What can I book and how?


Timetabled Teaching


Use CELCAT Calendar to view existing course / module timetables (staff login required)

Please check Rooms Information and Availability  before submitting Teaching Request Form

 Teaching Request Form

Hammersmith Teaching Lab forms

Please note that the Practical requisition form and Teaching Risk Assessment and COSHH form should be completed and submitted at least 4 working weeks prior to the practical class to teachinglabs.hh@imperial.ac.uk.

Non-Medicine Departments and Faculties

Please complete the Non-Medicine Request Form

Please visit Important Information section for the complete list of FoM rooms 


Internal Non-Teaching

Student Information 

COLLEGE STAFF - Direct access to Rooms and catering booking system (staff login required) or visit the Events and Hospitality web-page


Please contact Med Rooms team medroomsandcat@imperial.ac.uk directly

PhD STUDENTS - Direct access to Rooms and catering booking system (staff login required) or visit the Events and Hospitality web-page

Room Booking requests for SAFB 113

Please complete this room booking form and email to roombooksaf113@imperial.ac.uk