A message for legacy supporters from the Head of Regular Giving and Legacy Giving, Anna Wall


Dear Friends,

Anna Wall, Head of Legacy Giving

Thank you for considering a gift to Imperial. I hope that you’ve found the information that you were looking for. I would be delighted to hear your thoughts.

One of the most enjoyable parts of my role here at Imperial is talking to our alumni and friends about what inspires you to make a legacy gift. It’s wonderful to hear about your connection to the College and memories of this special place. I’m inspired daily by stories of the careers, friendships and marriages that were born here. Everyone’s story is different – but there’s a shared connection to Imperial and a common interest in safeguarding the College’s future with a legacy gift.

A legacy gift is an expression of your values – of the principles that are important to you. It’s a very personal decision. Legacy gifts have impact across College, and it’s possible to choose an area that fits with your own philanthropic priorities, whether that’s student scholarships, academic research or cross-College projects.

If you are interested in learning more about legacy giving, I would be delighted to have a chat and to discuss your philanthropic goals. If you would like to come to the College to see what we’re working on, or find out where your support could be put to best use, we would love to welcome you to campus for a guided tour, or to meet with our academics, or to simply have a cup of tea and a chat about the possibilities.

If you would like to arrange a conversation, please don’t hesitate to be in touch.

Best wishes,

Anna Wall
Head of Regular Giving and Legacy Giving


Meet the Legacy Team

Katharine Palmer, Legacy Officer

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6159

Email: k.palmer@imperial.ac.uk

Regular Giving and Legacies Coordinator

Tel: +44 (0)207 594 9330

Email: giving@imperial.ac.uk