Women networking

Contact Us

For any queries or to find out how to be involved with the AWA, please get in touch:

Ilaria Belluomo

Nina Moderau

Who we are

The Academic Women Association (AWA) was founded in 2022. We aim to establish an environment in which women feel empowered to discuss and plan their career progression. Women are under-represented in many Departments of Imperial College and many other academic institutions, especially at senior levels. The lack of role models for junior female scientists wishing to undertake a scientific career could impact their confidence in aiming at a future leadership role. We strongly believe that an effective networking system between women at different career levels can have a positive impact in encouraging junior researchers to pursue careers in leadership roles in and outside academia.

AWA was created by members of the Culture and Engagement Committee in the Department of Surgery and Cancer and is open to all women at Imperial College. Women at different levels of their careers, from master Students to Professors, are invited to take part in the Association. AWA will be built in direct collaboration with its target audience, shaping events based on committee and member suggestions (feedback and survey).

AWA's mission

  • To establish a networking organisation for academic women as a safe space to discuss career strategies and how to achieve goals as well as overcoming obstacles;
  • To understand visions and needs of the members and organise events to promote the group;
  • To help and promote careers of excellent women scientist;
  • Improve culture and perception for women in STEM.

AWA's Vision

AWA will provide a platform for discussion of topics like balance between personal life and career, caring responsibilities and confidence in work environment. We will create a novel format that could act as a beacon networking system for Departments and Faculties in the College.

Activities and Events

Got a suggestion?

Got a topic suggestion for a future event? We want to hear from you!
Please submit your suggestions here