Arms spread with lots of students above on a craneImperial is a highly-regarded UK university with a global reputation for research. This means that you will have the chance to interact with pioneering researchers and exceptional educators.

However, the benefits of studying and researching at Imperial go beyond the lecture theatre. When you are planning how to make the most of your Imperial experience, why not consider how to use the resources at the College to your advantage?

Here are a few things to consider:

Imperial community as a resource tabs

World-leading opportunities

Imperial works in partnership with institutions all over the world. This gives students the opportunity to get involved in high-profile international research projects, or experience university life in a completely different country.

Make yourself aware of the notable projects in your field, and the overseas partners that you may be able to work with.

Access to networks

By building up your personal networks, you will be able to discover and secure job opportunities that are not advertised elsewhere. Many Imperial researchers and staff in your field will have attractive contacts at high-profile universities and companies. You may receive valuable advice or career breaks, as long as you are open to meeting new people.

Remember to maintain your profile by keeping your CV up to date, and making the most of platforms such as LinkedIn.

Community through peer groups

You will be required to work as a group at some point in your Master's degree. While it can be tricky to balance the personalities and approaches of a larger number of people, it can provide a very useful grounding for a future career. Make the most of this opportunity. Being open to the advice and perspectives of your peers does not just help you to improve your work. It also enables you to see opportunities that you may not have recognised otherwise.

Build your community, and you will have an excellent resource for feedback, collaboration and networking.

Source of support

You will be expected to be more independent and self-sufficient as a Master's student, but that is not to say that you should not take advantage of support when it is offered.

Beyond the advice of the Careers Service - which will provide you with guidance and resources for planning out your future career - you will also be able to tap into the experiences of current and past students, and receive a helping hand from experienced supervisors and researchers. Counselling services and support departments are on hand if you begin to find the burdens of the programme too great, and can suggest ways to lighten the load or see it differently.

The Student Support Zone contains more information on all the support available to Imperial students.

Making the most of the capital

London is one of the world's greatest cities, it is a great base for exploring everything that this vast and diverse city has to offer. This does not just apply to extra-curricular activities, such as museum and library trips and landmark visits, whatever your chosen field of interest, there are established groups and organisations in London that you can tap into and collaborate with to collect data, and gain an understanding and sense of community that you may not get elsewhere.

Your degree will pass quickly, while you like here make sure you spend some time exploring one of most visited cities in the world.