Key features

Our Post-Doctoral, Post CCT Research Fellowship for doctors provides :

  • Two years (maximum, full time) bridging time to conduct clinical research
  • Consultant clinical academic salary (normally at the first threshold of the salary scale)
  • Research expenses


Our Imperial Post-Doctoral, Post-CCT Research Fellowship (IPPRF) award is funded jointly by the NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre and Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine. We recruit to the award annually and usually open for applications in November/December.  The purpose of the Fellowship is to draw on the research strengths of Imperial and attract early stage clinical academics finishing clinical training to work towards Clinician Scientist, Wellcome Trust or other externally funded clinical research mid-level awards.

We offer up to two opportunities offering two-year awards to talented individuals with a commitment to conducting research at Imperial College London who possess the potential to become leaders in academic medicine.  Applicants must be fully qualified Medical Doctors, have been awarded a PhD or MD and hold a CCT, or be within 12 months of obtaining CCT (or equivalent) at the time of application.

The 2023/24 round of the IPPRF award has now closed.

About the IPPRF Programme

The 2023/24 round of the IPPRF award has now closed.

Subject to ongoing funding, recruitment to our IPPRF awards runs on an annual cycle, usually opening in November/December each year, with a view to successful candidates taking up the fellowships from September of the following year.

The IPPRF award application process comprises 2 stagesBefore submitting anything interested applicants should first approach the relevant department in the Faculty of Medicine to discuss their research interest and establish whether the department is able to support their application. Departments will fund ~50% of the fellowship cost, with the other half coming from the BRC.

Stage 1:  Applicants must gain support from the proposed ‘host’ Department in the Faculty of Medicine using the IPPRF Application form and CV before finalising and submitting their applications to the Job Applicants section of the Imperial College London website

Stage 1: Departmental Deadline

*Applicants to contact Imperial College Faculty of Medicine academic Depts to identify potential projects, get confirmation of support and Worktribe costings for including in IPPRF application form with CV (before submitting formal ‘job’ application).  This is the absolute latest date that applicants can approach departments, they are advised to do so as early as possible to give enough time for department approval.  See ‘Further information’ for guidance and Award application form template.

Stage 2:   Applicants must submit the signed/approved IPPRF application form, and upload their CV and completed Job Application via the Job Applicants section of the Imperial College London website

* Applicants to submit finalised application documentation online via Imperial College London Job Applicant section to include:

  1. Job Application form. Applicants should apply online.
  2. CV (maximum 5 pages)
  3. Completed and FoM Department approved IPPRF Application form (including Worktribe costings)

Useful document:

Eligibility: Please refer to the IPPRF Job Description for eligibility criteria: IPPRF Job Description Dec 23 (PDF)

For queries about the Fellowship please contact: cato@imperial.ac.uk

Departmental support

Applicants must gain support from the proposed ‘host’ Department in the Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine using the IPPRF Application form before finalising and submitting their applications. They should contact the relevant Departmental Research Manager/contact and Head of Department to discuss their application as early as possible.

Please remember to check the latest date that applicants can approach academic departments, each department may set an earlier deadline for internal departmental review.  Applicants are advised to make contact as early as possible to give enough time for department approval.  Please contact your Departmental research contact for more information. 

Applicants not currently affiliated with Imperial College London are eligible to apply, but the research proposed MUST be undertaken in an Imperial College Faculty of Medicine academic department and with a College research group, and will require the applicant to move into a College site, but can be collaborative with other universities.

Faculty of Medicine Department

Research Areas/Info

Research Manager/Contact

Head of Department

Infectious Diseases


Celia Monteiro Dominques   c.domingues@imperial.ac.uk 

Prof Wendy Barclay

Immunology & Inflammation



Dr. Dania Grant-Serroukh

Prof Marina Botto

Brain Sciences


Celia Monteiro Dominques

Prof Paul Matthews

Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction


Dr. Dania Grant-Serroukh

Prof Mark Thursz

National Heart and Lung Institute


Alun Owen 

Prof Clare Lloyd

Surgery and Cancer


Rita Carvalho 

Prof George Hanna

Institute of Clinical Sciences


Jamie Meredith    j.meredith@lms.mrc.ac.uk 

Prof Wiebke Arlt

School of Public Health


Lyndsey Pallant

Prof Neil Ferguson

Contact us

The CATO Team and Radiographers Incubator work on a Hybrid model, combining days in the office with days working from home – the best way to reach us is by email.


+44 (0)20 3313 7397