To mark the end of the four year MEng programme in Civil and Environmental Engineering, and for many, the end of university life, a two-day Student Conference is held each year at the end of June.

It provides an opportunity for this year’s graduates to present the results of their research, carried out in the final year over a period of four months, to an audience of academic staff, industry, postgraduate researchers, and fellow undergraduates, in the form of a poster and an oral presentation.  The Conference offers an excellent way to showcase the skills of our final year students as well as the diversity of research undertaken within the departmental Sections of Environmental and Water Resource Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Geotechnics, Structures and Transport, and a copy of the Conference Schedule for each Section is listed below.

The event closed with an Awards ceremony at which the best student oral presentations, by Section, were recognised.  This year’s winners (2018) were:

2018 Student Conference Prize Winners
 EWRE Award: Zi Qing Gan
Groundwater and conflict: assessing groundwater resources during drought in Somalia using high frequency water level data  
Supervised by: Dr Adrian Butler/ Dr Wouter Buytaert/ Boris Ochoa Tocachi
Fluid Mechanics  Award: Jack McCarthy
Wave breaking in random seas 
Supervised by: Professor Chris Swan
Geotechnics Award: Christina Trigle
Long-term tunnelling-induced settlements with special reference to Elizabeth House
Supervised by: Dr Jamie Standing
Structures Award: Aleksandar Kirilenko
Nonlinear mechanics of prestressed stayed beam-columns
Supervised by: Professor Ahmer Wadee
 Transport Award: Jean-Marc Feghali
Barriers to the spatial orientation and autonomy of visually impaired users on the London Underground
Supervised by: Dr Arnab Majumdar
2018 Student Conference Prize Winners
2018 Student Conference: Poster Prize Winners

