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  • Conference paper
    Sanderson D, Pitt J, Busquets D, 2013,

    Interactions of Multiple Self-Adaptive Mechanisms in Multi-Agent Systems

    , 12th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 301-308
  • Conference paper
    Blasco P, Gunduz D, Dohler M, 2012,

    A learning theoretic approach to scheduling in energy harvesting communication systems

    , IEEE Globecom Int'l Workshop on Machine-to-Machine Communications
  • Conference paper
    Tan O, Gunduz D, Poor HV, 2012,

    Smart meter privacy in the presence of energy harvesting and storage devices

    , IEEE Int'l Conf. on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)
  • Journal article
    Glied S, Smith PC, 2012,


    , The Oxford Handbook of Health Economics

    The discipline of health economics builds on the insights of microeconomic theory and has developed a substantial empirical basis. It has contributed significantly to addressing and understanding the profound health issues confronted in almost all countries, and has a large impact on the development, implementation, and evaluation of health systems policy. This article helps to investigate areas of interest to policymakers. It discusses the best way to organize and compensate health care providers and describes the rapid growth in expenditure in most developed countries. It discusses the factors that have driven this growth, such as population aging, general economic growth, and the adoption and use of new medical technologies. It surveys the successes and lacunae of the health economics research endeavor and hopes that such successes will be replicated and extended in the future.

  • Journal article
    Yang Q, Laurenson DI, Barria JA, 2012,

    On the use of LEO satellite constellation for active network management in power distribution networks

    , IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol: 3, Pages: 1371-1381, ISSN: 1949-3053

    The passive nature of power distribution networkshas been changing to an active one in recent years as the number of small-scale Distributed Generators (DGs) connected to them rises. The consensus of recent research is that currentslow central network control based upon Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems is no longer sufficient and Distributed Network Operators (DNOs) wish to adopt novelmanagement mechanisms coupled with advanced communication infrastructures to meet the emerging control challenges. In thispaper, we address this issue from the communication perspective by exploiting the effectiveness of using a Low Earth Orbit (LEO)satellite network as the key component of the underlying communication infrastructure to support a recently suggested activenetwork management solution. The key factors that would affect the communication performance over satellite links are discussed and an analytical LEO network model is presented. The delivery performance of several major data services for supporting the management solution is evaluated against a wide range of satellitelink delay and loss conditions under both normal and emergency traffic scenarios through extensive simulation experiments. Our investigation demonstrates encouraging results which suggests that a LEO network can be a viable communication solution for managing the next-generation power energy networks.

  • Journal article
    Devillers B, Guenduez D, 2012,

    A general framework for the optimization of energy harvesting communication systems with battery imperfections

    , Journal of Communications and Networks, Vol: 14, Pages: 130-139, ISSN: 1229-2370

    Energy harvesting has emerged as a powerful technology for complementing current battery-powered communication systems in order to extend their lifetime. In this paper a general framework is introduced for the optimization of communication systems in which the transmitter is able to harvest energy from its environment. Assuming that the energy arrival process is known non-causally at the transmitter, the structure of the optimal transmission scheme, which maximizes the amount of transmitted data by a given deadline, is identified. Our framework includes models with continuous energy arrival as well as battery constraints. A battery that suffers from energy leakage is studied further, and the optimal transmission scheme is characterized for a constant leakage rate.

  • Conference paper
    Lee K, Kim TK, Demiris Y, 2012,

    Learning Reusable Task Components using Hierarchical Activity Grammars with Uncertainties

    , St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 1994-1999

    We present a novel learning method using activity grammars capable of learning reusable task components from a reasonably small number of samples under noisy conditions. Our linguistic approach aims to extract the hierarchical structure of activities which can be recursively applied to help recognize unforeseen, more complicated tasks that share the same underlying structures. To achieve this goal, our method 1) actively searches for frequently occurring action symbols that are subset of input samples to effectively discover the hierarchy, and 2) explicitly takes into account the uncertainty values associated with input symbols due to the noise inherent in low-level detectors. In addition to experimenting with a synthetic dataset to systematically analyze the algorithm's performance, we apply our method in human-led imitation learning environment where a robot learns reusable components of the task from short demonstrations to correctly imitate more complicated, longer demonstrations of the same task category. The results suggest that under reasonable amount of noise, our method is capable to capture the reusable structures of tasks and generalize to cope with recursions.

