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Journal articleJackson MD, Yoshida S, Muggeridge AH, et al., 2005,
Three-dimensional reservoir characterization and flow simulation of heterolithic tidal sandstones
, AAPG BULLETIN, Vol: 89, Pages: 507-528, ISSN: 0149-1423- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 66
Journal articleMelosh HJ, Collins GS, 2005,
Meteor Crater formed by low-velocity impact - The paucity of melted rock in this crater may be due to the striking projectile's speed
, NATURE, Vol: 434, Pages: 157-157, ISSN: 0028-0836- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 41
Journal articleNeethling S, Cilliers J, 2005,
Rising to the top
, TCE, Pages: 26-28, ISSN: 0302-0797 -
Journal articleSaunders JH, Herwanger JV, Pain CC, et al., 2005,
Constrained resistivity inversion using seismic data
, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol: 160, Pages: 785-796, ISSN: 0956-540X- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 24
Conference paperPain CC, Eaton MD, Miles B, et al., 2005,
Development of a Transient Criticality Evaluation Method
, Toki-Mura, Japan, NUCEF -
Journal articlePain CC, Saunders JH, Worthington MH, et al., 2005,
A mixed finite-element method for solving the poroelastic Biot equations with electrokinetic coupling
, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol: 160, Pages: 592-608, ISSN: 0956-540X- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 40
Conference paperMatthai SK, Mezentzev A, Pain CC, et al., 2005,
A high-order TVD transport method for hybrid meshes on complex geological geometry
, Publisher: Wiley Interscience, Pages: 1181-1187The paper presents a new implicit pressure–implicit saturation higher-order accurate in space and second-order accurate in time advection–dispersion scheme for the hyperbolic transport equations in porous media with discrete three-dimensional representation of material interfaces. We develop adaptivetime differencing methods to use time steps greater than the mesh Courant number (Courant–Friedrich–Levy condition, CFL). The paper pays special attention to hybrid discretization of subsurface geometry, placing emphasis on the multiphase ow in fractured petroleum reservoirs. We also introduce numericaliso-parametric double mapping integration method for node-centred hybrid meshes and use it in our transport scheme.
Journal articleAristodemou E, Pain C, de Oliveira C, et al., 2005,
Inversion of nuclear well-logging data using neural networks
, GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING, Vol: 53, Pages: 103-120, ISSN: 0016-8025- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 25
Journal articlePiggott MD, Pain CC, Gorman GJ, et al., 2005,
<i>h</i>, <i>r</i>, and <i>hr</i> adaptivity with applications in numerical ocean modelling
, OCEAN MODELLING, Vol: 10, Pages: 95-113, ISSN: 1463-5003- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 69
Book chapterTurtle EP, Pierazzo E, Collins GS, et al., 2005,
Impact structures: what does crater diameter mean?
, Large Meteorite Impacts III, Editors: Kenkmann, Horz, Deutsch, Kenkmann, Horz, Deutsch, Boulder CO, Publisher: Geological Society of America, Pages: 1-24, ISBN: 9780813723846 -
Journal articleWells MR, Allison PA, Hampson GJ, et al., 2005,
Modelling ancient tides: the Upper Carboniferous epi-continental seaway of Northwest Europe
, Sedimentology, Vol: 52, Pages: 715-735, ISSN: 0037-0746 -
Conference paperMezentsev AA, Munjiza A, Latham JP, 2005,
Unstructured computational meshes for subdivision geometry of scanned geological objects
, Berlin, 14th international meshing roundtable meeting SEP 11-14, 2005 San Diego, CA, Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin, Pages: 73-89 -
Journal articlePain CC, Gomes JLMA, Eaton MD, et al., 2005,
A Model of Heat Transfer Dynamics of Coupled Multiphase-Flow and Neutron-Radiation: Application to a Nuclear Fluidized Bed Reactor
, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol: 15, Pages: 765-807 -
Conference paperFernandez L, Brito PR, Pacho JD, 2005,
Improving Internal distribution in an oil-water eliminator using CFD
, AchemAmerica 2005 -
Journal articlePain CC, Piggott MD, Goddard AJH, et al., 2005,
Three-dimensional unstructured mesh ocean modelling
, OCEAN MODELLING, Vol: 10, Pages: 5-33, ISSN: 1463-5003- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 138
Conference paperPain CC, Candy AS, Piggott MD, et al., 2005,
A High-Order Petrov-Galerkin Method for the Boltzmann Transport Equation
, M&C 2005 International Topical Meeting on Mathematics and Computation, Supercomputing, Reactor Physics and Nuclear and Biological Applications, Publisher: American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, Illinois, Pages: 1-13 -
