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Journal articleMcGlinchey D, Xiang J, Cowell A, et al.,
The prediction of contact forces during dense phase pneumatic conveying
, Bulk Solids & Powder Science & Technology, Vol: 1 -
Journal articleXie W, Neethling SJ, Cilliers JJ, 2004,
A novel approach for estimating the average bubble size for foams flowing in vertical columns
, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, Vol: 59, Pages: 81-86, ISSN: 0009-2509- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 18
Journal articleSpyridopoulos M, Simons S, Neethling SJ, et al., 2004,
Effect of humic substances and particles on bubble coalescence and foam stability in relation to dissolved air flotation processes
, Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, Vol: 38, Pages: 37-52, ISSN: 0137-1282 -
Conference paperHull M, Beckmann O, Gorman G, et al., 2004,
Cross-Component Restructuring in the MayaVi Visualisation Pipeline
, Compilers for Parallel Computing -
Conference paperBeckmann O, Field AJ, Gorman G, et al., 2004,
Overcoming Barriers to Restructuring in a Modular Visualization Environment
, New York, NY, USA, 7th workshop on Workshop on languages, compilers, and run-time support for scalable systems, Publisher: ACM, Pages: 1-7This paper explores the potential for automatic cross-component optimisation in the Python / VTK-based MayaVi modular visualisation environment. The idea is to delay execution of the VTK components called from the MayaVi tool, which requires no significant structural change to the MayaVi code base, but which opens up the possibility for dynamic performance optimisations such as tiling, fusion, memoisation and shared-memory parallelisation. The paper concludes with experimental results on an unstructured mesh hierarchy model from an adaptive three-dimensional gravity current simulation.
Conference paperWang H, Colvile RN, Pain CC, et al., 2004,
Airflows in the vicinity of the intersection
, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, the 9th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes -
Journal articleRougier E, Munjiza A, Latham JP, 2004,
Shape selection menu for grand scale discontinua systems
, Engineering Computations, Vol: 21, Pages: 343-359, ISSN: 0264-4401 -
Conference paperAgung A, Lathouwers D, THJJ VDH, et al., 2004,
Passive decay heat removal in a fluidized bed nuclear reactor
, Chicago, USA, PHYSOR 2004, Pages: 1-10 -
Conference paperde Oliveira CRE, Pain CC, Eaton MD, et al., 2004,
Neutron and gamma-ray dosimetry of the Tokai-Mura and sarov criticality accidents using a deterministic transport methodology
, Workshop on Computing Radiation Dosimetry (CRD 2002), Publisher: ORGANIZATION ECONOMIC COOPERATION & DEVELOPMENT, Pages: 217-233 -
Conference paperMunjiza A, Latham JP, 2004,
Comparison of experimental and FEM/DEM results for gravitational deposition of identical cubes
, 3rd International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Publisher: EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED, Pages: 249-264, ISSN: 0264-4401- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 18
Book chapterPierazzo E, Collins G, 2004,
A brief introduction to hydrocode modeling of impact cratering
, Cratering in marine environments and on ice, Editors: Dypvik, Burchell, Claeys, New York, Publisher: Springer, Pages: 323-340, ISBN: 9783540406686 -
SoftwareGorman GJ, 2004,
,, Publisher: -
Journal articleLatham JP, Kemeny J, Maerz N, et al., 2004,
A blind comparison between results of four image analysis systems using a photo-library of piles of sieved fragments
, Fragblast, Vol: 7, Pages: 105-132, ISSN: 1385-514X -
Journal articleMunjiza A, Latham J-P, 2004,
Comparison of experimental and numerical results for gravitational deposition of identical cubes
, Int. J. Engineering Computations, Vol: 21, Pages: 249-265 -
Conference paperFang F, Pain CC, Piggott MD, et al., 2004,
Adjoint data assimilation into a 3D unstructured mesh coastal finite element model
, New York, 8th international conference on estuarine and coastal modeling, Monterey, CA, 3 - 5 November 2003, Publisher: Amer Soc Civil Engineers, Pages: 308-324 -
Conference paperDupray S, Durville JL, Latham JP, 2004,
Proposition d'une methode d'essai destructive in-situ pour la caracterisation de l'integrite des enrochements naturels utilises dans les ouvrages hydrauliques