  • Journal article
    Jain A, Guenduez D, Kulkarni SR, Poor HV, Verdu Set al., 2012,

    Energy-Distortion Tradeoffs in Gaussian Joint Source-Channel Coding Problems

    , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, Vol: 58, Pages: 3153-3168, ISSN: 0018-9448
  • Journal article
    Blasco P, Gunduz D, Dohler M, 2012,

    A Learning Theoretic Approach to Energy Harvesting Communication System Optimization

    , 2012 IEEE GLOBECOM WORKSHOPS (GC WKSHPS), Pages: 1657-1662, ISSN: 2166-0069
  • Conference paper
    Estella Aguerri I, Gunduz D, 2012,

    Capacity of a Class of Relay Channels with State

    , IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 277-281
  • Conference paper
    Sanderson D, Busquets D, Pitt J, 2012,

    A Micro-Meso-Macro Approach to Intelligent Transportation Systems

    , 6th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops (SASO), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 77-82, ISSN: 1949-3673
  • Conference paper
    Lent R, Minero M, North R, Barria Jet al., 2012,

    Evaluating Mobility Models in Participatory Sensing

    , ACM international workshop on Mission-oriented wireless sensor networking, Publisher: ACM, Pages: 3-8
  • Conference paper
    Estella Aguerri I, Gunduz D, 2011,

    Distortion Exponent in Fading MIMO Channels with Time-Varying Side Information

    , IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 548-552
  • Conference paper
    Estella Aguerri I, Gunduz D, 2011,

    Expected Distortion with Fading Channel and Side Information Quality

    , IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Publisher: IEEE, ISSN: 1550-3607
  • Journal article
    Barria JA, Thajchayapong S, 2011,

    Detection and classification of traffic anomalies using microscopic traffic variables

    , IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Pages: 1-10, ISSN: 1524-9050
  • Conference paper
    Estella Aguerri I, Gunduz D, 2011,

    Wireless source transmission with time-varying side information

    , Pages: 372-372
  • Journal article
    Yang Q, Barria JA, Green TC, 2011,

    Communication Infrastructures for DistributedControl of Power Distribution Networks

    , IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol: 7, Pages: 316-327, ISSN: 1551-3203
  • Conference paper
    Devillers B, Guenduez D, 2011,

    Energy Harvesting Communication System with Battery Constraint and Leakage

    , IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 383-388, ISSN: 2166-0069
  • Journal article
    Garcia-Trevino E, Barria JA, 2011,

    Online wavelet-based density estimation for non stationary streaming data

    , Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol: 56, Pages: 327-344, ISSN: 0167-9473
  • Conference paper
    Cocco G, Ibars C, Guenduez D, Herrero ODRet al., 2011,

    Collision Resolution in Multiple Access Networks with Physical-Layer Network Coding and Distributed Fountain Coding

    , IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 3120-3123, ISSN: 1520-6149
  • Book chapter
    Lent R, Barria J, 2011,

    Towards Reliable Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    , Mobile Ad-hoc Networks: Protocol Design, Pages: 99-120, ISBN: 978-953-307-402-3
  • Journal article
    Liu N, Guenduez D, Goldsmith AJ, Poor HVet al., 2010,

    Interference Channels With Correlated Receiver Side Information

    , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, Vol: 56, Pages: 5984-5998, ISSN: 0018-9448
  • Conference paper
    Thajchayapong S, Barria JA, Garcia-Trevino E, 2010,

    Lane-level traffic estimations using microscopic traffic variables

    , Proceedings of 13th IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 1189-1194
  • Journal article
    Gunduz D, Khojastepour MAA, Goldsmith A, Poor HVet al., 2010,

    Multi-Hop MIMO Relay Networks: Diversity-Multiplexing Trade-off Analysis

    , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, Vol: 9, Pages: 1738-1747, ISSN: 1536-1276
  • Journal article
    Nayak J, Tuncel E, Gunduz D, Erkip Eet al., 2010,

    Successive Refinement of Vector Sources Under Individual Distortion Criteria

    , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, Vol: 56, Pages: 1769-1781, ISSN: 0018-9448
  • Conference paper
    Thajchayapong S, Barria JA, 2010,

    Anomaly Detection using Microscopic TrafficVariables on Freeway Segments

    , Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting

    This paper proposes and assesses the effectiveness of monitoring vehicular traffic anomalies usingmicroscopic traffic variables, namely relative speed and inter-vehicle spacing. We present analgorithm that detects transient changes in traffic patterns using microscopic traffic variables. Inparticular, we show that when applied to real-world scenarios, our algorithm can use the varianceof statistics of relative speed to detect traffic anomalies and precursors to non-recurring traffic congestion.The performance of the proposed algorithm is also assessed using a microscopic trafficsimulation environment, where we show that with minimum prior knowledge, the proposed algorithmhas comparable performance to an ideally placed loop detector monitoring the standarddeviation of speed. The algorithm also performs very well even when the microscopic traffic variablesare available only from a fraction of the complete population of vehicles.

  • Conference paper
    Han J, Krishnan R, Polak JW, Barria Jet al., 2010,

    A new method for probabilistic traffic state identification using loop detector data: theory and empirical results

    , 42nd Annual Meeting of the Universities Transport Study Group
  • Journal article
    Han J, Polak JW, Barria J, Krishnan Ret al., 2010,

    On the estimation of space-mean-speed from inductive loop detector data

    , TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol: 33, Pages: 91-104, ISSN: 0308-1060
  • Conference paper
    Estella Aguerri I, Gunduz D, 2010,

    Hybrid Digital-Analog Transmission for the Gaussian One-helper Problem

    , IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 1-5, ISSN: 1930-529X
  • Conference paper
    Guenduez D, Payaro M, 2010,

    Gaussian Two-way Relay Channel with Arbitrary Inputs

    , 21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 678-683

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