Journal articleJackson MD, Gallagher K, Petford N, et al., 2005,
Towards a coupled physical and chemical model for tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite magma formation
, Lithos, Vol: 79, Pages: 43-60 -
Journal articleFang F, Pain CC, Piggott MD, et al., 2005,
An adaptive mesh adjoint data assimilation method applied to free surface flows
, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol: 47, Pages: 995-1001 -
Journal articleZiver AK, Shahdatullah S, Eaton MD, et al., 2004,
Deterministic and monte carlo neutron transport calculations of the dounreay fast breeder reactor
, NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, Vol: 148, Pages: 223-234, ISSN: 0029-5450 -
Journal articleFord R, Pain CC, Piggott MD, et al., 2004,
A nonhydrostatic finite-element model for three-dimensional stratified oceanic flows. Part II: Model validation
, MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW, Vol: 132, Pages: 2832-2844, ISSN: 0027-0644- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 28
Journal articleFord R, Pain CC, Piggott MD, et al., 2004,
A nonhydrostatic finite-element model for three-dimensional stratified oceanic flows. Part I: Model formulation
, MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW, Vol: 132, Pages: 2816-2831, ISSN: 0027-0644- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 81
Conference paperCook PA, de Oliveira CRE, Haigh JD, et al., 2004,
A finite element-spherical harmonics model for radiative transfer in inhomogeneous clouds. Part II. Some applications
, Joint Assembly of the EGS/AGU/EUG, Pages: 223-237EVENT has been used to examine the effects of 3D cloud structure, distribution, and inhomogeneity on the scattering of visible solar radiation and the resulting 3D radiation field. Large eddy simulation and aircraft measurements are used to create realistic cloud fields which are continuous or broken with smooth or uneven tops. The values, patterns and variance in the resulting downwelling and upwelling radiation from incident visible solar radiation at different angles are then examined and compared to measurements. The results from EVENT confirm that 3D cloud structure is important in determining the visible radiation field, and that these results are strongly influenced by the solar zenith angle. The results match those from other models using visible solar radiation, and are supported by aircraft measurements of visible radiation, providing confidence in the new model. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conference paperXiang J, McGlinchey D, 2004,
Numerical simulation of particle motion in dense phase pneumatic conveying
, Pages: 167-172, ISSN: 1434-5021A gas-solids two-dimensional mathematical model was developed for plug flow of cohesionless particles in a horizontal pipeline in dense phase pneumatic conveying. The model was developed based on the discrete element method (DEM). For the gas phase, the Navier-Stokes equations were integrated by the semi-implicit method for pressure-linked equations (SIMPLE) scheme of Patankar employing the staggered grid system. For the particle motion the Newtonian equations of motion of individual particles were integrated, where repulsive and damping forces for particle collision, the gravity force, and the drag force were taken into account. For particle contact, a nonlinear spring and dash pot model for both normal and tangential components was used. In order to get more realistic results, the model uses realistic pneumatic system and material values.
Journal articleXiang J, McGlinchey D, 2004,
Numerical simulation of particle motion in dense phase pneumatic conveying
, Granular Matter, Vol: 6, Pages: 167-172, ISSN: 1434-5021A gas-solids two-dimensional mathematical model was developed for plug flow of cohesionless particles in a horizontal pipeline in dense phase pneumatic conveying. The model was developed based on the discrete element method (DEM). For the gas phase, the Navier-Stokes equations were integrated by the semi-implicit method for pressure-linked equations (SIMPLE) scheme of Patankar employing the staggered grid system. For the particle motion the Newtonian equations of motion of individual particles were integrated, where repulsive and damping forces for particle collision, the gravity force, and the drag force were taken into account. For particle contact, a nonlinear spring and dash pot model for both normal and tangential components was used. In order to get more realistic results, the model uses realistic pneumatic system and material values. (8 refs.)
