Tissue samples


Group lead
Professor Geraldine Thomas 
+44 (0)20 3311 7342

Related themes

Disease areas

What we do

Our group provides the infrastructure to collect and store human tissue in Imperial College ethically and legally.  We provide advice and services to extract a variety of different analyses for downstream analysis, and the infrastructure to access the diagnostic pathology archive.  

Why it is important

Access to human tissue is essential to understand the molecular mechanisms that underpin disease. Facilitating access to human material in different formats that is appropriately annotated assists ourselves and others to carry out detailed molecular analysis.

How it can benefit patients

Understanding the molecular biology of disease will provide new insights into diagnosis and treatment.

Summary of current research


Public engagement

  • We are actively engaged in public communication of radiation risks related to the nuclear fuel cycle - nuclear accidents, proposed geological disposal facilities in both the UK, US, Europe, Japan and Australia.
  • We provide advice on establishing and maintaining human tissue banks in the UK

Our researchers

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