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You may be required to study or work from home. Here are some practical reminders for how to do so healthily and safely.

2 block: workstation and wellbeing

Working Zone set up

You can reduce your risk of musculoskeletal injury simply by setting up your working zone and arranging the equipment on your desk into zones. There is a lot you can do to work well at home to prevent discomfort. Please take some time to:

Setting up your working zone at home is similar to studying and working in the Department. Your working zone should include:

  • A table/desk
  • A chair
  • Laptop, tablet or PC
  • Peripherals e.g., mouse, keyboard

Find an area with adequate space to set up a suitable working zone. Ensure there is sufficient light, ventilation and no trailing cords.


It is important to take regular breaks and maintain positive wellbeing when studying and working from home. Make sure to:

  • Take a micro-break (2-3 minutes) every 20 minutes.
  • Take a break (5 minutes) every hour e.g., make a hot drink or walk around the room.
  • Do simple Workstation Exercises [PDF].
  • Keep hydrated and drink water.
  • Enjoy healthy snacks and avoid sugary or fatty foods.
  • Stay connected and maintain social connections with your team, family, friends and community. Keep regular contact with your tutor and peers to keep them informed you are safe and well.

Colour block

Electrical safety

Check your electrical equipment is still safe to use.

Do not overload sockets or daisy chain extension leads.

Become familiar with all escape routes in case of a fire and make sure they are clear.

Avoid eyestrain

Eyestrain is a common problem for people who spend many hours at a computer screen or reading fine print documents. If you stare at something for too long, your eyes can tire. To avoid fatigue, eyes need to focus at different distances from time to time. It's a good idea to follow the 20:20:20 rule - every twenty minutes, look twenty feet away for twenty seconds.

ESE Health and Safety

Due to the complex mix of risks within the department, finding out what procedures to follow and how to apply them can be a little daunting. 

Visit the ESE Health and Safety guidance pages.

ESE Fieldwork Information