, Proceedings journees nationales de genie civil et de genie cotier - Compiegne, France -
Conference paperLatham J-P, Stewart T, Newberry S, 2004,
Effects of rock shape on packing and stability of rock armour: new guidance
, Coastal Structures 2003 (2003: Portland, Or), Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers, Pages: 163-175 -
Conference paperDupray S, Latham J-P, 2004,
Proposal of a full-scale destructuctive test method to assess integrity of natural armourstone
, Coastal Structures 2003 (2003: Portland, Or), Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers, Pages: 150-162 -
Journal articleNeethling SJ, Lee HT, Cilliers JJ, 2003,
Simple relationships for predicting the recovery of liquid from flowing foams and froths
, MINERALS ENGINEERING, Vol: 16, Pages: 1123-1130, ISSN: 0892-6875- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 86
Journal articleTong CH, Thompson MJ, Warner MR, et al., 2003,
The significance of density and attenuation in the local helioseismology
, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Vol: 596, Pages: L263-L266, ISSN: 0004-637X- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 7
Journal articleCollins GS, Melosh HJ, 2003,
Acoustic fluidization and the extraordinary mobility of sturzstroms
- Cite
- Citations: 102
Journal articlePain CC, De Oliveira CRE, Goddard AJH, et al., 2003,
Transient analysis and dosimetry of the Tokaimura criticality incident
, NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, Vol: 144, Pages: 16-33, ISSN: 0029-5450- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 1
Journal articlePain CC, Herwanger JV, Saunders JH, et al., 2003,
Anisotropic resistivity inversion
, INVERSE PROBLEMS, Vol: 19, Pages: 1081-1111, ISSN: 0266-5611- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 52
Conference paperZiver AK, Pain CC, Eaton MD, et al., 2003,
Comparative neutron and gamma-ray dosimetry of the JCO and SAROV criticality accidents using FETCH
, Tokai-Mura, Ibaraki-Ken, Japan, the 7th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety, JAERI -
Journal articlePain CC, Eaton MD, Gomes JLMA, et al., 2003,
The fission power of a conceptual fluidised bed thermal nuclear reactor
Journal articleNeethling SJ, Cilliers JJ, 2003,
Modelling flotation froths
, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERAL PROCESSING, Vol: 72, Pages: 267-287, ISSN: 0301-7516- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 96
Journal articleJackson MD, Valvatne PH, Blunt MJ, 2003,
Prediction of wettability variation and its impact on flow using pore- to reservoir-scale simulations
, JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol: 39, Pages: 231-246, ISSN: 0920-4105- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 61
Journal articleTong CH, Thompson MJ, Warner MR, et al., 2003,
Helioseismic signals and wave field helioseismology
, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Vol: 593, Pages: 1242-1248, ISSN: 0004-637X- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 10
Journal articleJackson MD, Cheadle MJ, Atherton MP, 2003,
Quantitative modeling of granitic melt generation and segregation in the continental crust
- Cite
- Citations: 90
Journal articleJackson MD, Muggeridge AH, Yoshida S, et al., 2003,
Upscaling permeability measurements within complex heterolithic tidal sandstones
, MATHEMATICAL GEOLOGY, Vol: 35, Pages: 499-520, ISSN: 0882-8121- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 44
Journal articleSisavath S, Al-Yaarubi A, Pain CC, et al., 2003,
A simple model for deviations from the cubic law for a fracture undergoing dilation or closure
, PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol: 160, Pages: 1009-1022, ISSN: 0033-4553- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 95
Journal articleNeethling SJ, Lee HT, Cilliers JJ, 2003,
The recovery of liquid from flowing foams
, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, Vol: 15, Pages: 1563-1576, ISSN: 0953-8984- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 34
Journal articleZiver AK, Carter JN, Pain CC, et al., 2003,
Multicycle optimization of advanced gas-cooled reactor loading patterns using genetic algorithms
, NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, Vol: 141, Pages: 122-141, ISSN: 0029-5450- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 7
