List of previous papers

Cafiero G. & Vassilicos J.C., Non-equilibrium turbulence scalings and self-similarity in turbulent planar jets, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 475, 20190038 --> PDFWeb Link

Alves Portela F., Papadakis G. & Vassilicos J.C., Turbulence dissipation and the role of coherent structures in the near wake of a square prismPhys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 124609 --> PDFWeb Link

Başbuğ S., Papadakis G. & Vassilicos J.C., Reduced mixing time in stirred vessels by means of irregular impellersPhys. Rev. Fluids3,  084502 --> PDFWeb Link

Yasuda T. & Vassilicos J.C., Spatio-temporal intermittency of the turbulent energy cascadeJ. Fluid Mechanics, 853, 235--252  --> PDFWeb Link

Zheng S., Bruce P.J.K., Graham J.M.R. & Vassilicos J.C., Weakly sheared turbulent flows generated by multiscale inhomogeneous grids, J. Fluid Mechanics848, 788--820 --> PDFWeb Link

Srinath S., Vassilicos J.C., Cuvier C., Laval J.P., Stanislas M. & Foucaul J.M., Attached flow structure and streamwise energy spectra in a turbulent boundary layer, Phys. Review E97, 053103 --> PDFWeb Link

Paul I., Papadakis G. & Vassilicos J.C., DNS of heat transfer from a cylinder immersed in the production and decay regions of grid-element turbulence, J. Fluid Mechanics, 847, 452--488 --> PDFWeb Link

Melina G., Bruce P.J.K., Nedić J., Tavoularis S. & Vassilicos J.C., Heat transfer from a flat plate in inhomogeneous regions of grid-generated turbulence, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 123, 1068--1086, PDFWeb Link

Paul I., Papadakis G. & Vassilicos J.C.,  Evolution of passive scalar statistics in a spatially developing turbulence, Physical Review fluids, 3, 014612, PDFWeb Link

Başbuğ S., Papadakis G. & Vassilicos J.C., Reduced power consumption in stirred vessels by means of fractal impellers, AIChE journal, 64(4), 1485--1499 PDFWeb Link

Garcia de la Cruz J.M. & Vassilicos J.C. & Rossi L., Statistical Independence of the Initial Conditions in Chaotic Mixing, Phys. Rev. E, 96, 052212 -->PDFWeb Link

Diaz Daniel C., Laizet S. & Vassilicos J.C., Direct Numerical Simulations of a wall-attached cube immersed in laminar and turbulent boundary layers, Int. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow, 68, 269--280 --> PDFWeb Link

Steiros K., Transient torque in stirred tanksJ.  Fluid Mechanics, 831, 554--578 --> PDFWeb Link

Steiros K., Bruce P.J.K., Buxton O.R.H. & Vassilicos J.C., Effect of blade modifications on the torque and flow field of radial impellers in stirred tanksPhysical Review Fluids, 2, 094802 -->PDFWeb Link

Alves Portela F., Papadakis G. & Vassilicos J.C., The turbulence cascade in the near wake of a square prism, J. Fluid Mechanics, 825, 315--352 --> PDFWeb Link

Diaz Daniel C., Laizet S. & Vassilicos J.C., Wall shear stress fluctuations: mixed scaling and their effects on velocity fluctuations in a turbulent boundary layerPhysics of Fluid, 29, 055102 --> PDFWeb Link

Basbug S., Papadakis G. & Vassilicos J.C., DNS investigation of the dynamical behaviour of trailing vortices in unbaffled stirred vessels at transitional Reynolds numbers, Physics of Fluid, 29(6), 064101 --> PDFWeb Link

Zhou Y. & Vassilicos J.C., Related self-similar statistics of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface and the turbulence dissipation J.  Fluid Mechanics, 821, 440-457 --> PDFWeb Link

Dairay T., Lamballais E., Laizet S. & Vassilicos J.C., Numerical dissipation vs. subgrid-scale modelling for large eddy simulation, J. Comp. Phys., 337, 252--274 --> PDF

Melina G., Bruce P.J.K., Hewitt G.F. & Vassilicos J.C., Heat transfer in production and decay regions of grid-generated turbulence Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 109, 537-554 --> PDFWeb Link

Thomareis N. & Papadakis G., Effect of trailing edge shape on the separated flow characteristics around an airfoil at low Reynolds number: A numerical study, Physics of Fluids, 29, 014101 -->PDFWeb Link

