Principal Investigators
Professor David Sharp
David Sharp is an NIHR Research Professor and honorary consultant neurologist with a special interest in traumatic brain injury. He runs a multidisciplinary traumatic brain injury clinic at Charing Cross hospital and directs a program of research investigating the impact of traumatic brain injury on cognitive function.
His research uses advanced neuroimaging to study brain network function, both in healthy individuals and following brain injury. By understanding changes in network function he hopes to guide the development of novel treatment strategies for patients with cognitive impairment following brain injury.
Dr Adam Hampshire
Adam Hampshire is a Senior Lecturer in C3NL. The overarching aim of his research is to derive a better understanding of how task active networks in the human brain support key aspects of cognition such as attention, motor response inhibition, working memory, planning and reasoning, and how these aspects of cognition are affected in the pathological brain. He applies a wide range of techniques in pursuit of this aim including functional and structural brain imaging, genotyping, machine learning and computational modelling.
He also has a particular interest in the potential applications of technologies that can be used to apply cognitive testing and training in the home. For example, Apps and websites that can assess large-scale cohorts, track clinical populations longitudinally or deliver cognitive training regimes. Find out more about Dr Hampshire's research
Dr Tony Goldstone
Tony Goldstone is a Clinician Scientist and Consultant Endocrinologist. His research themes include (i) investigating the underlying mechanisms to aid the development of novel therapies of changes in food reward, and eating and addictive behaviours after bariatric surgery and other interventions for obesity, including gastric bypass surgery and the duodenal-jejunal endoluminal bypass liner. (ii) Links between nutritional state, gut hormones, and addictive behaviours as potential treatments for smoking and alcohol dependence, and other addictions. (iii) Pathophysiology of the genetic obesity Prader-Willi syndrome including gastrointestinal hormone abnormalities. (iv) Novel genetic causes of syndromic obesity including carboxypeptidase E mutations and use of next-generation sequencing. (v) Hormonal and metabolic influences on brain recovery after traumatic brain injury
Dr Gregory Scott
Gregory Scott is a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funded Neurology Academic Clinical Lecturer (ACL) and Neurology Specialty Trainee (Registrar). His research is motivated by clinically important questions about consciousness, and its relationship to brain injury, complexity and criticality.
His research has used functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging, positron emission tomography, electroencephalography, computational simulations and voltage indicator imaging.
Dr Lucia Li
Lucia Li is a Clinical Lecturer and specialty registrar in neurology. Her research uses multimodal methods to assess outcomes and treatments for the consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Her most recent projects have used novel combined brain stimulation-brain imaging techniques to investigate the potential for brain stimulation as a treatment for cognitive deficits are TBI.
She is currently working on characterising aggression and emotional lability after TBI, particularly with regards to its links with post-TBI autonomic dysfunction. She is also interested in using wearable technology and remote monitoring, combined with machine learning techniques, to understand the daily impact of emotional dysfunction after TBI.
Dr Stefano Sandrone
Stefano Sandrone is a neuroscientist and teaching fellow in the Faculty of Medicine. Alongside teaching, his academic interests are in neuroimaging, neuroplasticity, history of neurology and of (neuro)science. He is particularly involved in the design and delivery of Imperial’s MRes Experimental Neuroscience and MSc Translational Neuroscience postgraduate programmes.
Dr Wenjia Bai
Wenjia Bai is a lecturer based jointly between the Data Science Institute and Department of Medicine, Imperial College London. His research focuses on developing novel image computing and machine learning algorithms for medical image analysis and applying the algorithms to clinical research.
Currently, he is actively involved in the UK Biobank Imaging Study and UK Digital Heart Project.
Dr Neal Bangerter
Neal has a mixed background from a professional perspective as prior to graduate school, he spent several years as a developer for metrology software company Wilcox Associates and then co-founded data visualisation software company Visualize in 1996. His graduate work focused on the development of new, fast imaging techniques using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Neal subsequently held a variety of positions in the including with McKinsey & Company, Microsoft, and Reactrix.
Neal's research focus has been on musculoskeletal MRI, but he also has experience in a variety of other imaging areas such as cardiac, breast and neuroimaging. He is focused on building the MRI physics and engineering capabilities at Imperial and will be working extensively at both the new high-field MRI facility at St. Thomas' Hospital and the existing MR research facilities at the Hammersmith campus.
Team members
Adriana Azor
Adriana Azor
Research Postgraduate
Claire Baker
Claire Baker
PhD Student
Maria Balaet
Maria Balaet
PhD Student
Niall Bourke
Niall Bourke
Research Postgraduate
Darije Čustović
Darije Čustović
PhD Student
Richard Daws
Richard Daws
Research Postgraduate
Dr Celia Demarchi
Dr Celia Demarchi
Clinical Psychologist
Dr Cornelius Donat
Dr Cornelius Donat
Research Associate
Harry Duckworth
Harry Duckworth
PhD Candidate
Dr Fatemeh Geranmayeh
Dr Fatemeh Geranmayeh
Honorary Clinical Research Fellow
Dr Neil Graham
Dr Neil Graham
Clinical Research Fellow
Dr Richard Ibitoye
Dr Richard Ibitoye
Clinical Research Fellow
Amy Jolly
Amy Jolly
Research Postgraduate
Dr Pete Lally
Dr Pete Lally
BRC MR Physics Fellow
Emma-Jane Mallas
Emma-Jane Mallas
Research Postgraduate
Dr Elena Olgiati
Dr Elena Olgiati
Research Postgraduate
Sebastian Popescu
Sebastian Popescu
Research Postgraduate
Leor Roseman
Leor Roseman
Research Assistant
Eyal Soreq
Eyal Soreq
Research Postgraduate
Chris Timmermann
Chris Timmermann
Research Postgraduate
William Trender
William Trender
Research Postgraduate
Matteo Viñao-Carl
Matteo Viñao-Carl
PhD Researcher
Karl Zimmerman
Karl Zimmerman
Research Technician
Masters Students
Current MSc / MRes Students
Marietou Daou
Briony Goulding
Jessica Hain
Mina Idris
Danielle Kurtin
Helen Lai
Liam Lockhead
Lucy Moid
Garazi Arana Oiarbide
Past laboratory members
Past laboratory members
Expand this section to see our past lab members
- Professor Richard Wise
- Rodrigo Braga
- Nav China
- James Cole
- Sara De Simioni
- Martin Dinov
- Claire Feeney
- Jessica Fleminger
- Nikos Gorgoraptis
- Patrick Grover
- Peter Hellyer
- Pete Jenkins
- Sagar Jilka
- Salwa Kamourieh
- Rob Leech
- Romy Lorenz
- Michael Newson
- Csaba Orban
- Vanessa Raymont
- Stuart Roberts
- Anna Simmonds
- Magdalena Sliwinska
- Jonathan Underwood
- Inês Violante
- Maria Yanez-Lopez