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  • Journal article
    Arnold T, Schoenbaechler M, Rehkaemper M, Dong S, Zhao F-J, Kirk GJD, Coles BJ, Weiss DJet al., 2010,

    Measurement of zinc stable isotope ratios in biogeochemical matrices by double-spike MC-ICPMS and determination of the isotope ratio pool available for plants from soil

    , Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 398, Pages: 3115-3125, ISSN: 1618-2650

    Analysis of naturally occurring isotopic variationsis a promising tool for investigating Zn transport andcycling in geological and biological settings. Here, wepresent the recently installed double-spike (DS) techniqueat the MAGIC laboratories at Imperial College London.The procedure improves on previous published DS methodsin terms of ease of measurement and precisions obtained.The analytical method involves addition of a 64Zn–67Zndouble-spike to the samples prior to digestion, separation ofZn from the sample matrix by ion exchange chromatography,and isotopic analysis by multiple-collector inductivelycoupled plasma mass spectrometry. The accuracy andreproducibility of the method were validated by analysesof several in-house and international elemental referencematerials. Multiple analyses of pure Zn standard solutionsconsistently yielded a reproducibility of about ±0.05‰(2 SD) for δ66Zn, and comparable precisions were obtainedfor analyses of geological and biological materials. Highlyfractionated Zn standards analyzed by DS and standardsample bracketing yield slightly varying results, whichprobably originate from repetitive fractionation eventsduring manufacture of the standards. However, the δ66Znvalues (all reported relative to JMC Lyon Zn) for two lessfractionated in-house Zn standard solutions, Imperial Zn(0.10±0.08‰: 2 SD) and London Zn (0.08±0.04‰), arewithin uncertainties to data reported with different massspectrometric techniques and instruments. Two standardreference materials, blend ore BCR 027 and ryegrass BCR281, were also measured, and the δ66Zn were found to be0.25±0.06‰ (2 SD) and 0.40±0.09‰, respectively. Takentogether, these standard measurements ascertain that thedouble-spike methodology is suitable for accurate andprecise Zn isotope analyses of a wide range of naturalsamples. The newly installed technique was consequentlyapplied to soil samples and soil

  • Conference paper
    Muxworthy AR, Moore J, Bland P, 2010,

    Analysis of the Allende chondritic meteorite’s remanence (poster)

    , AGU Fall
  • Journal article
    Cobden LJ, Tong CH, Warner MR, 2010,


    , ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Vol: 725, Pages: 313-318, ISSN: 0004-637X
  • Conference paper
    Williams W, Chang L, Muxworthy AR, Roberts APet al., 2010,

    Micromagnetic Modeling of Framboidal Grains of Greigite (poster)

    , AGU Fall
  • Conference paper
    Barron L, Williams W, Muxworthy AR, 2010,

    The effect of exchange and magnetostatic interactions across grain boundaries (poster)

    , AGU Fall
  • Conference paper
    Chang L, Muxworthy AR, Williams W, Roberts APet al., 2010,

    Micromagnetic calculation of the critical single domain threshold sizes for greigite: Implications for magnetosomes and sedimentary magnetism

    , AGU Fall
  • Journal article
    Wainipee W, Weiss DJ, Sephton MA, Coles BJ, Unsworth C, Court Ret al., 2010,

    The effect of crude oil on arsenate adsorption on goethite

    , WATER RESEARCH, Vol: 44, Pages: 5673-5683, ISSN: 0043-1354
  • Journal article
    Wood BJ, Halliday AN, Rehkämper M, 2010,

    Volatile accretion history of the Earth.

    , Nature, Vol: 467, Pages: E6-E7

    It has long been thought that the Earth had a protracted and complex history of volatile accretion and loss. Albarède paints a different picture, proposing that the Earth first formed as a dry planet which, like the Moon, was devoid of volatile constituents. He suggests that the Earth's complement of volatile elements was only established later, by the addition of a small veneer of volatile-rich material at ∼100 Myr (here and elsewhere, ages are relative to the origin of the Solar System). Here we argue that the Earth's mass balance of moderately volatile elements is inconsistent with Albarède's hypothesis but is well explained by the standard model of accretion from partially volatile-depleted material, accompanied by core formation.

  • Patent
    Baki AO, Sephton MA, Sims MR, Cullen DCet al., 2010,

    Aqueous solvents for hydrocarbons and other hydrophobic compounds

    , WO2010122295

    The present invention provides a method of solubilising in an aqueous medium a hydrocarbon or a hydrophobic compound having a hydrocarbon skeleton that carries one or more heteroatom containing functional groups, e.g. hydroxyl, carboxylic acid or aldehyde (CHO) groups. The method comprises contacting the hydrocarbon or the hydrophobic compound with the aqueous medium that includes at least one non-ionic surfactant containing a hydrophilic part and a hydrophobic part, the hydrophilic part comprising a polyhydroxylated moiety and the hydrophobic part comprising a hydrocarbon chain containing at least 12 carbon atoms, e.g. ethoxylated sorbitol. The amount of surfactant used is sufficient to form micelles including a core formed of the hydrocarbon or the hydrophobic compound.

  • Journal article
    Sephton MA, Court RW, 2010,

    Meteorite gases and planetary atmospheres

    , ASTRONOMY & GEOPHYSICS, Vol: 51, Pages: 21-22, ISSN: 1366-8781
  • Book chapter
    Barton PJ, RAF G, Morgan JV, Surendra A, Vermeesch V, Christeson G, Gulick S, Warner Met al., 2010,

    Seismic images of Chicxulub impact melt sheet and comparison with the Sudbury structure

    , Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IV, Editors: Reimold, Gibson, Publisher: Geological Society of America, Pages: 103-114, ISBN: 9780813724652
  • Conference paper
    Muxworthy AR, Heslop D, Williams J, 2010,

    Magnetic dating of major flood events

    , 12th Castle Meeting
  • Journal article
    Baker RGA, Rehkamper M, Ihlenfeld C, Oates CJ, Coggon Ret al., 2010,

    Thallium isotope variations in an ore-bearing continental igneous setting: Collahuasi Formation, northern Chile

    , GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, Vol: 74, Pages: 4405-4416, ISSN: 0016-7037
  • Conference paper
    Muxworthy AR, 2010,

    Revisiting a domain state independent method of paleointensity determination (invited)

    , Meeting of the Americas
  • Conference paper
    Emmerton S, Muxworthy AR, 2010,

    A new magnetic mineral based technique for detecting hydrocarbon (poster)

    , Meeting of the Americas
  • Conference paper
    Heslop D, Muxworthy AR, 2010,

    Wavelet investigation of possible orbital influences on past geomagnetic field intensity: A comparison of independent records (invited)

    , Meeting of the Americas
  • Conference paper
    Muxworthy AR, Krasa D, Williams W, Wilkinson CD, Gadegaard N, Roberts APet al., 2010,

    Magnetic properties of patterned thin- films of magnetite

    , Meeting of the Americas
  • Journal article
    Paterson GA, Heslop D, Muxworthy AR, 2010,

    Deriving confidence in paleointensity estimates

  • Conference paper
    Davison TM, Collins GS, Ciesla F, O'Brien DPet al., 2010,

    Cumulative impact heating of planetesimals

    , 73rd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell, Pages: A43-A43, ISSN: 1086-9379
  • Conference paper
    Stephen NR, Benedix GK, Bland PA, Hamilton VE, Mariani E, Prior DJet al., 2010,


    , 73rd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Publisher: WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, Pages: A196-A196, ISSN: 1086-9379

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