Public Understanding of Science
Public Understanding of Science (PUST)
IARC maintains an active involvement in the public understanding of science through the Natural History Museum's activities and exhibitions. IARC scientists regularly give lectures and live web-broadcasts with Nature Live of the Natural History Museum.
IARC are involved in a wide range of public understanding of science activities ranging from lectures to amateur societies and schools to providing expert advice to the media. Public understanding of science highlights include:
Online talks with Nature Live at the Natural History Museum
IARC staff frequently contribute to the Natural History Museum’s program of events including the Nature Live program which broadcasts live lectures and debates on science issues on the internet.
Discovery Channel’s Natural Wonders Series
IARC participated in filming of the “Natural Wonders” Series of documentaries for the Discovery Channel during expeditions in Egypt and Morocco. Matt Genge was also scientific advisor for production company Impossible Pictures.
Impact Earth Film
Phil Bland, Gareth Collins and Matt Genge acted as scientific advisors for "Impact Earth" a documentary drama on Impact Hazards for Channel 5 and the Discovery Channel
The Meteorite Hunt program for Radio 5
Matt Genge was presenter of the Meteorite Hunt program for Radio 4 and participated in a UK wide search for new meteorites along with staff from the Natural History Museum and the Open University.
Ice Station Antarctica
IARC staff contributed to the design of the Ice Station Antarctica exhibition at the Natural History Museum, including an interactive meteorite search activity.