Research seminars are an important part of academia and a tool in which to communicate your research to a wide audience and increase your research impact.  Cassyni provides free access to a library of high-quality, online research seminars presented by researchers from institutions such as MIT, Imperial, Oxford, Edinburgh, Manchester, Stanford plus others. 

In 2023-2024, the Graduate School is piloting a collaboration with Cassyni, to provide Imperial PhD students and Postdoctoral Fellows the opportunity to publish a seminar about their research, for free.

A seminar is a great way to communicate your research and can either be about ongoing work or a presentation about a recent publication.

Once published your seminar will receive a citable DOI giving you another research output to add to your academic CV, making you stand out to future employers and increasing the impact of your research.

Seminar recordings are enhanced using Cassyni’s AI technology to produce high quality transcripts, extract slides, and resolve references to scholarly works contained in the talk. Your seminar will also be indexed in academic databases and linked to the wider scholarly literature.  

Before publishing your research seminar online, please be aware of the College’s Intellectual Property Policy and whether any aspect of your research is embargoed.  PhD students should discuss their intention to upload a research seminar with their supervisor first.  If supported by your supervisor, you will be asked to confirm that your supervisor has given you permission as part of the sign-up process.  Postdocs should consult with their PI prior to uploading a seminar and you will be asked to confirm that you have done so as part of the sign-up process.  Please review this short guidance note before using Cassyni.

Cassyni offers two kinds of seminars:

  • seminars about published research (not embargoed as the seminar is downstream of an article that is already published and publicly available)
  • seminars about research currently in progress (you can record the seminar about unpublished/embargoed research. Your seminar won't be visible until you choose to lift the embargo on Cassyni and make the seminar public (at which point the DOI will be assigned).

To get started go to Cassyni and fill in the form to register your details.   


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Guidance for Research Degree Students in the use of Casyni

Casyni Guidance [Pdf]