Academic staff research areas
Research Group Researcher Interests
Circuits and Systems Christos Bouganis Machine learning, embedded systems, FPGAs, reconfigurable computing, computer vision, UAVs
Circuits and Systems Peter Cheung VLSI circuits, FPGA and reconfigurable systems, hardware architecture,
digital circuits and systems
Circuits and Systems  Tim Constandinou Low power electronics, biomedical electronics, neural microsystems, neural interfaces, neural prosthetics, implantable devices, electroeuticals, bioelectricals
Circuits and Systems George Constantinides High-level synthesis, reconfigurable computing, hardware compilers, and
computer arithmetic
Circuits and Systems  Pantelis Georgiou CMOS microsystems, CMOS integrated sensing systems, lab-on-chip
diagnostics, embedded wearable/medical devices, diabetes technology,
technology for infectious disease
Circuits and Systems Esther Rodriguez Villegas Low power wearable technologies for healthcare
Circuits and Systems  Chris Toumazou Low power electronics, signal-on-chip processing, intelligent sensors for
monitoring stem cell cultures
Circuits and Systems John Wickerson Programming languages, hardware design, high-level synthesis, compilers, testing and verification
Circuits and Systems Yiren Zhao Machine Learning, Automated Machine Learning, FPGAs, Machine Learning systems 
Communications and Signal Processing Ayush Bhandari Theory: Inverse Problems, Harmonic Analysis, Signal Processing

Applications: Computational Sensing and Imaging. Hardware inspired by mathematical algorithms

