and Immigration Act is available on request or can be viewed at the Home Office website.

By submitting your application, you confirm that you understand that Imperial College will be processing the personal information that you provide for recruitment and selection purposes. Should you accept an offer of employment from the College, the personal data you provide will be processed for employment-related purposes. By consenting to this separately (as requested below), you understand that Imperial College will be processing any “sensitive” personal information you provide, for equality monitoring purposes.

Processing of all personal information data will be in accordance with the principles set out in the data protection legislation including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament (referred to as the GDPR) or any legislation that repeals or replaces this. To find out more regarding how the College will use your information please read the College's Data Protection Policy and Staff Privacy Notice.  Your information will be retained in line with the College’s Retention Schedule.

By continuing with the application process:

1. You confirm that you understand:

  • that the information you disclose, including data deemed “sensitive” or “special categories” data under the GDPR (such as racial/ethnic origin, health, and criminal record data) will be processed by Imperial College for the purposes of your application, and if successful for employment related purposes;
  • that your application and associated information may be provided to those you nominate as referees, and to those referees who are nominated by Imperial College for the purposes of your application and/or subsequent employment;
  • that the College may disclose your personal and sensitive data to relevant organisations during the recruitment and selection process, and during your employment, e.g. with local NHS Trusts, only where itis necessary to do so, and where such disclosure does not contravene legislation, including the provisions of the Equalities Act 2010;

2. You declare that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge; and

3. You confirm that you understand that any false information provided, or deliberate omissions, may result in the rejection of your application, or to disciplinary action should you be employed by the College.