Journal articleGrassia P, Neethling SJ, 2004,
Iterative approach to weir drainage
, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, Vol: 59, Pages: 4349-4359, ISSN: 0009-2509- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 4
Conference paperBeckmann O, Field T, Gorman G, et al., 2004,
Overcoming Barriers to Restructuring in a Modular Visualisation Environment
, Proceedings of the 7th workshop on Workshop on languages, compilers, and run-time support for scalable systems, Publisher: ACM Press -
Journal articleCox SJ, Neethling S, Rossen WR, et al., 2004,
A theory of the effective yield stress of foam in porous media: the motion of a soap film traversing a three-dimensional pore
- Cite
- Citations: 25
Journal articleLatham JP, Munjiza A, 2004,
The modelling of particle systems with real shapes
- Cite
- Citations: 103
Journal articleMunjiza A, Latham JP, 2004,
Some computational and algorithmic developments in computational mechanics of discontinua
- Cite
- Citations: 12
Journal articleHerwanger JV, Pain CC, Binley A, et al., 2004,
Anisotropic resistivity tomography
, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol: 158, Pages: 409-425, ISSN: 0956-540X- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 42
Conference paperZimmerman RW, Al-Yaarubi A, Pain CC, et al., 2004,
Non-linear regimes of fluid flow in rock fractures
, Regional ISRM Sinorock 2004 Symposium, Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Pages: 384-384, ISSN: 1365-1609- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 368
Journal articleZiver AK, Pain CC, Carter JN, et al., 2004,
Genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks for loading pattern optimisation of advanced gas-cooled reactors
, ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY, Vol: 31, Pages: 431-457, ISSN: 0306-4549- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 18
Journal articleCollins GS, Melosh HJ, Ivanov BA, 2004,
Modeling damage and deformation in impact simulations
, METEORIT PLANET SCI, Vol: 39, Pages: 217-231, ISSN: 1086-9379 -
Journal articleMcGlinchey D, Xiang J, Cowell A, et al.,
The prediction of contact forces during dense phase pneumatic conveying
, Bulk Solids & Powder Science & Technology, Vol: 1 -
Journal articleXie W, Neethling SJ, Cilliers JJ, 2004,
A novel approach for estimating the average bubble size for foams flowing in vertical columns
, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, Vol: 59, Pages: 81-86, ISSN: 0009-2509- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 18
Journal articleMunjiza A, Latham J-P, 2004,
Comparison of experimental and numerical results for gravitational deposition of identical cubes
, Int. J. Engineering Computations, Vol: 21, Pages: 249-265 -
Conference paperFang F, Pain CC, Piggott MD, et al., 2004,
Adjoint data assimilation into a 3D unstructured mesh coastal finite element model
, New York, 8th international conference on estuarine and coastal modeling, Monterey, CA, 3 - 5 November 2003, Publisher: Amer Soc Civil Engineers, Pages: 308-324 -
Conference paperDupray S, Durville JL, Latham JP, 2004,
Proposition d'une methode d'essai destructive in-situ pour la caracterisation de l'integrite des enrochements naturels utilises dans les ouvrages hydrauliques
, Proceedings journees nationales de genie civil et de genie cotier - Compiegne, France -
Conference paperLatham J-P, Stewart T, Newberry S, 2004,
Effects of rock shape on packing and stability of rock armour: new guidance
, Coastal Structures 2003 (2003: Portland, Or), Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers, Pages: 163-175 -
Conference paperDupray S, Latham J-P, 2004,
Proposal of a full-scale destructuctive test method to assess integrity of natural armourstone
, Coastal Structures 2003 (2003: Portland, Or), Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers, Pages: 150-162 -
Conference paperde Oliveira CRE, Pain CC, Eaton MD, et al., 2004,
Neutron and gamma-ray dosimetry of the Tokai-Mura and sarov criticality accidents using a deterministic transport methodology
, Workshop on Computing Radiation Dosimetry (CRD 2002), Publisher: ORGANIZATION ECONOMIC COOPERATION & DEVELOPMENT, Pages: 217-233 -
SoftwareGorman GJ, 2004,
,, Publisher: -
Journal articleLatham JP, Kemeny J, Maerz N, et al., 2004,
A blind comparison between results of four image analysis systems using a photo-library of piles of sieved fragments
, Fragblast, Vol: 7, Pages: 105-132, ISSN: 1385-514X -
Conference paperMunjiza A, Latham JP, 2004,
Comparison of experimental and FEM/DEM results for gravitational deposition of identical cubes
, 3rd International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Publisher: EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED, Pages: 249-264, ISSN: 0264-4401- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 18
Journal articleRougier E, Munjiza A, Latham JP, 2004,
Shape selection menu for grand scale discontinua systems
, Engineering Computations, Vol: 21, Pages: 343-359, ISSN: 0264-4401 -
Conference paperAgung A, Lathouwers D, THJJ VDH, et al., 2004,
Passive decay heat removal in a fluidized bed nuclear reactor
, Chicago, USA, PHYSOR 2004, Pages: 1-10 -
Journal articleSpyridopoulos M, Simons S, Neethling SJ, et al., 2004,
Effect of humic substances and particles on bubble coalescence and foam stability in relation to dissolved air flotation processes
, Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, Vol: 38, Pages: 37-52, ISSN: 0137-1282 -
Conference paperHull M, Beckmann O, Gorman G, et al., 2004,
Cross-Component Restructuring in the MayaVi Visualisation Pipeline
, Compilers for Parallel Computing -
Book chapterPierazzo E, Collins G, 2004,
A brief introduction to hydrocode modeling of impact cratering
, Cratering in marine environments and on ice, Editors: Dypvik, Burchell, Claeys, New York, Publisher: Springer, Pages: 323-340, ISBN: 9783540406686 -
Conference paperWang H, Colvile RN, Pain CC, et al., 2004,
Airflows in the vicinity of the intersection
, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, the 9th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes
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