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  • Conference paper
    Pain CC, Eaton M, Goddard A, 2002,

    Insights into the JCO criticality incident using the coupled radiation/multiphase code FETCH

    , La Grange Park, Illinois, PHYSOR 2002: international conference on the new frontiers of nuclear technology: reactor physics, safety and high-performance computing, Publisher: American Nuclear Society
  • Journal article
    Pain CC, Mansoorzadeh S, Gomes JLMA, de Oliveira CRE, Goddard AJHet al., 2002,

    A Numerical Investigation of Bubbling Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed Dynamics in 2-D Geometries

    , Powder Technology, Vol: 128, Pages: 56-77
  • Conference paper
    Newberry SD, Latham JP, Stewart TP, 2002,

    The effect of rock “blockiness”, aspect ratio and construction methods on the properties of rock armour layers

    , International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Publisher: ASCE
  • Conference paper
    Ziver AK, Pain CC, Carter J, de Oliveira C, Goddard A, Overton RSet al., 2002,

    On the use of artificial neural networks in loading pattern optimisation of advanced gas cooled reactor l (Available on CD-ROM) (Paper no. 9A-02)

    , La Grange Park, Illinois, PHYSOR 2002: international conference on the new frontiers of nuclear technology: reactor physics, safety and high-performance computing, Seoul, Korea, July 2002, Publisher: American Nuclear Society
  • Conference paper
    Ziver AK, Carter J, Pain CC, de Oliveira CRE, Goddard AJH, Overton Ret al., 2002,

    In-core fuel management optimisation of advanced gas cooled reactors using genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks

    , Devon, UK, The Fifth International Conference on Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture
  • Conference paper
    Worthington MH, Saunders J, Pain CC, Jackson Met al., 2002,

    Electrokinetic and VSP monitoring of fluid flow in petroleum reservoirs (Article no.H003)

    , 64th Coference of European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 27 - 30 May, 2002, Florence, Italy, Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Pages: 1-4
  • Conference paper
    Latham JP, 2002,

    Porosity and Packing Simulations of Particles with any Shape or Size – Dynamic 3D results from Combined Discrete Finite Element Models

    , International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Publisher: ASCE
  • Conference paper
    Lathouwers D, Agung A, van der Hagen THJJ, van Dam H, Pain CC, de Oliveira CRE, Goddard AJHet al., 2002,

    Dynamics modeling and stability analysis of a fluidized bed nuclear reactor

    , Goteborg, Sweden, SMORN VIII Symposium on Nuclear Reactor Surveillance and Diagnostics, Pages: 1-6
  • Conference paper
    Pain CC, Eaton MD, Gomes JLMA, de Oliveira CRE, Umpleby AP, Ziver AK, Ackroyd RT, Miles B, Goddard AJHet al., 2002,

    Space-dependent Dynamics of a Stabilised Nuclear Fluidised Bed Reactor

    , Seoul, Korea, PHYSOR 2002
  • Conference paper
    Gomes JLMA, Pain CC, de Oliveira CRE, Goddard AJHet al., 2002,

    A Numerical Investigation of Cluster Formation and Break-up in 2D Risers

    , Sydney Australia, the 4th Word Congress in Particle Technology
  • Conference paper
    Agung A, Lathouwers D, van der Hagen THJJ, van Dam H, Pain CC, de Oliveira CRE, Goddard AJHet al., 2002,

    Analysis of operational transients in a fluidized bed nuclear reactor

    , Petten, The Netherlands, Conference on HTR-2002, Pages: 292-296
  • Conference paper
    Herwanger JV, Pain CC, de Oliveira CRE, 2002,

    Electrical and seismic inversion in anisotropic inhomogeneuos media

    , Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, the 4th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Eng, Pages: 273-283
  • Journal article
    Budd CJ, Leimkuhler B, Piggott MD, 2001,

    Scaling invariance and adaptivity

    , APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS, Vol: 39, Pages: 261-288, ISSN: 0168-9274
  • Journal article
    Latham JP, Lu Y, Munjiza A, 2001,

    A random method for simulating loose packs of angular particles using tetrahedra

    , GEOTECHNIQUE, Vol: 51, Pages: 871-879, ISSN: 0016-8505
  • Journal article
    Grassia P, Cilliers JJ, Neethling SJ, Ventura-Medina Eet al., 2001,