Paul I., Papadakis G. & Vassilicos J.C., Genesis and evolution of velocity gradients in a near-field spatially developing turbulenceJ.  Fluid Mechanics, 815, 295-332 --> PDFWeb Link

Laval J.P., Vassilicos J.C., Foucaut J.M & Stanislas M., Comparison of turbulence profiles in high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers and validation of a predictive modelJ.  Fluid Mechanics, 814 R2 --> PDFWeb Link

Goto S. & Vassilicos J.C., Unsteady turbulence cascades, Phys. Review E, 94, 053108 -->PDFWeb Link

Steiros K., Bruce P.J.K., Buxton O.R.H. & Vassilicos J.C., Power consumption and form drag of regular and fractal-shaped turbines in a stirred tankAIChE Journal, 63(2), 843-854, PDFWeb link

Obligado M., Dairay T. & Vassilicos J.C., Nonequilibrium scalings of turbulent wakesPhysical Review Fluids, 1, 044409 -->PDFWeb Link

Dairay T. & Vassilicos J.C., Direct numerical simulation of a turbulent wake: the non-equilibrium dissipation law, Int. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow, 62(A), 68-74) --> PDFWeb Link

Melina G., Bruce P.J.K. & Vassilicos J.C., Vortex shedding effects in grid-generated turbulencePhysical Review Fluids, 1, 044402 --> PDFWeb Link

Rodriguez-Lopez E., Bruce P.J.K., Buxton O.R.H., On the Formation Mechanisms of Artificially Generated High Reynolds Number Turbulent Boundary LayersBoundary-Layer Meteorol., 160(2), 201-224 --> PDFWeb Link

Baj P., Bruce P.J.K., Buxton O.R.H., On a PLIF quantification methodology in a nonlinear dye response regime, Exp Fluids, 57(6), 1-19 -->PDFWeb Link

Goto S. & Vassilicos J.C., Local equilibrium hypothesis and Taylor's dissipation law, Fluid Dynamics Research, 48, 021402 -->PDFWeb Link

Boschung J., Peters N. Laizet S. & Vassilicos J.C., Streamlines in stationary homogeneous isotropic turbulence and fractal-generated turbulenceFluid Dynamics Research, 48021403 -->PDFWeb Link

Dairay T., Obligado M. & Vassilicos J.C.,  Non-equilibrium scaling laws in axisymmetric turbulent wakesJ.  Fluid Mechanics, 781, 166-195 --> PDFWeb Link

Laizet S., Nedić J. & Vassilicos J.C., The spatial origin of -5/3 spectra in grid-generated turbulencePhysics of Fluids, 27(6), 065115 --> PDFWeb Link

Laizet S., Nedić J. & Vassilicos J.C., Influence of the spatial resolution on fine-scale features in DNS of turbulence generated by a single square gridInt. J. of Computational Fluid  Dynamics, 29(3-5), 286--302 --> PDF

Sponfeldner, T., Soulopoulos, N., Beyrau, F., Hardalupas, Y.,Taylor, A.M.K.P. & Vassilicos, J.C., The structure of turbulent flames in fractal and regular grid generated turbulence, Combustion and Flame (to appear)  --> PDF

Nedić J. & Vassilicos J.C., Vortex shedding and aerodynamic performance of an airfoil with multi-scale trailing edge modifications, AIAA journal, to appear --> PDFWeb Link

Vassilicos J.C., Laval J.P., Foucaut J.M & Stanislas M.,  The streamwise turbulence intensity in the intermediate layer of turbulent pipe flowJ.  Fluid Mechanics, 774, 324--341 --> PDF Web Link

Valente P. & Vassilicos J.C., The energy cascade in grid-generated non-equilibrium decaying turbulence, Physics of Fluids27, 045103 --> PDF Web Link

Gomes-Fernandes R., Ganapathisubramani B. & Vassilicos J.C., The energy cascade in near-field non-homogeneous non-isotropic turbulence, J.  Fluid Mechanics771, 676-705 --> PDF

Rodriguez-Lopez E., Bruce P.J.K., Buxton O.R.H., A robust post-processing method to determine skin friction in turbulent boundary layers from the velocity profileExp. Fluids, 2015(4), 56-68 --> PDF‌ Web Link

Nedić J., Supponen O., Ganapathisubramani B. & Vassilicos J.C., Geometrical influence on vortex shedding in turbulent axisymmetric wakes, Physics of Fluids, 27035103 --> PDF Web Link

