Seminars and conferences
Please select the tabs below for a list of past seminars and conference presentations.
AMPRG Seminars and conferences
- Paulina Quintanilla - “Development and validation of a dynamic flotation model for flotation predictive control incorporating froth physics.” Flotation 21’, November 2021
- Diego Mesa - “Hydrodynamics of the liquid in a three-phase flotation system – A new alginate tracer for positron emission particle tracking (PEPT)” Flotation 21’, November 2021
- Paulina Quintanilla - “Development and validation of a dynamic flotation model for flotation predictive control incorporating froth physics.” Advances in the Digitalisation of the Process Industries, IChemE, October 2021.
- Paulina Quintanilla - “Validation and implementation of a dynamic flotation model for predictive control including froth physics.” Procemin – Geomet, October 2021
- Paulina Quintanilla - “Development and validation of a dynamic flotation model for flotation predictive control incorporating froth physics.” International Conference in Raw Materials and Circular Economy, Athens, Greece, September 2021.
- Diego Mesa - “Retrofit designs for the pulp-froth interface: Impacts on air recovery and froth stability”. International Conference in Raw Materials and Circular Economy, Athens, Greece, September 2021.
- Diego Mesa - “Hydrodynamic characterization of flotation impeller designs using Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT)” - Advances in Mixing for the Manufacturing Industry – A National Showcase, IChemE, July 2021.
- Reuben Cruise - “Beneficiation of Lunar Regolith: Progress and Challenges” - Luxembourg Space Resources Week, April 2021.
- Virtual seminar series between AMPRG and Lab. of Chemical Process Engineering from Technische Universität München (TUM). November-December 2020.
Topics: (1) Multi-criteria process assessment; (2) Methods for process design, optimisation and control; (3) Resources recovery.
- Diego Mesa & Pablo Brito-Parada - “Hydrodynamic characterization of flotation impeller designs using Positron Emission Particle Tracking”. 30th International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2020), Cape Town, South Africa, 2020. (in pre-print)
- Pablo Brito-Parada & Diego Mesa - “Froth zone design optimisation – the key to enhancing recovery in large flotation cells”. 30th International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2020), Cape Town, South Africa, 2020. (in pre-print)
- Diego Mesa & Pablo Brito-Parada - “Macroturbulence experienced by a hydrophobic particle in a flotation vessel with retrofit designs measured with positron emitting particle tracking (PEPT)”. 30th International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2020), Cape Town, South Africa, 2020. (in pre-print)
- Diego Mesa - “Reprocessing historic tailings – three Chilean case studies”. Procemin GEOMET, November 2020.
- Joshua Rasera - “Space Resources – Towards a Sustainable Future in Space and on Earth”. NXGEN Resources, November 2020
- Luis Salinas Farrán - “Combining XMT and MLA to describe the structural evolution of agglomerated ores: The impact of chloride ions in the curing process”. Hydroprocess, October 2020.
- Reuben Cruise - “Mining Oxygen on the Moon – Transforming Dry Mineral Processing for Space and Earth”. XVI international forum-contest of students and young researchers «Topical issues of rational use of natural resources», June 2020.
- Luis Salinas Farran - “XMT based assessment of the performance of agglomerated sulphide ores: The impact of long curing times and the addition of chloride ions”. 30th International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2020), Cape Town, South Africa, 2020.
- Francisco Reyes - "Reinforcement learning control of a SAG mill grinding circuit: first impressions and implications for process control". 30th International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2020), Cape Town, South Africa, 2020. (in pre-print)
- Diego Mesa - “Froth stability and flotation performance: the effect of impeller design modifications". Flotation 2019, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2019.
- Luis Salinas Farran - “Quantifying the effects of mass transport and mineralogy in the curing and leaching of agglomerated ores”. PROCEMIN – Geomet 2019, Santiago, Chile.
- Juliana Segura-Salazar - “Assessing the impact of process variability on the metallurgical and environmental performance of modular, small-scale mineral processing circuits”. IMPC-EURASIA 2019, Antalya, 31 October – 2 November 2019.
- Joshua Rasera - “The beneficiation of lunar regolith using electrostatic separation for Space Resource Utilisation”. 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2019), Washington D.C., USA, October 21-25, 2019.
- Jorge Ávalos-Patino - “Studying the impact of an inhomogeneous participating medium in a coupled convection-radiation system using finite element based methods”. XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer, Rome, Italy, September 3-6, 2019.
- Diego Mesa - “Challenges in Mineral Processing". Society of Economic Geologists 2019, Lima, Peru, September 2019.
- Paulina Quintanilla - “Dynamic physics-based flotation models for effective predictive control: State-of-the-art". International Federation of Automatic Control Conference - Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing, Stellenbosch, South Africa, August 2019.
- Peipei Wang - “Drag coefficient prediction of a particle-laden bubble rising in water” 8th Bubble and Drop Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, June24-28, 2019.
- Fernando Sitorus - “An integrated constrained fuzzy stochastic AHP method for overcoming the choice problem in group decision making under uncertainty”. 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019), Dublin, Ireland, June 23–26, 2019.
- Juliana Segura-Salazar - "Mineral processing simulators: State-of-the-art and future challenges”. Computational Modelling’19, Falmouth, Cornwall, June 11-12, 2019.
- Francisco Reyes - "Quantifying Mineral Liberation Using X-ray MicroCT: What can a 3D analysis tell us?". Procemin Geomet 2018, Santiago, Chile, November 28–30, 2018.
- Isobel Mackay - "Optimising Froth Stability of Copper Flotation Tailings" 29th International Minerals Processing Conference (IMPC2018), Moscow, Russia, September 2018
- Diego Mesa - “Effect of impeller design on bubble size and froth stability". International Mineral Processing Congress XXIX, Moscow, Russia, September 2018.
- Diego Mesa - “Effect of frother type on clay-rich froth behaviour". International Mineral Processing Congress XXIX, Moscow, Russia, September 2018.
- Francisco Reyes - "Quantifying mineral liberation by grade and surface exposure using X-ray micro-tomography for flotation processes". 29th International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2018), Moscow, Russia, September 17–21, 2018.
- Dennis Vega - “CFD modelling of classification in mini-hydrocyclones”. International Mineral Processing Congress, Moscow, Russia, September 2018
- Juliana Segura-Salazar - "Towards a systemic and process-based approach for Life Cycle Assessment improvement in the minerals industry on the basis of computational modelling and simulation”.Life Cycle Innovation Conference, Berlin, August 2018.
- Hao Wang - “Experimental studies of overflowing pseudo-2D foam with different launder designs ". EUFOAM Conference 2018, Belgium, July 2018.
- Isobel Mackay -"Dynamic Froth Stability of Copper Flotation Tailings" 8th International Flotation Conference (Flotation '17), Cape Town, South Africa, November 2017
- Peipei Wang - “BASF selective metal collectors for enhanced sulphide flotation”. Flotation '17, Cape Town, South Africa, November13-16, 2017.
- Peipei Wang - “The effect of surface coverage of particles on the initial behaviour of rising bubbles” Flotation '17, Cape Town, South Africa, November13-16, 2017.
- Dennis Vega - “The effect of design parameters on the separation performance of small hydrocyclones – Experimental and CFD studies”. World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, Spain, October, 2017.
- Francisco Reyes - "Multiple Species Leaching Simulator at the Particle Scale". Computational Modelling 17, Falmouth, United Kingdom, June 12–14, 2017.
- Dennis Vega - “Optimising small hydrocyclones for fine particle classification”. Physical Separation, Falmouth, United Kingdom, June, 2017.