Journal articleTong CH, Thompson MJ, Warner MR, et al., 2003,
Acoustic wave propagation in the Sun: Implications for wave field and time-distance helioseismology
, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Vol: 582, Pages: L121-L124, ISSN: 0004-637X- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 11
Journal articleMunjiza A, Latham JP, John NWM, 2003,
3D dynamics of discrete element systems comprising irregular discrete elements - integration solution for finite rotations in 3D
- Cite
- Citations: 61
Book chapterBudd CJ, Piggott MD, 2003,
Geometric integration and its applications
, Handbook of numerical analysis XI. Special Volume: Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Editors: Ciarlet, Cucker, London, Publisher: Elsevier, Pages: 35-139, ISBN: 9780444512475 -
Journal articlePain CC, Gomes JLMA, Eaton MD, et al., 2003,
Space-dependent kinetics simulation of a gas-cooled fluidized bed nuclear reactor
, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol: 219, Pages: 225-245 -
Journal articleMorrow R, Fang F, 2003,
Anatomy of three warm-core Leeuwin Current eddies
, Deep See Research II, Vol: 50, Pages: 2229-2243 -
Conference paperAgung A, Lathouwers D, van der Hagen THJJ, et al., 2003,
Influence of bubbles on reactivity and power in a fluidized bed nuclear reactor
, Kyoto, Japan, International Conference on Global Environment and Advanced Nuclear Power Plants (GENES4/ANP2003), Pages: 1-8 -
Journal articleLathouwers D, Agung A, Van der Hagen THJJ, et al., 2003,
Dynamics modeling and stability analysis of a fluidized bed nuclear reactor
, PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY, Vol: 43, Pages: 437-443, ISSN: 0149-1970- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 8
Conference paperMunjiza A, Bonaparte A, Rougier E, et al., 2003,
Parallel, distributed and grid computing in discontinua analysis
, 6th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation, Publisher: A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, Pages: 39-42 -
Conference paperAristodemou E, Pain CC, de Oliveira CRE, et al., 2003,
Subsurface properties determination from nuclear well-logging data using neural networks
, Galveston, Texas, the 44th Annual Symposium of the Society of Professional Well-Log Analysts -
Conference paperBentham T, Colvile R, Pain C, et al., 2003,
Mechanisms of pollutant dispersion at the urban microscale
, Prague, Czech Republic, the 4th International Conference on Urban Air Quality -
Conference paperColvile R, Wang H, Bentham T, et al., 2003,
Modelling the relationship between urban form and variability in exposure to vehicle emissions
, Stresa Piemonte, Italy, the 13th Annual Conference of the International Society of Exposure Analysis -
Journal articlePain CC, Eaton MD, Bowsher J, et al., 2003,
Unstructured Finite Element Based Riemann Solvers for Time-Dependent and Steady-State Radiation Transport
, Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, Vol: 32 -
Conference paperPain CC, Ziver AK, Eaton MD, et al., 2003,
Modelling transient 3-D multi-phase criticality in fluidised granular materials: development of the FETCH criticality code
, Tokai-Mura, Ibaraki-Ken, Japan, the 7th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety, JAERI -
Conference paperZiver AK, Pain CC, Carter JN, et al., 2003,
An Automated Tool Based on Genetic Algorithms to Optimise the Design of Individual Fuel Assemblies
, South Carolina, USA, Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management III -
Conference paperEaton M, Pain CC, Goddard A, 2003,
A high-order Riemann method for the Boltzmann transport equation (Available on CD-ROM)
, Nuclear mathematical and computational sciences: a century in review; a century anew, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 7 - 10 April 2003, Publisher: American Nuclear Society -
Journal articleFang F, Morrow R, 2003,
Evolution, movement and decay of warm-core Leeuwin Current eddies
, Deep See Research II, Vol: 50, Pages: 2245-2261 -
Conference paperLatham JP, Munjiza A, Rougier E, 2003,
A virtual discontinua modelling workbench for geosciences
, 6th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation, Publisher: A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, Pages: 169-174
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