Goto S. & Vassilicos J.C., Energy dissipation and flux laws for unsteady turbulencePhysics Letter A, 379(16-17)1144-1148 --> PDF Web Link

Garcia de la Cruz J.M. & Rossi L. & Vassilicos J.C., Experimental evidence of the scalar spiral range in vortical flowsExp. Fluids56, 2 -->PDF  Web Link

Vassilicos J.C., Dissipation in turbulent flowsAnnual Review of Fluid Mechanics47, 95-114 --> PDF‌ Web Link

Laizet S. & Vassilicos J.C., Stirring and scalar transfer by grid-generated turbulence in  the presence of a mean scalar gradientJ. Fluid Mech., 764pp 52--75 --> PDF Web Link

Garcia de la Cruz J.M. & Rossi L. & Vassilicos J.C., Three-dimensional effects in quasi two-dimensional free surface scalarexperimentsExp. Fluids55, 1835 --> PDF Web Link

Garcia de la Cruz J.M. & Vassilicos J.C. & Rossi L., Topologies of velocity-field stagnation points generated by asingle pair of magnets in free-surface electromagnetic experimentsPhys. Rev. E90, 043001 --> PDF Web Link

Gomes-Fernandes R., Ganapathisubramani B. & Vassilicos J.C., Evolution of the velocity-gradient tensor in aspatially developing turbulent flowJ.  Fluid Mechanics752, 252-292 --> PDF‌ Web Link

Onishi R. & Vassilicos J.C., Collision Statistics of Inertial Particles inTwo-Dimensional Homogeneous IsotropicTurbulence with an Inverse CascadeJ. Fluid Mech., 745, 279--299 --> PDF

Nicolleau F.C.G.A. & Vassilicos J.C., Wavelet analysis of wave motionInternational Journal of Applied Mechanics6, 1450021 --> PDF

Valente P. & Vassilicos J.C., The non-equilibrium region of grid-generated decaying turbulenceJ. Fluid Mech., 744, 5--37 --> PDF

Nedić J., Vassilicos J.C. & Ganapathisubramani B., Axisymmetric turbulent wakes with new non-equilibrium similarity scalingsPhysical Review Letters, 111(14), 144503 --> PDF

Nicolleau F.C.G.A., Sung K.S. & Vassilicos J.C., Vertical motions of heavy inertial particlesmaller than the smallest scale of the turbulencein strongly stratified turbulence, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 91(1), 79--103 --> PDF Web Link

Soulopoulos N., Kerl J., Sponfeldner T., Beyrau F., Hardalupas Y., Taylor A.M.K.P. & Vassilicos J.C., Turbulent premixed flames on fractal-grid-generated turbulenceFluid Dynamics Research, 45(6), 061404 --> PDF‌ Web Link

Nedić J., Ganapathisubramani B. & Vassilicos J.C., Drag and near wake characteristics of flat plates normal to the flow with fractal edge geometriesFluid Dynamics Research, 45(6), 061406 --> PDF Web Link

Onishi R, Takahashi K. & Vassilicos J.C., An efficient parallel simulation of interacting inertial particles inhomogeneous isotropic turbulence, J. Comp. Phys., 242(1), 809--827 --> PDF Weblink

Laizet  S., Vassilicos J.C. & Cambon C., Interscale energy transfer in decaying turbulence and  vorticity-strain rate dynamics in grid-generated turbulenceFluid Dynamics Research, 45(6), 061408 --> PDF Weblink

Laizet S. & Vassilicos J.C., Fractal space-scale unfolding mechanism for energy-efficient turbulent mixing, Phys. Review E., 86(4), 046302 --> PDF‌ Web Link

Gomes-Fernandes R., Ganapathisubramani B. & Vassilicos J.C., Particle image velocimetry study of fractal-generated turbulenceJ.  Fluid Mechanics711, 306--336 --> PDF‌ Web Link

Valente P. & Vassilicos J.C., Universal dissipation scaling for non-equilibrium turbulencePhysical Review Letters, 108, 214503 --> PDF‌ Web Link

Laizet S., Fortune V., Lamballais E. & Vassilicos J.C., Low Mach number prediction of the acoustic signature of fractal-generated turbulenceInt. J. Heat and Fluid Flow,35, 25--32 --> PDF‌ Web Link

