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Book chapterGunduz D, Erkip E, Poor V, 2010,
Source coding under security constraints
, Securing Wireless Communications at the Physical Layer, Editors: Liu, Trappe, Publisher: Springer-Verlag -
Journal articleRegner T, Barria J, Pitt J, et al., 2010,
Governance of Digital Content in the Era of Mass Participation
, Electronic Commerce Research, Vol: 10, Pages: 99-110, ISSN: 1389-5753 -
Conference paperGuenduez D, Simeone O, 2010,
On the Capacity Region of a Multiple Access Channel with Common Messages
, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 470-474- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 13
Journal articleRegner T, Barria JA, Pitt JV, et al., 2009,
An artist life cycle model for digital media content: Strategies for the Light Web and the Dark Web
Conference paperYang Q, Barria JA, 2009,
ICT system for managing medium voltage distribution grids
, 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON2009), Publisher: IEEE -
Journal articleNg CTK, Guenduez D, Goldsmith AJ, et al., 2009,
Distortion Minimization in Gaussian Layered Broadcast Coding With Successive Refinement
, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, Vol: 55, Pages: 5074-5086, ISSN: 0018-9448- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 45
Conference paperThajchayapong S, Barria JA, 2009,
Detection of Lane-Blocking on Freeway Segments using Relative Speed and Lane Changing Trajectory
, Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation System Telecommunications, Publisher: IEEE -
Journal articleGunduz D, Erkip E, Goldsmith A, et al., 2009,
Source and Channel Coding for Correlated Sources Over Multiuser Channels
, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, Vol: 55, Pages: 3927-3944, ISSN: 0018-9448- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 59
Conference paperYang Q, Barria JA, Hernandez Aramburo C, 2009,
Communication infrastructures to facilitate regional voltage control of active radial distribution network
, 52nd IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS2009), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 284-287 -
Conference paperLent R, Barria JA, 2009,
Sensor-Aided Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
, Wireless Sensor Networks Symposium (IWCMC) -
Conference paperYen C, Barria J, 2009,
The role of Communication to enable Smart Distribution Applications
, 20th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) -
Conference paperYang Q, Barria JA, Hernandez Aramburo C, 2009,
A communication system for regional control of power distribution networks
, 7th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN20097th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN2009), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 372-377 -
Journal articleSimeone O, Gunduz D, Poor HV, et al., 2009,
Compound Multiple-Access Channels With Partial Cooperation
, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, Vol: 55, Pages: 2425-2441, ISSN: 0018-9448- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 42
Journal articleGunduz D, Simeone O, Goldsmith AJ, et al., 2009,
Multiple Multicasts with the Help of a Relay
, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol: 56, Pages: 6142-6158The problem of simultaneous multicasting of multiple messages with the helpof a relay terminal is considered. In particular, a model is studied in which arelay station simultaneously assists two transmitters in multicasting theirindependent messages to two receivers. The relay may also have an independentmessage of its own to multicast. As a first step to address this general model,referred to as the compound multiple access channel with a relay (cMACr), thecapacity region of the multiple access channel with a "cognitive" relay ischaracterized, including the cases of partial and rate-limited cognition. Then,achievable rate regions for the cMACr model are presented based ondecode-and-forward (DF) and compress-and-forward (CF) relaying strategies.Moreover, an outer bound is derived for the special case, called the cMACrwithout cross-reception, in which each transmitter has a direct link to one ofthe receivers while the connection to the other receiver is enabled onlythrough the relay terminal. The capacity region is characterized for a binarymodulo additive cMACr without cross-reception, showing the optimality of binarylinear block codes, thus highlighting the benefits of physical layer networkcoding and structured codes. Results are extended to the Gaussian channel modelas well, providing achievable rate regions for DF and CF, as well as for astructured code design based on lattice codes. It is shown that the performancewith lattice codes approaches the upper bound for increasing power, surpassingthe rates achieved by the considered random coding-based techniques.
