In our online poster sessions we highlight ongoing work and research at Imperial that address grand challenges. All poster sessions are open to everyone and are suitable for a diverse audience.

The stucture of our poster sessions are: each presenter will present their poster for 5 minutes. There will then be an opportuntity to discuss the research in break out rooms with each of the presenters.

Online Poster Sessions by Theme

26 February 14.00

Please click here to view the poster booklet

It is advised that you download the booklet for the best viewing experience. 

Titles of Posters and Presenters (To view a video of the presentation please click the title):

11 December 14.00

Please click here to view the poster booklet

It is advised that you download the booklet for the best viewing experience. 

Titles of Posters and Presenters (To view a video of the presentation please click the title):