
BibTex format

author = {Onyenanu, GI and Jacquemyn, CEMM and Graham, GH and Hampson, GJ and Fitch, PJR and Jackson, MD},
doi = {10.1111/sed.12444},
journal = {Sedimentology},
pages = {1731--1760},
title = {Geometry, distribution and fill of erosional scours in a heterolithic, distal lower shoreface sandstone reservoir analogue: Grassy Member, Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah, USA},
url = {},
volume = {65},
year = {2018}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AB - Many shoreface sandstone reservoirs host significant hydrocarbon volumes within distal intervals of interbedded sandstones and mudstones. Hydrocarbon production from these reservoir intervals depends on the abundance and proportion of sandstone beds that are connected by erosional scours, and on the lateral extent and continuity of interbedded mudstones. Cliffface exposures of the Campanian ‘G2’ parasequence, Grassy Member, Blackhawk Formation in the Book Cliffs of eastcentral Utah, USA, allow detailed characterization of 128 erosional scours within such interbedded sandstones and mudstones in a volume of 148 m length, 94 m width and 15 m height. The erosional scours have depths of up to 1·1 m, apparent widths of up to 15·1 m and steep sides (up to 35°) that strike approximately perpendicular (N099 ± 36°) to the local north–south palaeoshoreline trend. The scours have limited lateral continuity along strike and down dip, and a relatively narrow range of apparent aspect ratio (apparent width/depth), implying that their threedimensional geometry is similar to nonchannelized pot casts. There is no systematic variation in scour dimensions, but ‘scour density’ is greater in amalgamated (conjoined) sandstone beds over 0·5 m thick, and increases upward within vertical successions of upwardthickening conjoined sandstone beds. There is no apparent organization of the overall lateral distribution of scours, although localized clustering implies that some scours were reoccupied during multiple erosional events. Scour occurrence is also associated with locally increased amplitude and laminaset thickness of hummocky crossstratification in sandstone beds. The geometry, distribution and infill character of the scours imply that they were formed by stormgenerated currents coincident with riverine sediment influx (‘storm floods’). The erosional scours increase the vertical and lateral connectivity
AU - Onyenanu,GI
AU - Jacquemyn,CEMM
AU - Graham,GH
AU - Hampson,GJ
AU - Fitch,PJR
AU - Jackson,MD
DO - 10.1111/sed.12444
EP - 1760
PY - 2018///
SN - 0037-0746
SP - 1731
TI - Geometry, distribution and fill of erosional scours in a heterolithic, distal lower shoreface sandstone reservoir analogue: Grassy Member, Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah, USA
T2 - Sedimentology
UR -
VL - 65
ER -