Nedić J., Ganapathisubramani B., Vassilicos J.C., Boree J., Brizzi L.E. & Spohn A., Aero-acoustic performance of fractal spoilers, AIAA Journal, 50 (12), 2697--2710 --> PDF

Valente P. & Vassilicos J.C., Dependence of decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence on inflow conditions, Phys. Lett. A, 376(4), 510--514 --> PDF Web Link

Devenish B.J., Bartello P., Brenguier J.-L., Collins R.L., Grabowski W.W., IJzermans R.H.A., Malinowski S.P., Reeks R.W., Vassilicos J.C., Wang L.-P. & Warhaft Z. Droplet growth in warm turbulent clouds Q. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 138 (667), 1401-1429 -->PDF Web Link

Valente P. & Vassilicos J.C., The decay of turbulence generated by a class of multi-scale grids, J. Fluid Mech., 687, 300--340 --> PDF

Valente P. & Vassilicos J.C., Comment on “Dissipation and decay of fractal-generated turbulence” [Phys. Fluids19, 105108 (2007)], Phys. of Fluids, 23, 119101 --> PDF

Laizet S. & Vassilicos J.C., DNS of fractal-generated turbulenceFlow, Turbulence and Combustion87(4), 673--705 --> PDF

Laizet S., Li N., Incompact3d, a powerful tool to tackle turbulence problems with up to 0(10^5) computational coresInt. J. of Numerical Methods in Fluids, 67 (11)1735--1757 --> PDF

Dallas V. & Vassilicos J.C., Rapid growth of cloud droplets by turbulence, Phys. Rev. E 84, 04631 --> PDF

Buxton O.R.H. , Laizet S. & Ganapathisubramani B., The effects of resolution and noise on kinematic features of fine scale turbulence,  Expe. in Fluids, 51-5, 1417--1437 --> PDF Web Link

Buxton O.R.H. , Laizet S. & Ganapathisubramani B., The interaction between strain-rate and rotation in shear flow turbulence from inertial range to dissipative length scalesPhys. of Fluids, 23, 061704 --> PDF

Vassilicos J.C., An infinity of possible invariants for decaying homogeneous turbulence, Phys. Lett. A375, 1010--1013 --> PDF ‌Web Link

Clark N.R., Vassilicos J.C.
Kinematic Simulation of fully developed Turbulent Channel Flow, Flow, Trubulence and Combustion, 86, 263--293 --> PDF Web Link

 Dallas V., Vassilicos J.C., Hewitt G.F., Strong polymer-turbulence interactions in viscoelastic turbulent channel flow. Physical Review E, 82,066303 --> PDF

Chen L., Coleman S.W., Vassilicos J.C., Hu Z., Acceleration in turbulent channel flow. J. of Turbulence, 11 (41)1--23 --> PDF

Faber T. & Vassilicos J.C., Acceleration-based classification and evolution of fluid flow structures in two-dimensional turbulence. Physical Review E, 82, 026312 --> PDF

Mazellier N. & Vassilicos J.C., Turbulence without Richardson-Kolmogorov cascade. Physics of Fluids, 22, 075101 --> PDF

Stresing R., Peinke J., Seoud R.E. & Vassilicos J.C., Defining a new class of turbulent flows. Physical Review Letters, 104, 194501 --> PDF

Laizet S., Lamballais E. & Vassilicos J.C., A numerical strategy to combine high-order schemes, complex geometry and parallel computing for high resolution DNS of fractal generated turbulence. Computers & Fluids Volume 39 (3) 471--484 --> PDF

Coleman S.W. & Vassilicos J.C., A unified sweep-stick mechanism to explain particle clustering in two- and three-dimensional homogeneous, isotropic turbulence. Phys. Fluids 21, 113301 --> PDF

Priego, M. & Vassilicos, J.C., Spectral and particle dispersion properties of steady two-dimensional multiscale flows. Phys. Fluids 21, 107101 --> PDF

Dallas, V., Vassilicos, J.C. & Hewitt, G.F., Stagnation point von Karman coefficient. Phys. Rev. E 80, 046306 --> PDF

Schwander, F., Hascoet, E. & Vassilicos, J.C., Evolution of the acceleration field and a reformulation of the sweeping decorrelation hypothesis in two-dimensional turbulence. Phys. Rev. E 79, 015301(R) --> PDF

Laizet S. & Lamballais E., High-order compact schemes for incompressible flows: A simple and efficient method with quasi-pectral accuracy, J. of Computational Physics 228(16) 5989-6015 --> PDF