    Quasi-one-dimensional foam drainage

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL E, Vol: 6, Pages: 325-348, ISSN: 1292-8941
  • Journal article
    Neethling SJ, Cilliers JJ, 2001,

    The physical modeling of foam and froth behavior

    , CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, Vol: 24, Pages: 1309-1312, ISSN: 0930-7516
  • Journal article
    Neethling SJ, Cilliers JJ, 2001,

    Simulation of the effect of froth washing on flotation performance

    , CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, Vol: 56, Pages: 6303-6311, ISSN: 0009-2509
  • Journal article
    Grassia PS, Cilliers JJ, Neethling SJ, 2001,

    The foam geometry "paradox"

    , CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Vol: 79, Pages: 1265-1281, ISSN: 0008-4204
  • Journal article
    Pain CC, De Oliveira CRE, Goddard AJH, Umpleby APet al., 2001,

    Criticality behavior of dilute plutonium solutions

    , NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, Vol: 135, Pages: 194-215, ISSN: 0029-5450
  • Journal article
    Cilliers JJ, Xie W, Neethling SJ, Randall EW, Wilkinson AJet al., 2001,

    Electrical resistance tomography using a bi-directional current pulse technique

    , MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol: 12, Pages: 997-1001, ISSN: 0957-0233
  • Journal article
    Pain CC, Mansoorzadeh S, de Oliveira CRE, Goddard AJHet al., 2001,

    Numerical modelling of gas-solid fluidized beds using the two-fluid approach

  • Journal article
    Pain CC, de Oliveira CRE, Goddard AJH, Umpleby APet al., 2001,

    Transient criticality in fissile solutions - Compressibility effects

    , NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol: 138, Pages: 78-95, ISSN: 0029-5639
  • Journal article
    Budd CJ, Piggott MD, 2001,

    The geometric integration of scale-invariant ordinary and partial differential equations

  • Journal article
    Pain CC, Mansoorzadeh S, de Oliveira CRE, 2001,

    A study of bubbling and slugging fluidised beds using the two-fluid granular temperature model

    , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW, Vol: 27, Pages: 527-551, ISSN: 0301-9322
  • Journal article
    Fang F, Johnston AJ, 2001,

    Oil Containment by Boom in Waves and Wind Part I: Two-phase numerical model

    , J. of Water, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol: 127
  • Conference paper
    Gomes JLMA, Pain CC, de Oliveira CRE, Goddard AJHet al., 2001,

    Heat Transfer Models for Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds with Internals

    , the First MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Pages: 1194-1204
  • Journal article
    Pain CC, de Oliveira CRE, Goddard AJH, 2001,

    Transient Simulations of the Tokai-Mura Criticality Accident

    , Journal of the British Nuclear Energy Society, Vol: 67, Pages: 45-54
  • Conference paper
    Pain CC, Yamane Y, Goddard AJH, de Oliveira CREet al., 2001,

    Status of the FETCH Transient Criticality Code and Application to TRACY Data and Dosimetry Applications

    , Toki-Mora, Japan, the 3nd NUCEF International Symposium
  • Conference paper
    Worthington MH, Pain CC, 2001,

    Electrokinetic Monitoring of Fluid Flow in Permeable Rocks

    , Churchill College, Cambridge, the 3rd IMA Conference on Modelling Permeable Rocks; Advances in the Quantification of Geology for Petroleum and Groundwater Applications
  • Journal article
    Pain CC, Umpleby AP, de Oliveira CRE, Goddard AJHet al., 2001,

    Tetrahedral mesh optimisation and adaptivity for steady-state and transient finite element calculations

  • Journal article
    Fang F, Johnston AJ, 2001,

    Oil Containment by Boom in Waves and Wind Part II: Interfacial waves and oil free surface waves

    , J. of Water, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol: 127
  • Journal article
    Fang F, Johnston AJ, 2001,

    Oil Containment by Boom in Waves and Wind Part III: Oil containment failure

    , J. of Water, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol: 127
  • Conference paper
    Gorman G, Wilson N, Butler R, Shearer Aet al., 2001,

    Massively parallel image restoration with spatially variant point-spread-function

    , International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA 2001), Publisher: C S R E A PRESS, Pages: 1073-1079
  • Conference paper
    Latham JP, Newberry SD, Mannion M, Simm JDet al., 2001,

    The void porosity of rock armour in coastal structures with reference to measurement and payment issues

