Room bookings
Details of rooms that can be booked on the Brompton Campus for meetings and lectures are listed below.
Please note:
- you can check availability of these rooms using Celcat calendar.
- teaching programmes have priority.
- we cannot take any meeting or event bookings until teaching timetables are finalised, which happens on a termly basis.
- room booking requests should be made by emailing please allow three to five days for a response.
- the space at the MTW Education Centre is only available to NHLI staff and honorary staff on a case by case basis. All events must be coordinated by an NHLI or honorary staff member that has access to the building.
- the booking must be for activity that is clearly related to the Institute's cardiovascular and respiratory research and education remit.
- if you are booking an event with an associated fee, or for any other information, please contact Ms Jennifer Haley, NHLI Operations Coordinator at Please note our response time is three to five days.