Goto, S. & Vassilicos, J.C., The dissipation rate coefficient of turbulence is not universal and depends on the internal stagnation point structure. Phys. Fluids 21, 035104 --> ‌PDF

Faber T.& Vassilicos J.C., Turbulent pair separation due to multi scale stagnation point structure and its time asymmetry in two-dimensional turbulence, Phys. Fluids 21, 015106 --> PDF

Laizet S.& Vassilicos J.C., Multiscale generation of turbulence, J. Multiscale Modelling 1, 177--196 --> PDF

Nicolleau F., Yu G. & Vassilicos J. C., Kinematic Simulation for stably stratified and rapidly rotating turbulence, Fluid Dyn. Res. 40, 68-93 --> PDF

Nicolleau, F., Sung, K.-S. & Vassilicos, J.C., Depletion of horizontal pair diffusion in strongly stratified turbulence, comparison with plane two-dimensional flows, Phys. Rev. E 78, 046306 --> PDF

Ferrari S. & Rossi L., Particle Tracking Velocimetry and Accelerometry (PTVA) measurements applied to quasi-two dimensional multi-scale flows, Exp in Fluids 44 (6) 873-886 --> PDF

Coleman S.W. & Vassilicos J.C., Tortuosity of saturated and unsaturated porous fractal materials, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100,035504 --> PDF

Mazellier N. & Vassilicos J.C., The turbulence dissipation constant is not universal because of its universal dependence on large-scale flow topology, Phys. Fluids 20 (1) 014102 --> PDF

Coleman S.W. & Vassilicos J.C., Tortuosity of unsaturated porous fractal materials, Phys. Rev. E,  100, 016308 --> PDF

Goto, S. & Vassilicos, J.C., The sweep-stick mechanism of heavy particle clustering in fluid turbulence, Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 054503 --> PDF

Seoud, R.E. & Vassilicos, J.C., Dissipation and decay of fractal-generated turbulence, Phys. Fluids 19 (10) 105108 --> PDF

Hurst, D. & Vassilicos, J.C., Scalings and decay of fractal-generated turbulence, Phys. Fluids 19 (3) 035103 --> PDF

Martinand, D. & Vassilicos, J.C., Fast chemical reaction and multiple-scale concentration fields in singular vortices, Phys. Rev. E 75 036315,1-13 --> PDF

Rossi, L., Vassilicos, J.C. & Hardalupas, Y., Eulerian-Lagrangian aspects of a steady multi-scale laminar flow, Phys. Fluids 19 078108 --> PDF

Chen, L , Goto, S. & Vassilicos, J. C., Turbulent clustering of stagnation points and inertial particles, J. Fluid Mech. 553, 143-154 -->PDF

Rossi, L , Vassilicos, J. C. & Hardalupas, Y., Electromagnetically controlled multi-scale flows, J. Fluid Mech 558, 207-242 --> PDF

Osborne, D. R., Vassilicos, J. C., Sung, K.-S. & Haigh, J. D., Fundamentals of pair diffusion in kinematic simulations of turbulence, Phys. Rev E 74, 036309 --> PDF

Rossi, L., Vassilicos, J. C. & Hardalupas, Y., Multi-scale laminar flows with turbulent-like properties, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (14), 144501 --> PDF

Goto, S. & Vassilicos, J. C., Self-similar clustering of inertial particles and zero-acceleration points in fully developed two-dimensional turbulence, Phys. Fluids 18, 115103 --> PDF

Goto, S., Osborne, D. R., Vassilicos, J. C. & Haigh, J. D., Acceleration statistics as measures of statistical persistence of streamlines in isotropic turbulence, Phys. Rev. E 71, 015301(R) --> PDF

Osborne, D. R., Vassilicos, J. C. & Haigh, J. D., One particle two-time diffusion in 3D homogeneous isotropic turbulence, Phys. Fluids 17, 035104 --> PDF

Goto, S. & Vassilicos, J. C., Particle pair diffusion and streamline topology in two-dimensional turbulence, New J. Phys. 6, 65 --> PDF

Mazzi, B. & Vassilicos, J. C., Fractal-generated turbulence, J. Fluid Mech. 502, 65-87 --> PDF

Cambon, C., Godeferd, F., Nicolleau, F. & Vassilicos, J. C., Turbulent diffusion in rotating turbulence with and without stable stratification, J. Fluid Mech. 499, 231-255 --> PDF

