Imperial College London is proud of its strong and longstanding connections with India.
The College’s academics enjoy rich and diverse research collaborations with partners in India across a range of disciplines, having co-authored just over 1,400 research publications with partners at more than 300 Indian institutions since 2018.
Top research partners include the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Christian Medical College, the Bhaba Atomic Research Centre and the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology.
Partnerships are especially strong in the areas of health, climate and sustainability. For example, Imperial and the George Institute for Global Health India recently established a £10M NIHR Global Health Research Centre on Non-Communicable Diseases and Environmental Change.
Another key partner for Imperial is the Indian institute of Science, with a joint ‘Imperial College London – Indian Institute of Science Partnership Fund’ supporting a wealth of innovative collaborations ranging from using AI to monitor biodiversity to developing materials for quantum technologies.
In 2023, the College was honoured to host India’s Science Minister and Principal Scientific Advisor to celebrate connections with India and discuss how the College can be at the fore of strengthening the important UK-India knowledge partnership.
'India is an incredible exciting place for research and innovation collaboration. At the National level, the UK and India make excellent knowledge partners, with the impressive response of the UK-India Scientific community to Covid-19 serving to highlight this further. There is a great deal of opportunity to build upon this success and I hop that Imperial can be at the fore of supporting and forging UK-India partnerships in the coming decade.'
Professor Maggie Dallman, Vice-President (International) and Associate Provost (Academic Partnerships)