Faculty of Engineering

Chemical Engineering

  • Luke Dubey: Use of satellites to measure methane emissions from oil and gas sector  

Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Wouter Buytaert: Satellite-based rainfall products
  • Adrian Callaghan: Ocean-atmosphere interactions; upper ocean turbulence; atmospheric forcing 
  • Ioannis Karmpadakis: Coastal engineering; hydrodynamics; sediment transfer; wave structure and movements
  • James Lawrence: Satellite imagery to study rocks, geological structures and tectonics, land form processes, geotechnical projects
  • Ali Mashayek: Ocean and climate dynamics; global carbon cycle; climate modelling and mitigation
  • Gosia Mider: InSAR; ground motions; coastal cliffed environments
  • Victoria Milanez Fernandez: landscape evolution; mantle-drive motions of the Earth's surface
  • Ashraf Nayel: Protection of heritage structures against extreme events
  • Athanasios Paschalis: Hydrology and ecology
  • Alison Prior: Earth Observation; hydrology; vegetation; climate change
  • Jennifer Scoular: InSAR; ground movements; geological processes; construction
  • Marc Stettler: transport; climate change; emission sources; nanoparticles; health
  • Zixiao Wang: InSAR; fault movement; radioactive waste disposal

Earth Science & Engineering

  • Abu Taher Muhammad Abdullah: Climate change; security; crime
  • Johnny Adams: paleo-oceanographic variability; West Antarctic Ice sheet thickness
  • Stewart Agar: InSAR; nuclear waste; ground deformation measurement
  • Jenny Collier: geology; geophysics; geodynamics; controlled source reflection and refraction seismology; sidescan sonar and multibeam bathymetry; volcanic continental margins
  • Hayley Firth: Computational fluid dynamics; high temperature subsurface thermal energy storage, geothermal reservoirs
  • Fred RichardsMantle dynamics, glacial isostatic adjustment, marine geophysics, geology, sea-level change, ice dynamics, palaeoclimate
  • Nicola Gambaro: forecasting metal flows through the economy
  • Stephen Hicks: Earthquake ruptures; tectonic plate boundaries; seismic waves 
  • Navjot Kukreja: High performance computing
  • Philippa Mason: Satellite imagery to study rocks, minerals, geological structures and tectonics
  • Ophelie Meuriot: Antarctic intermediate water; overturning circulation; climate change
  • Adriana Paluszny Rodriguez: Large-scale fracture patterns visible on the Earth's surface
  • Sophie Wenjiao Pan: fault arrays in rift basins; numerical models; seismic data
  • Matthew Piggott: Satellite imagery to study coastal oceanography and coastal engineering
  • Yves Plancherel: Ocean processes; marine productivity; winds; temperature; sea surface height
  • Dylan Rood: remote sensing data (e.g. topography and satellite imagery) to study Earth surface processes and geohazards (e.g. active tectonics, climate change, coastal erosion, anthropogenic impacts on landscapes, and earthquake hazards)
  • Jennifer Scoular: InSAR; ground movements; landslides 
  • Tina van De Flierdt: geochemical and isotopic tracers in marine geochemistry; ocean circulation; ice sheet evolution
  • Alex Whittaker: Satellite imagery and remote sensing for the analysis of landscapes, geological faults and sediment routing systems
  • Jamie Wilkinson: Mineral spectral signatures on the Earth's surface

Faculty of Medicine

School of Public Health

  • Nosha Assareh: air quality; atmospheric modelling
  • Sean Beevers: air quality; health; modelling; exposure
  • Samir Bhatt: Inferential mathematical models to address policy-relevant questions about infectious diseases - specifically malaria and HIV
  • Victoria Cox: epidemiology; modelling; arbovirus transmission; climate change
  • Ilaria Dorigatti: mathematical modelling of infectious diseases to optimise control strategies and address policy-relevant questions
  • Daniela Fecht: Geographical variations in population health; environmental and health inequalities
  • Andrew Glover: arboviruses, modelling, temperature-dependency
  • Iwona Hawryluk: epidemiology; covid; genomics  
  • Kris Murray: Global change, conservation and health; environmental and social change impacts on infectious disease burdens and distributions; extinction risk; habitat loss; biodiversity
  • Monica Pirani: Analysis and prediction of the distribution of disease in relation to changes in climate/weather and local environment
  • Alina Rodriguez: Maternal and child health; Mental health; Neurodevelopment; Obesity
  • Annalisa Sheehan: diabetes
  • Esra Suel: Using satellite imagery for measuring socioeconomic status and environmental exposures (pollution) using deep learning
  • Charlie Whitaker: Impact of environmental (satellite derived) variables on malaria prevalence and mosquito population dynamics

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Grantham Institute

  • Alex Koberle: scenarios of socio-environmental change; transitions; climate-land-energy-water nexus

Life Sciences

  • Beatriz Calvo Urbano: Ecology, biostatistics, marine biology, climate change, schistosomiasis, soil transmitted helminthiasis, dengue
  • Emma Cavan: marine plants; global ocean carbon sink; climate and environmental regulation; Antarctic krill
  • Robert Ewers: Tropical forest structure and phenology
  • Ross Gray: Drone; ecology; uAVs; phenology; tropical forests
  • Rodolfo Nobrega: Energy balance; land-cover change detection; plant traits; trend analysis
  • Alison Prior: water and carbon cycle; global transpiration and plant uptake
  • Colin Prentice: Developing, evaluating and applying models of terrestrial primary production and other ecosystem processes
  • Alison Prior: Earth Observation; hydrology; vegetation; climate change
  • Alfried Vogler: Phylogeny and evolution of speciesdiversity in insects; beetles


  • Richard Bantges: Radiative transfer in the earth's atmosphere; Earth Observation-mission design, instrumentation and data calibration and intercalibration
  • Helen Brindley: Earth radiation budget; climate impacts and feedback; aircraft flight campaigns; solar energy resources
  • Paulo Ceppi: Global cloud processes and their impact on the Earth's radiative budget
  • Tsz Choi: Building a long-term record of global solar energy resource from satellite observations
  • Jonathan Eastwood: Earth space environment; magnetic field; space weather; the Sun; space physics
  • Heather Graven: Global carbon cycle; sources and sinks of anthropogenic CO2.
  • Ed Gryspeerdt: Cloud processes and the impact of air pollution
  • Jaqueline Russell: Earth radiation budget
  • Beltran Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha: Earth radiation budget; interoperation of new EO missions
  • Ralf Toumi: Prediction of tropical cyclones
  • Laura Warwick: far-infrared emission from Earth, and its impact on weather forecasting and climate modelling

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