    , International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Publisher: ASCE
  • Journal article
    Pain CC, de Oliveira CRE, Goddard AJH, Umpleby APet al., 2001,

    Non-linear space-dependent kinetics for the criticality assessment of fissile solutions

    , PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY, Vol: 39, Pages: 53-114, ISSN: 0149-1970
  • Journal article
    De Oliveira CRE, Eaton MD, Umpleby AP, Pain CCet al., 2001,

    Finite element-spherical harmonics solutions of the 3D Kobayashi benchmarks with ray-tracing void treatment

    , PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY, Vol: 39, Pages: 243-261, ISSN: 0149-1970
  • Book chapter
    Yoshida S, Jackson MD, Johnson HD, Muggeridge AH, Martinius AWet al., 2001,

    Outcrop studies of tidal sandstones for reservoir characterization (Lower Cretaceous Vectis formation, Isle of Wight, Southern England)

    , Editors: Martinsen, Dreyer, Publisher: Elsevier, Pages: 233-258, ISBN: 9780444502414
  • Conference paper
    Pain CC, Gomes, JLMA, Eaton MD, de Oliveira CRE, Umpleby AP, Goddard AJH, van Dam H, van der Hagen, THJJ, Lathouwers Det al., 2001,

    A conceptual fluidised particle-bed reactor - application of space-dependent kinetics

    , Paris, Advanced reactors with innovative fuels, Publisher: Nuclear Energy Agency, Pages: 63-70
  • Conference paper
    Pain CC, Gomes, JLMA, Eaton MD, de Oliveira CRE, Umpleby AP, Goddard AJH, van Dam H, van der Hagen, THJJ, Lathouwers Det al., 2001,

    A conceptual fluidised particle-bed reactor - application of space-dependent kinetics

    , Paris, Advanced reactors with innovative fuels, Publisher: Nuclear Energy Agency, Pages: 63-70
  • Journal article
    Neethling SJ, Cilliers JJ, Woodburn ET, 2000,

    Prediction of the water distribution in a flowing foam

    , CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, Vol: 55, Pages: 4021-4028, ISSN: 0009-2509
  • Conference paper
    Lu Y, Munjiza A, 2000,

    Element assembly of angular particles for packing simulations

    , 8th Annual UK Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering
  • Conference paper
    de Oliveira CRE, Pain CC, Eaton M, 2000,

    Hierarchical Angular Preconditioning for the Finite Element-Spherical Harmonics Radiation Transport Method

    , Pittsburgh, USA, PHYSOR 2000 ANS International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and Mathematics and Computation into the Next Millenium
  • Conference paper
    Ford R, Pain CC, de Oliveira CRE, Goddard AJH, Umpleby Aet al., 2000,

    A 3-D finite element ocean model

    , Nice, France, EGS XXV General Assembly
  • Conference paper
    Blunt MJ, Jackson MD, 2000,

    Dynamic Upscaling from the Pore to the Reservoir Scale

    , 21st Annual International Energy Agency Workshop, Edinburgh, UK, 19-22 September
  • Journal article
    Munjiza A, Latham JP, John NWM, 2000,

    Detonation gas model for the combined finite-discrete element simulation of fracture and fragmentation

    , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol: 49, Pages: 1495-1520
  • Journal article
    Jackson MD, Muggeridge AH, 2000,

    Effect of discontinuous shales on reservoir performance during horizontal waterflooding

    , SPE Journal, Vol: 5, Pages: 446-455, ISSN: 1086-055X
  • Conference paper
    Budd CJ, Piggott MD, 2000,

    Geometric integration and its applications

    , Reading, Proceedings of European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting: Workshop on Developments in numerical methods for very high resolution global models, Publisher: ECMWF, Pages: 93-118
  • Journal article
    Pain CC, Goddard AJH, 2000,

    Dual basis and characteristic discontinuous finite element discretizations for the Boltzmann transport equation

    , Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, Vol: 29, Pages: 681-697
  • Journal article
    Morgan JV, Warner MR, Collins G, Melosh HJ, Christeson GLet al., 2000,

    Peak-ring formation in large impact craters: geophysical constraints from Chicxulub

    , Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol: 183, Pages: 347-354, ISSN: 0012-821X
  • Journal article
    Pain CC, Goddard AJH, 2000,

    Insights into prolonged solution criticality incidents, using the coupled radiation/multiphase code FETCH

    , Nuclear Energy, Vol: 39, Pages: 381-385

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