Two students use lab equipment to make yoghurt in the Chemical Kitchen

Thank you for making a difference

Your generosity impacts every aspect of life at Imperial.

Donors play an essential role in our mission to pursue excellence in research and education for the benefit of society, whether that's through funding scholarships and bursaries for those who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford to study at Imperial, providing support for life-changing research, or creating new academic posts and programmes. 

A message for supporters from Elizabeth Akeju, Medical Student and President’s Scholar

Dear Friends,

When I first found out I’d received my scholarship, I felt honoured that Imperial alumni and donors felt that I had the potential to succeed and decided to invest in me. It was such a motivating way to begin my studies and encouraged me for the academic year ahead.

I chose to study medicine because I wanted to pursue a career where I could form relationships with people in the community and make a difference for others every day. Alongside my studies, I’m taking part in the SHARP Project, which uses virtual reality and in-person simulation to prevent knife crime in secondary school children. I wanted to join SHARP because of my personal experiences of growing up in East London – I know people who have been victims of knife crime and I want to be part of its prevention. Having the opportunity to go into the community and show students the reality and severity of knife crime has been a truly inspiring and insightful learning experience.

Your support has helped me make the most of my university experience without the burden of financial stress or restricting myself from making the most of every opportunity on offer. I’d like to say thank you to everyone who has donated to support students, your donations hold more than just monetary value, they have emotional significance too – you’ve given me the freedom to grow my confidence as an individual and as a doctor in training.

Thank you,


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