Upcoming activities or workshops

Monday 27 April - The ACSE MSc Machine Learning Module begins, and runs for three weeks. If you are an interested member of staff or PhD student, please contact Olivier Dubrule for details of how to join.

Wednesday 27 May - The "Use Your Strengths" development workshop will take place remotely 2 - 4.30pm on 27 May 2020. Find out more and register to secure your place for the "Use Your Strengths" session. 

Wednesday 3 June  - The "Building Personal Resilience" development workshop will take place remotely 2 - 4.30pm on 3 June.  Find out more and register to secure your place for the "Building Personal Resilience" session.

Extend the invitation
We are inviting you to share details of ESE-related online meetings that are currently taking place, and where the meeting organisers would be happy to open the meeting for more people to join. This could be research-related meetings, or social / support meetings. Please email Victoria with your meeting details.

  • Thursdays at 10am: The Carbonates Group invites you to join their research meeting, contact Cedric John for details.

    Online informal seminars based each week on an individual researcher’s project progress, or a paper club. The meetings are mainly designed to foster discussion on the broad topic of carbonate (and sometimes clastic) sedimentology / stratigraphy and diagenesis, but this covers a wide area of applications including traditional field methods, numerical modelling, machine learning, and clumped isotopes geochemistry.

ESE Health and Safety

Due to the complex mix of risks within the department, finding out what procedures to follow and how to apply them can be a little daunting. 

Visit the ESE Health and Safety guidance pages.

ESE Fieldwork Information