An aerial photo of the White City Campus

Raising £100 million to create a new home for public health research at White City Campus

Research in public health helps prevent disease, prolong life and improve health. Over the last 50 years, public health research has been behind many of the victories in the fight for better health. But the fight is far from over. 

Emerging infectious diseases like HIV and COVID-19 impact millions. Old foes such as malaria and measles continue to cause devastation. Changes to lifestyle have led to new health problems, from rising levels of heart disease and obesity, to a childhood mental health crisis. And, while many of us are living longer, old age is often a time when independence and quality of life are limited.  

Without taking action, there is the risk healthcare systems will be overwhelmed. By combining our expertise in data analytics, public health and policy, we’ll provide fresh insight into the causes, development and most effective means to control disease. By creating opportunities to collaborate, our researchers will solve the most complex challenges. By working closely with healthcare professionals, we’ll design interventions that change lives locally and globally.

Introducing the Campaign for the School of Public Health

Our four priority areas

World health 

With your support, we will:

  • Create academic posts and scholarships 
  • Establish a Centre for Food and Nutrition 
  • Launch the Emerging Infections Laboratories 

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Children’s health and wellbeing

With your support, we will:

  • Create new academic posts in the Mohn Centre for Children’s Health and Wellbeing
  • Improve care and outcomes for babies
  • Counter the crisis in teenage mental health 

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Priorities 2

Community health and policy

With your support, we will:

  • Establish a Centre for Health Equity 
  • Open a new Centre for Air Pollution Research
  • Create a Centre for Economics and Epidemiology 

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Life-long health

With your support, we will:

  • Create a new Centre for Women’s Health 
  • Establish a Centre for Healthy Ageing

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The story so far

In Summer 2018, we launched our campaign to raise £100 million to create a new building for public health research at White City Campus. The funds will help us create academic positions, research spaces and educational opportunities across four priority areas.

To date, we have connected with more than 300 supporters and raised over £66 million towards the campaign for the School of Public Health.

  • £25 million from Marit Mohn has established the Mohn Centre for Children's Health and Wellbeing. 
  • In partnership with Community Jameel, we co-founded the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics. 
  • Kenneth C. Griffin and Community Jameel co-funded the Jameel Institute-Kenneth C. Griffin Initiative for the Economics of Pandemic Preparedness.
  • £2.5 million from Humphrey Battcock helped Imperial to appoint Professor Frank Kelly, Chair in Community Health and Policy and form Europe’s largest cluster for research into air pollution and health.
  • £1 million from the Garfield Weston Foundation is supporting the capital costs of the new building for the School of Public Health.
  • £500,000 from the Wolfson Foundation is supporting the capital costs of the new building for the School of Public Health.

What’s next?

Now we need to raise £33 million to complete building work, fit out laboratory spaces, and secure the academic leadership needed to deliver a programme of research focused on the most pressing health threats.

The move to the White City Campus will bring together public health staff who are currently spread over four locations. We’ll also be able to work closely with local frontline healthcare professionals and the community. In April 2021, the College marked the breaking of ground at the site for the new School of Public Health Building with a celebration event. A topping out ceremony took place in November 2022 to mark the completion of the School of Public Health's structural construction work. 

About the School of Public Health

Imperial is one of the world’s leading institutions for public health research. With expertise ranging from outbreak analysis to ageing, we’re translating discoveries into improvements in policy, prevention and treatment of disease. 

The School is home to several major publicly funded research institutes, including the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis and the MRC Centre for Environment and Health. We also have close links with the World Health Organization and host WHO collaborating centres in a range of areas. 

Becoming a donor 

We’d love to tell you more and answer any questions you have. To discuss how you can support the School of Public Health and help us transform health, talk to Rowena Morgan, Deputy Director of Development – Faculty of Medicine. You can reach Rowena by email at or by phone on +44 (0)20 7594 6743.


Contact us

Become a donor or find out more about the Campaign for the School of Public Health

Rowena Morgan

Phone: +44 (0)20 7594 6743