Khan, M.A.I. & Vassilicos, J.C., A new Eulerian-Lagrangian length-scale in turbulent flows, Phys. Fluids 16, 21 --> PDF

Fung, J. C. H. & Vassilicos, J. C., Inertial particle segregation by turbulence, Phys. Rev. E 68, 046309 --> PDF

Davila, J. & Vassilicos, J. C., Richardson pair diffusion and the stagnation point structure of turbulence, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 144501 --> PDF

Khan, M. A. I., Pumir A. & Vassilicos, J. C., Kinematic Simulation of multipoint turbulent diffusion, Phys. Rev. E 68, 026313 --> PDF

Wonhas, A. & Vassilicos, J. C., Mixing and geometry of advected, chemically reactive scalar fields. Application to chlorine deactivation over the mid-northern latitudes, J. Geophys. Res. 108 (D11),4325 --> PDF

Staicu, A., Mazzi, B., Vassilicos, J.C. & van de Water, W., Turbulent wakes of fractal objects, Phys. Rev. E 67, 066306 --> PDF

Nicolleau, F. & Vassilicos, J.C., Turbulent pair diffusion, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 024503 --> PDF

Vassilicos, J. C., Mixing in vortical, chaotic and turbulent flows, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A., Triennial Issue:Astronomy and Earth Science, 360, 2819-2837 --> PDF

Wonhas, A. & Vassilicos, J. C., Mixing in fully chaotic flows, Phys. Rev. E. 66, 051205 --> PDF

Wonhas, A. & Vassilicos, J. C., Diffusivity dependence of ozone depletion over the mid-northern latitudes. Phys. Rev. E.
65, 051111 1-4 --> PDF

Mazzi, B., Okkels, F. & Vassilicos, J. C., A shell-model approach to fractal-induced turbulence, Europ. Phys. J. B 28 (2):243-251 --> PDF

Kivotides, D., Vassilicos, J.C., Samuels, D.C. & Barenghi, C.F., Velocity spectra of superfluid turbulence, Europhys. Lett. 57 (6) 845-851 --> PDF

Fereday, D.R., Haynes, P.H., Wonhas, A. & Vassilicos, J.C., Scalar variance decay in chaotic advection and Batchelor-regime turbulence, Phys. Rev. E 65:035301(R) --> PDF

Khan, M.A.I. & Vassilicos, J.C., The scalings of scalar structure functions in a velocity field with a coherent vortical structure, Phys. Rev. E. 65:016304 1-10 --> PDF

Kivotides, D., Vassilicos, J.C., Barenghi, C.F., Khan, M.A.I. and Samuels, D.C., Quantum signature of superfluid turbulence, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 : (27) 275302 1-4 --> PDF

Kivotides, D., Vassilicos, J.C, Samuels, D.C. & Barenghi, C.F., Kelvin waves cascade in superfluid turbulence, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 : 3080, 2001 --> PDF

Wonhas, A. & Vassilicos, J.C., Mixing in frozen and time-periodic two-dimensional vortical flows, J. Fluid Mech. 442 : 359-385 --> PDF

Hunt, J.C.R, Sandham, N.C., Vassilicos, J.C., Launder, B.E., Monkewitz, P.A. & Hewitt, G.F., Developments in turbulence research: a review based on the 1999 Programme of the Isaac Newton Insitute, Cambridge, J. Fluid Mech. 436 : 353-391 --> PDF

Nicolleau, F. & Vassilicos, J.C., Turbulent diffusion in stably stratified non-decaying turbulence, J. Fluid Mech. 410 : 123-146 --> PDF

Flohr, P. & Vassilicos, J.C., Scalar subgrid model with flow structure for large-eddy simulation of scalar variances, J. Fluid Mech. 407 : 315-349 --> PDF

Pedrizzetti, G. & Vassilicos, J.C., Interscale transfer in two-dimensional compact vortices, J. Fluid Mech., 406 : 109-129 --> PDF


Nicolleau, F. and Vassilicos, J.C., Wavelets for the study of intermittency and its topology, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 357 : 2439-2457 --> PDF

Angilella, J.-R. and Vassilicos, J.C., Time dependent geometry and energy distribution in a spiral vortex layer, Phys. Rev. E, 59 (5): 5427-5439 --> PDF

Malik, N.A. and Vassilicos, J.C., A Lagrangian model for turbulent dispersion with turbulent-like flow structure: Comparision with direct numerical simulation for two-particle statistics, Phys. Fluids, 11 (6): 1572-1580 --> PDF


