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Journal articleMuxworthy AR, 2013,
The role of magnetic interactions in natural systems
, Astronomy & Geophysics, Vol: 54, Pages: 31-35 -
Conference paperHodgson E, Biggin AJ, Hill M, et al., 2013,
Understanding non-ideal behaviour in interacting single domain and multi-domain magnetite using synthetic magnetite samples (poster)
, Magnetic Interactions -
Conference paperAbubakar R, Muxworthy AR, Sephton MA, et al., 2013,
Experimental investigation of magnetic mineral formation in hydrocarbon environments (poster)
, Magnetic Interactions -
Conference paperMuxworthy AR, Evans ME, Scourfield S, et al., 2013,
Revisiting the the Modipe Gabbro: new palaeointensity data
, Magnetic Interactions -
Conference paperLappe S-CLL, Feinberg J, Muxworthy AR, et al., 2013,
Comparison and calibration of non-heating palaeointensity methods: a case study using dusty olivine
, Magnetic Interactions -
Journal articleMuxworthy AR, Evans ME, 2013,
Micromagnetics and magnetomineralogy of ultrafine magnetite inclusions in the Modipe Gabbro
, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, ISSN: 1525-2027 -
Conference paperShah J, Ashley J, Muxworthy AR, et al., 2013,
Palaeomagnetic investigation of the South Atlantic geomagnetic anomaly using Quaternary Tristan da Cunha lavas
, Magnetic Interactions -
Conference paperDodd S, Muxworthy AR, Mac Niocaill C, 2013,
Taking the pulse of the Parana-Etendeká large igneous province (poster)
, IAGA -
Book chapterElmore RD, Muxworthy AR, Aldana MM, 2012,
Remagnetization and chemical alteration of sedimentary rocks
, Remagnetization and Chemical Alteration of Sedimentary Rocks, Editors: Elmore, Muxworthy, Aldana, Mena, London, Publisher: Geological Society -
Journal articleChang L, Roberts AP, Williams W, et al., 2012,
Giant magnetofossils and hyperthermal events
, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol: 351-352, Pages: 258-269 -
Conference paperAlmeida TP, Muxworthy AR, Williams W, et al., 2012,
Dynamic exsolution of titanomagnetites and their associated magnetic response examined by complementary environmental TEM and off-axis electron holography
, European Microscopy Congress -
Book chapterEmmerton S, Muxworthy AR, Sephton MA, 2012,
Magnetic characterization of oil sands at Osmington Mills and Mupe Bay, Wessex Basin, UK
, Remagnetization and Chemical Alteration of Sedimentary Rocks, Editors: Elmore, Muxworthy, Aldana, Mena, Elmore, Muxworthy, Aldana, Mena, London, Publisher: Geological Society, Pages: 189-198 -
Conference paperBiggin AJ, Badejo S, Shaw J, et al., 2012,
How does cooling rate affect the intensity of thermoremanent magnetisation in samples containing multidomain and interacting single domain ferrimagnetic grains? (poster)
, EGU -
Conference paperHarrison RJ, Muxworthy AR, Lappe SCLL, 2012,
FORCintense: A graphical implementation of the Preisach method of paleointensity estimation within FORCinel
, EGU -
Conference paperMuxworthy AR, Evans ME, 2012,
How well can “single crystals” record the geomagnetic field?
, Magnetic Relaxation
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