Your gift will have a real impact

To celebrate the life of a loved one, you can make a gift in memory to remember them and make a difference to a cause that was close to their heart. Whether your loved one was an alumnus, staff member or close to Imperial for another reason, there are many different ways you can make a meaningful tribute in their memory and we have an obituary page on our website where you can share their life and achievements with others. Thank you for thinking of Imperial at this time.

Make a donation now in memory of a loved one.

Frequently asked questions

Memorial Pages

There is a wide choice of websites that allow you to create a memorial page for your loved one and to donate to the charity of your choosing. Imperial College London is registered with JustGiving and MuchLoved and you are welcome to set up a new memorial page via this link. Alternatively, you can make a gift through this donation form to our Student Assistance Fund.

Donating in memory

You may wish to make a one-off gift in memory of your loved one, by cheque payable to ‘Imperial College London’. Please specify the fund you would like your gift to support, otherwise it will be allocated to our unrestricted fund.

Cheques should be sent to:

Marta Bel
Head of Gift Accounting
Imperial College London
Advancement Division
SALC Mezzanine Level 5
Sherfield Building

It would be lovely to hear a little more about the person you are remembering and why you have chosen to support Imperial in their memory, so please do include these details if you are happy to share them with us.

Alternatively, you can make a gift online to our Student Assistance Fund.

Gifts in lieu of flowers

It is possible for funeral attendees to make a gift to charity instead of giving flowers. If you would like to offer attendees the option of making a gift to Imperial College London, we can provide more information to help make this as easy as possible.

You may choose to provide a collection basket at the back of the room during the service, and let guests know that they are welcome to make a cash donation. The amount raised can be sent to the University by cheque (payable to ‘Imperial College London') as a lump sum, but cannot be gift aided. Please specify the fund you would like to support otherwise it will be allocated to our unrestricted fund. 

Cheques should be sent to:

Marta Bel
Head of Gift Accounting
Imperial College London
Advancement Division
SALC Mezzanine Level 5
Sherfield Building

If you would prefer to provide information to your guests about how to make a donation directly to the University, you can request a donation form, or a bundle of donation forms and pre-paid return envelopes. To request either of these please contact

Will my gift be eligible for Gift Aid?

You can make your gift go further. If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the relevant box when you donate on the Imperial website and Imperial College London will be able to claim Gift Aid on your donation.

If you make a gift via JustGiving, please tick the relevant box on the JustGiving online donation form and JustGiving will claim Gift Aid on behalf of Imperial College London.

If you are sending a cheque or cash donation on behalf of other donors in one lump sum, please note that this gift will not be eligible for Gift Aid; please let us know if this is the case so that we do not claim Gift Aid in error. 

Who can I contact?

We would love to hear from you about the fond memories you have of your loved one and why you have decided to give to the College. You can get in touch with a member of our team at


Alumni obituaries

If you would like to submit an obituary for an alumnus or former member of staff to be included on the College website please get in touch with the Alumni Relations Team by email