Communications and Signal Processing Bruno Clerckx Signal processing for communications, signal processing for wireless power, multi-antenna (MIMO) communications
Communications and Signal Processing Wei Dai Super-resolution in sensor networks, super-resolution WiFi imaging, and super-resolution bio-medical imaging
Communications and Signal Processing  Pier Luigi Dragotti Signal Processing, Computational Imaging, bio-medical image processing, dictionary learning, signal processing over networks (e.g., social networks)
Communications and Signal Processing  Kin Leung Communication and network protocols, wireless networks and
communications, cross-layer protocol designs, sensor and ad-hoc networks, cloud and distributed computing, network performance analysis and optimisation
Communications and Signal Processing Geoffrey Li Fundamental and practical issues in intelligent signal processing and communications, including but not limited to accretionary learning and meta-learning for wireless communications, deep learning for physical layer processing in communications, intelligent wireless resource allocation, federated learning and communications. 
Communications and Signal Processing Cong Ling Post-quantum cryptography, coding and information theory, wireless
Communications and Signal Processing  Danilo Mandic Statistical signal processing, wearable sensing, in-ear EEG, in-ear vital sign monitoring, human stress, computational sleep scoring, machine learning, adaptive signal processing, Big Data, recurrent neural networks, Deep Learning,
Communications and Signal Processing Thanassis Manikas Array Signal Processing, Arrayed Wireless Communications, Localisation,
Tracking, MIMO Radar, Uncertainties and Array Callibration
Communications and Signal Processing Patrick Naylor Multichannel acoustic signal processing; microphone array processing; robot audition; hearing aids, speech dereverberation
Communications and Signal Processing Tania Stakhaki Signal and Image Processing and Computer Vision.
Communications and Signal Processing Stefan Vlaski Optimisation and machine learning, adaptive and multi-agent systems, distributed learning and intelligence, statistical signal processing, network science.
Control and Power David Angeli Economic model predictive control, stability of non linear systems, chemical reaction networks theory, control solutions for smart grids
Control and Power Alessandro Astolfi Nonlinear control; robust and adaptive control; optimal control and
game theory; fault detection and isolation; industrial control systems;
systems biology; control applications
Control and Power Simos Evangelou Control applications in automotive systems, electric and hybrid electric
vehicle control, hybrid electric vehicle energy management
Control and Power Imad Jaimoukha Robust model predictive control, fault detection and isolation, fault tolerant control design, model reduction for large scale systems
Control and Power Thomas Parisini Fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control, large-scale distributed systems, cyber-secure large-scale control systems
Control and Power Eric Kerrigan Optimization-based control of computing systems, predictive control
Control and Power Giordano Scarciotti Control theory, control engineering, control systems, automation, nonlinear systems, dynamical systems, stochastic systems, model reduction, uncertain systems, uncertainties, optimal control, set-valued
Control and Power Goran Strbac Multi-agent grid systems
Control and Power Balarko Chaudhuri Power system dynamics and stability, grid integration of renewable energy, wide-area control through HVDC/FACTS, demand response
Control and Power Tim Green Power electronics, Smart Grids
Control and Power Adria Junyent-Ferre  
VSC-HVDC transmission, power electronics for low voltage dc distribution, modular multilevel converters, control for integration of power electronic converters
Control and Power Paul Mitcheson Energy harvesting systems, wireless power transfer and power electronics
Control and Power  Bikash Pal Power System Controls, Big Data in Energy Networks, Offshore HVDC systems
Control and Power  Fei Teng Power system operation and planning, energy storage, optimisation of dynamic systems, electricity market
Control and Power Elina Spyrou Decision and Risk Analysis for Power Systems, Power Systems Operations and Planning, Electrcity Markets, Socio-economic engineering modeling for power systems
Intelligent Systems and Networks Javier Barria Communication networks, sensor networks, monitoring
Intelligent Systems and Networks Yiannis Demiris Assistive robotics, machine learning, in-vehicle intelligent systems.
Intelligent Systems and Networks Dan Goodman Models of neural computation (particularly in the auditory system), methods for neural simulation and data analysis
Intelligent Systems and Networks Ad Spiers Robotic Grasping and Manipulation (including hardware design), Human Motion Measurement and Analysis, Haptic Sensing, Haptic Interfaces, Upper Limb Prosthetics and Machine Learning
Intelligent Systems and Networks Deniz Gunduz Privacy and security for cyber-physical systems; Information theory; Machine learning for communications; Wireless communications
Intelligent Systems and Networks Krystian Mikolajczyk Deep Learning for Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing
Intelligent Systems and Networks  Jeremy Pitt Human-network interaction (in particular the use of Affective Computing in this context), multi-agent systems (specifically norm-governed and sociocognitive agent societies), and ad hoc networks (including self-organisation and Quality-of-Service (QoS) provisioning).
Intelligent Systems and Networks Seyed Moosavi Dezfooli Robotic Grasping and Manipulation (including hardware design), Human Motion Measurement and Analysis, Haptic Sensing, Haptic Interfaces, Upper Limb Prosthetics and Machine Learning
Intelligent Systems and Networks  Chen Qin Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Medical Image Computing, Medical Image Analysis, Medical Imaging.
Intelligent Systems and Networks  Sen Wang  Autonomous robotics, field robotics, robot perception and navigation, robot/computer vision, robot/machine learning, Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM), smart mobility
Intelligent Systems and Networks  Sonali Parbhoo

Sequential decision-making, reasoning about uncertainties, building interpretable machine learning systems with good guarantees, causal inference, healthcare and medicine

Optical and Semiconductor Devices Zahid Durrani Beyond CMOS' single-electron and quantum dot devices in silicon, nanoscale materials for efficient thermoelectrical devices, electronic properities of semiconductor nanostructures
Optical and Semiconductor Devices  Kristel Fobelets Material characterization, device design, micro- and nano- fabrication and electrical characterization
Optical and Semiconductor Devices Andrew Holmes Micro-power generation by energy harvesting, power conditioning for energy harvesters, tribology of micro-scale mechanical systems, novel microassembly techniques, and laser processing for MEMS and electronics manufacture.
Optical and Semiconductor Devices Stepan Lucyszyn
Microwave, millimetre-wave, Terahertz (THz), Infrared, 3D printing, Additive manufacturing
Optical and Semiconductor Devices Tom Pike Space microinstruments
Optical and Semiconductor Devices Oleksiy Sydoruk Terahertz, plasmonics, metamaterials, electromagnetics, microwaves, optics
Optical and Semiconductor Devices Richard Syms Microtechnology, nanotechnology, MEMS, sensors, metamaterials, magnetic resonance imaging
Research group, name. areas of interest

updated 10 January 2025