Angilella, J.-R. and Vassilicos, J.C., Spectra and dynamical properties of fractal and spiral fields, Physica D, 124 : 23-57 --> PDF

Fung, J.C.H. & Vassilicos, J.C., Two-particle dispersion in turbulentlike flows, Phys. Rev. E , 57 (2):1677-1690 --> PDF

Heppe, B.M.O., Generalised Langevin equation for relative turbulent dispersion, J. Fluid Mech. , 357 :167-198 --> PDF


Flohr, P. & Vassilicos, J.C., Accelerated scalar dissipation in a vortex, J. Fluid Mech. , 348 :295-317 --> PDF

Belcher, S.E. & Vassilicos, J.C., Breaking waves and the equilibrium range of wind wave spectra, J. Fluid Mech. , 342 :377-401 --> PDF

Vassilicos, J.C. & Nikiforakis, N., Flamelet-vortex interaction and the Gibson scale, Combust. Flame , 109 (3):293-302 --> PDF


Malik, N.A. & Vassilicos, J.C., Eulerian and Lagrangian Scaling Properties of Randomly Advected Vor tex tubes, J. Fluid Mech. , 326 :417-436 --> PDF

Vassilicos, J.C. & Brasseur, J.G., Self-similar spiral flow structure in low Reynolds number isotropicand decaying turbulence, Phys. Rev. E , 54 (1):467 --> PDF


Vassilicos, J.C., Anomalous diffusion of isolated flow singularities and of fractal or spiral structures, Phys. Rev. E , 52 (6):R5753-R5756 --> ‌PDF

Vassilicos, J.C. & Fung, J.C.H., The self-similar topology of passive interfaces advected by two-dimensional turbulent-like flows, Phys. Fluids , 7 (8):1970 --> PDF

Vassilicos, J.C., Turbulence and Intermittency, Nature , 374 (6521):408-409 --> PDF


Kevlahan, N.K.-R., Hunt, J.C.R. & Vassilicos, J.C., A Comparison of Different Analytical Techniques for Identifying Structures in Turbulence, Applied Scientific Research , 53 :339-355 --> PDF

Kevlahan, N.K.-R., & Vassilicos, J.C., The space and scale dependencies of the self-similar structure of turbulence, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A , 447 :341-363 --> PDF


Vassilicos, J. C., The multispiral model of turbulence and intermittency, Topological aspects of the dynamics of fluids and plasmas. Springer Netherlands, 427-442 --> PDF

Vassilicos, J.C. & Hunt, J.C.R., Turbulent Flamelet Propagation, Combust. Sci. Tech. , 87 1-6 :291-327 --> PDF


Hunt, J.C.R. & Vassilicos, J.C., Kolmogorov's Contribution to the Physical and Geometrical Understanding of Turbulent Flows and Recent Developments, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A , 434 :183-210 --> PDF

Vassilicos, J.C. & Hunt, J.C.R., Fractal Dimensions and Spectra of Interfaces with Application to Turbulence, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A , 435 :505-534 --> PDF

Fung, J.C.H. & Vassilicos, J.C., Fractal Dimensions of Lines in Chaotic Advection, Phys. Fluids A A , 11 :2725-2733 --> PDF


Coffey C.J., Hunt G.R., Seoud R.E. & Vassilicos J.C.
Mixing effectiveness of fractal grids for inline static mixers --> PDF

Recent Papers

Cafiero G. & Vassilicos J.C., Non-equilibrium turbulence scalings and self-similarity in turbulent planar jets, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 475, 20190038 --> PDFWeb Link

Alves Portela F., Papadakis G. & Vassilicos J.C., Turbulence dissipation and the role of coherent structures in the near wake of a square prismPhys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 124609 --> PDFWeb Link

Başbuğ S., Papadakis G. & Vassilicos J.C., Reduced mixing time in stirred vessels by means of irregular impellersPhys. Rev. Fluids3,  084502 --> PDFWeb Link

Yasuda T. & Vassilicos J.C., Spatio-temporal intermittency of the turbulent energy cascadeJ. Fluid Mechanics, 853, 235--252  --> PDFWeb Link

Zheng S., Bruce P.J.K., Graham J.M.R. & Vassilicos J.C., Weakly sheared turbulent flows generated by multiscale inhomogeneous gridsJ. Fluid Mechanics848, 788--820 --> PDFWeb Link