Journal articleRegner T, Barria JA, 2009,
Do Consumers Pay Voluntarily? The Case of Online Music
, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol: 71, Pages: 395-406, ISSN: 0167-2681 -
Journal articleAlarcon-Aquino V, Barria JA, 2009,
Change Detection in Time Series using The Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform
, Latin American Arbitration Review, Vol: 39, Pages: 145-152, ISSN: 0327-0793 -
Conference paperRenk T, Jaekel H, Jondral FK, et al., 2009,
Outage Capacity of Incremental Relaying at Low Signal-to-Noise Ratios
, 70th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 440-+, ISSN: 2577-2465 -
Journal articleZachariadis G, Barria JA, 2008,
Dynamic pricing and resource allocation using revenue management for multiservice networks
, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol: 5, Pages: 215-226, ISSN: 1932-4537In this paper we develop a novel multiple-classes-ofservice framework where offered prices and QoS are allowed to be actively modified by the provider, depending on the demand and the congestion of the system. We obtain a solution to the problem by using dynamic programming. These results are then extended to a network environment using a decomposition approach. The decomposition approach makes our solution scalable, since single-link solutions are used and minimal amount of information is explicitly exchanged. Assessments carried out for small networks show that the obtained income is improved between 2%-20% when compared to a static approach and to other approaches where only price or quality are allowed to be adaptive.
Conference paperLi Z, Barria J, Lent R, 2008,
Evaluation of A WSN Assisted MANET Routing Algorithm
, Proc. of the IET Target Tracking and Data Fusion Seminar: Algorithms & Applications -
Journal articleSalles RM, Barria JA, 2008,
Lexicographic maximin optimisation for fair bandwidth allocation in computer networks
, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, Vol: 185, Pages: 778-794, ISSN: 0377-2217 -
Journal articleGunduz D, Erkip E, 2008,
Joint Source-Channel Codes for MIMO Block Fading Channels
, IEEE Transactions Information Theory, Vol: 54, Pages: 116-134, ISSN: 0018-9448We consider transmission of a continuous amplitude source over an L-blockRayleigh fading $M_t \times M_r$ MIMO channel when the channel stateinformation is only available at the receiver. Since the channel is notergodic, Shannon's source-channel separation theorem becomes obsolete and theoptimal performance requires a joint source -channel approach. Our goal is tominimize the expected end-to-end distortion, particularly in the high SNRregime. The figure of merit is the distortion exponent, defined as theexponential decay rate of the expected distortion with increasing SNR. Weprovide an upper bound and lower bounds for the distortion exponent withrespect to the bandwidth ratio among the channel and source bandwidths. For thelower bounds, we analyze three different strategies based on layered sourcecoding concatenated with progressive, superposition or hybrid digital/analogtransmission. In each case, by adjusting the system parameters we optimize thedistortion exponent as a function of the bandwidth ratio. We prove that thedistortion exponent upper bound can be achieved when the channel has only onedegree of freedom, that is L=1, and $\min\{M_t,M_r\}=1$. When we have moredegrees of freedom, our achievable distortion exponents meet the upper boundfor only certain ranges of the bandwidth ratio. We demonstrate that ourresults, which were derived for a complex Gaussian source, can be extended tomore general source distributions as well.
Journal articleGelenbe E, Tilbrook A, Vinter R, 2007,
Editorial: Introduction to the special issue
, COMPUTER JOURNAL, Vol: 50, Pages: 630-631, ISSN: 0010-4620 -
Journal articleGuenduez D, Erkip E, 2007,
Source and channel coding for cooperative relaying
, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, Vol: 53, Pages: 3454-3475, ISSN: 0018-9448- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 71
Conference paperZachariadis G, Barria JA, 2007,
Load distribution for telecommunications networks using revenue management
, Pages: 325-330 -
Journal articleShutoy HY, Guenduez D, Erkip E, et al., 2007,
Cooperative Source and Channel Coding for Wireless Multimedia Communications
, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING, Vol: 1, Pages: 295-307, ISSN: 1932-4553- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 30
Journal articleZachariadis G, Barria J, 2007,
Demand management for telecommunications services
, Computer Networks, Vol: 51, Pages: 3507-3524, ISSN: 1389-1286 -
Journal articleMayer D, Barria J A, 2007,
Bandwidth Allocation for a Revenue-Aware Network Utility Maximisation
, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol: 11 -
Conference paperZachariadis G, Barria JA, 2007,
Dynamic Revenue Management for Flows in Packet Networks
, Pages: 2076-2081 -
Journal articleUsaha W, Barria J A, 2007,
Reinforcement learning for resource allocation in LEO satellite networks
, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – B, Vol: 37, Pages: 515-527, ISSN: 1083-4419 -
Conference paperGiaffreda R, Barria JA, 2007,
Service Delivery in Collaborative Contex-aware environments using Fuzzy Logic
, Pages: 2045-2049
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