Mental health imahge

Welcome to the Bioengineering webpages on student wellbeing.

We believe that successful students require both excellent academic and pastoral support.
On these pages, you will find information on where to find wellbeing support in the department and in the wider College and you will also find information on external organisations.


Our Student Wellbeing Advisor and Disability Officer Sandra Roscoe speaks about her role in the Department of Bioengineering.

An introduction to Student Wellbeing

Our Student Wellbeing Advisor and Disability Officer Sandra Roscoe gives us an insight into her role in the Department of Bioengineering. 

Student support

Pastoral Team
Senior Tutor (taught courses)
Faraz Janan 
 +44 20 7594 5826
• RSM 3.07, 3rd Floor, Royal School of Mines
Warren Macdonald Deputy Senior Tutor
Warren Macdonald
 +44 20 7594 6372
✆ +44 7774 497 872
• RSM 4.35, 4th Floor, Royal School of Mines
Martin Holloway Academic Tutor
Martin Holloway
+44 20 7594 5176
• RSM 3.07, 3rd Floor, Royal School of Mines
  Postgraduate Tutor (PhD and MRes)
Sylvain Ladame 
 +44 (0) 20 7594 5308
• U321A, 3rd Floor, Building E - Sir Michael Uren, White City Campus
Sandra Roscoe Student Wellbeing Advisor and Departmental Disability Officer
Sandra Roscoe
 +44 (0) 20 7594 5181 
•RSM 3.23a, 3rd Floor, Royal School of Mines 
• Part-time (Monday, Wednesday and Thursday).
Head of Student Programmes
Nicola Guirguis 
+44 (0) 7546 406 981
• B314, 3rd Floor, Bessemer Building, South Kensington Campus
Undergraduate and Postgraduate (Taught) Administration
Nicole Harbert Teaching Operations Manager
Nicole Harbert
 +44 (0)20 7594 9296
• BESS 314, 3rd Floor, Bessemer
  Senior Student Administrator (Taught Programmes)
Emily Yillah

  Available on Teams
• BESS 314, 3rd Floor, Bessemer
Student Administrator (Taught Programmes)
Callum Ellison

Available on Teams
• BESS 314, 3rd Floor, Bessemer
Postgraduate (Research) Administration
Photo Details
  Postgraduate Research Student Programmes Manager
Raleigh Mangsat

• ✉
•  Available on Teams
• BESS 314, 3rd Floor, Bessemer 
  Student Administrator (Research Programmes - MRes and PhD)
Kelly Condra 

✆  Available on Teams
• BESS 314, 3rd Floor, Bessemer