Stay safe on Campus by downloading Safezone – the College emergency response app.


SafeZone is the College's mobile app that allows all students and staff to alert, contact and directly speak to the Security team in the event of an emergency.

If you or someone else ever need assistance in an emergency, simply tap the alert button and the Security Control Room will be immediately notified and your location will be shared with them. Using your location and personal profile, the Security team can respond immediately to your specific needs. Once an alert is opened, you can also either call or direct message a Security guard. If possible and safe to do so, you can provide further details on what you need and how they can best help. 

SafeZone uses geofencing to cover every campus and halls of residence. As long as your phone is connected to Wi-Fi or mobile data, there is now a simple and clear way of getting help wherever you need it.

Please note, at Imperial College London, all three buttons ‘First Aid, Help and Emergency’ go through to the same number at security, so pressing any button is fine if in doubt.  In addition, we are not currently using the tip reporting function or person fallen function and SafeZone is not on PCs.

SafeZone wellbeing support – anytime, anywhere

Looking for wellbeing support? SafeZone makes it easy to find the help you need, whenever you need it.

Simply open the SafeZone app and tap the yellow Wellbeing Assistance button to explore the support available to you—anytime, anywhere.

Using this button is completely anonymous—your use is not logged, and no one will know you've accessed it. The only time the Campus Safety and Security team will see your location is if you call for emergency support while in a geofenced location.

If you or someone you know needs urgent help, please contact local emergency services or press the red Emergency button in the SafeZone app.

SafeZone check in feature

As outlined in the College's Lone Working Policy, there are instances where staff should avoid working alone or inform others where this is not possible.

Please note, the use of SafeZone to manage lone working is not permitted in both RED (highly restricted) and AMBER (restricted) areas. More information access control areas can be found here. 

Whilst is it not mandated in the college lone working safety policy or procedure, SafeZone's check-in timer can be used as a control during lone working in permitted areas - simply set up the timer and, if you don't respond when prompted, the signal will be sent to Security who will call to check on you. If you don't answer the call, Security will come up to physically check on you. When using SafeZone whilst lone working, all relevant departmental lone working procedures should still be followed.


SafeZone Alliance

Imperial is part of the SafeZone alliance, enabling the security control room to extend the footprint of 24/7 support beyond our campus boundaries to include any other participating universities.

This means students and staff can raise an alert on the SafeZone app when on any other university campuses which are part of the alliance. The app directly connects them to the appropriate safety or security team for that area, who provide the assistance needed. You can see the full list of Alliance members here. 

The below video shows how to add the Alliance as your organisation.

Is SafeZone mandatory to use?

No, SafeZone is completely optional and is simply intended as a more efficient and responsive way of communicating with the Security team. We encourage staff and students to use the app but you are under no obligation to download or register it.

Is SafeZone the only way I can contact the Security team?

All existing Security contact numbers remain operational and are supported. In addition to SafeZone, we recommend you save the relevant contact numbers you need within your phone address book.

How is my location data used?

Your location information is only shared when the app is active and when you have either activated an alert or ‘checked in’. Your location is only visible when you choose to share it. Details on an alert, including the location of it, are stored by the Security team for 31 days and are then discarded.

What personal information do I need to include on my profile?

SafeZone requires your name, Imperial email and phone number to function. You can also add any information you may want the Security team to know in the event of an emergency (i.e. if you have a medical condition such as experiencing epileptic seizures). 

If you have any further questions, comments or feedback, you please contact the Security team.


Further information

Accessibility options

There are certain issues that users with accessibility requirements may have when using SafeZone currently. These include:

  • Users who are blind or have vision impairments may experience some problems when using SafeZone on iOS. The primary 'help' button is simply announced as "button" when using text-to-speech software and there is no indication as to what each button does.
  • In iOS and Android versions, once a button is activated there is no audio feedback as to what is happening or whether an alert has been received.
  • Direct conversation messages are displayed but are not automatically picked up by the screen-readers.
  • The VoiceOver tool in iOS announces all menu items regardless of whether they are visible or not.
  • Android users can find it difficult to close menus when using TalkBack.
  • People using an external keypad to navigate the application may experience issues in seeing which specific element is in focus.

SafeZone is a third-party app that has been developed by CriticalArc in consultation with the College. Whilst we have worked closely with CriticalArc to ensure the app meets our accessibility standards , we have limited direct oversight as to how these issues are rectified but we are currently working with CriticalArc to ensure accessibility standards are improved in future versions. 

Users who are unable to use Safe Zone are encouraged to have existing Security contact numbers and addresses saved in your phone. All existing contact numbers are still operational and fully supported. You are also encouraged to pick up a free personal attack alarm from the Security office in South Kensington.