
  • Devices
  • Hierarchical assemblies
  • Biosensing & Bioimaging
  • Solar energy harvesting
  • Fusion energy
  • Plasmonic materials
  • Colloidal processing
  • Ceramic structural properties
  • Fracture toughness

Composite materials offer a unique blend of properties that cannot be achieved using individual materials alone. These advanced properties arise from the synergy of the combination of materials.

Our researchers investigate composite materials for healthcare, aerospace, and nuclear engineering industries. In all these industries, the critical advantage of composites lies in tailoring their properties to meet specific requirements. Current research projects investigate composites for improved bioimaging and sensing, solar energy harvesting and ceramic structural properties.

As technology advances, composites will play an increasingly vital role in addressing these industries' unique challenges and demands, ultimately leading to safer, more efficient, and more effective solutions.


Our researchers:

Dr Florian Bouville

Dr Florian Bouville

Dr Oriol Gavalda Diaz

Dr Oriol Gavalda Diaz

Professor Finn Giuliani

Professor Finn Giuliani

Dr Chun Ann Huang

Chun Ann Huang

Dr Chun Ann Huang

Dr Sam Humphry-Baker

Dr Sam Humphry-Baker

Professor Julian Jones

Professor Julian Jones

Professor Cecilia Mattevi

Cecilia Mattevi

Professor Cecilia Mattevi

Professor Arash Mostofi

Arash Mostofi

Professor Arash Mostofi

Professor Eduardo Saiz Gutierrez

Professor Eduardo Saiz Gutierrez

Dr Peter Petrov

Dr Peter Petrov

Professor Milo Shaffer

Professor Milo Shaffer

Professor Dame Molly Stevens FRS FREng

Professor Dame Molly Stevens FRS FREng

Professor Fang Xie

Professor Fang Xie