2018 Student Conference Schedule

Poster no# and StudentTitleSupervisor(s)
E01 - Zi Qing Gan Groundwater and conflict: assessing groundwater resources during drought in Somalia using high frequency water level data Butler, A.; Buytaert, W.; Ochoa Tocachi
E02 - Elman Mazlan
Extreme rainfall analysis of the Nepalese Himalayas using satellite precipitation and rain gauge data Buytaert, W.
E03 - Susie McAllister Novel thermal insulation materials produced from foamed geopolymers Cheeseman, C.R.
E04 - Kosta Eleftheriou Properties of hot-pressed non-woven feather fibre composites Cheeseman, C.R.
E05 - Jin Chen  Steps towards the recovery of value from mobile phones Grimes, S.M.Fowler, G.D.
E06 - Jian Chew Renewable energy in Malaysia – An energy, economic and environmental analysis of the use of municipal solid waste as a feedstock Grimes, S.M.
E07 - Vasilis Lyssiotis Steps towards integrated solid waste management in Cyprus - A techno-economic assessment  Grimes, S.M.Smith, S.R.
E08 - Ka Ming (David) Cheung Steps towards integrated solid waste management in Hong Kong - A proposal for food waste management Grimes, S.M.
E09 - Jamil Mohideen A feasibility study for the reuse of CD&E waste in an agricultural setting Grimes, S.M.; Short 
E10 - Harrysshan Edward Circular economy as a concept for water neutrality Mijic, A. 
E11 -  Ziyan Zhang Decision network for blue green solutions Mijic, A. 
E12 - Jonathan Alianto Inclusion of soil fertility and memory in a socio-hydrological model in Northern India Mijic, A. 
E13 - Haolin Wu Systems approach to urban water management Mijic, A. 
E14 - Sin Ni Chim Methods for recovering nitrogen from wastewater Smith, S.R.
E15 - Matin Mortezai Nejad Nitrogen transformations, balance and energy demands in wastewater and sewage sludge treatment  Smith, S.R.
E16 - Ching Yan (Polly) Man Microbial decay of wood Smith, S.R.
E17 - Omar Zeitouni Energy and resource recovery from sewage sludge and a multi criteria analysis of different treatment methods Smith, S.R.
E18 - Gui Shuen Tong   Processes and mechanisms responsible for microbial degradation of the chemical and structural integrity of concrete  Smith, S.R.Buenfeld, N.R.
E19 - Lewis Momen Citizen science to assess water supply intermittency in cities in developing countries: case study of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal Templeton, M.R.
E20 - Richard Glass Citizen science to assess water supply intermittency in cities in developing countries: case study of Lima, Peru  Templeton, M.R. 
Environmental Engineering (EWRE)
Environmental Engineering (EWRE)
Poster No# and StudentTitleSupervisor(s)
F01 - Syed (Azhar) Ali An experimental study of impact loading Swan, C.
F02 - Jack McCarthy Wave breaking in random seas Swan, C.
F03 - Chai Tephabutra
The interaction between steep waves and a surface-piercing riser array Swan, C.
F04 - Shahd El Shafei Emission modelling for 3D urban air quality simulation van Reeuwijk, M.
F05 - Ahmad El Obeid
The effect of roughness on inclined gravity current dynamics and entrainment van Reeuwijk, M.
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Poster No# & StudentTitleSupervisor
G01 - Teng (Terence) Vu Numerical modelling of the thermal performance of thermo-active piles Gawecka KA.
G02 - Heng Hoe Cheong Numerical modelling of thermo-active tunnels Gawecka KA.
G03 - Gemma McNamara Geotechnical aspects of the 1985 and 2017 Mexico City earthquakes Kontoe, S.
G04 - Xiaoxiao Ding Effect of shearing on stress transfer within gap-graded soils  O'Sullivan, C. 
G05 - Christina Trigle
Long-term tunnelling-induced settlements with special reference to Elizabeth House Standing, J.R.
G06 - Yick (Eric) Leung A new material model for sand: application to laterally loaded piles Taborda, D.
G07 - Xiao Binn Neoh Assessment of modelling techniques for thermo-active retaining walls Taborda, D.
G08 - Man Him (Chris) Pang Numerical modelling of the thermal performance of thermo-active retaining walls and its impact on their design Taborda, D.
G09 - Ho Ching (Martin) Lee  Examination of the t-z design method for wind turbine jacket-pile foundations in sand Zdravkovic, L.
G10 - Hei Long (Ronnie) Li Investigation of new design methods for offshore wind turbine monopiles Zdravkovic, L.
Environmental Engineering (EWRE)
Poster No# and StudentTitleSupervisor(s)
S01 - Anna Schumacher  Material response of wire-arc additive manufactured stainless steel Gardner, L.
S02 - Kwan Lui  Geometric characterisation of 3D printed steel structural elements Gardner, L.
S03 - Laura Beseler Maxwell  Mesoscale simulations of historical masonry walls Macorini, L. 
S04 - Ruoheng Zhang  Dynamic response of beams with optimised topologies Malaga-Chuquitaype, C
S05 - Teo Marcel  Assessment of the performance of digitally manufactured Japanese joinery for modern timber construction Malaga-Chuquitaype, C
S06 - Maria Stasi  Trabecular bone as a low-connectivity structure Phillips, A.T.M
S07 - Pei Ying (Dixon) Li  A computational approach to model human lumbar vertebrae: Structural adaptation of vertebral body in response to disc degeneration Phillips, A.T.M
S08 - Leire de Mariscal Perez  Out-of-plane instability in harp cable-stayed bridges Ruiz-Teran, A.  
S09 - Siew Meng (Arthur) Mun  Out-of-plane stability of pylons in cable-stayed bridges with fan arrangement Ruiz-Teran, A.  
S10 - Ludovica Pototschnig  Buckling of elastic spherical shells under external pressure and various boundary conditions Sadowski, A.
S11 - Petrina Constantinou  Buckling of elastic cylindrical shells under external pressure and various boundary conditions Sadowski, A.
S12 - Lukas Ziak  Assessment of draft EC2 design method for shear in members without shear reinforcement Vollum, R.L.
S13 - Aleksandar Kirilenko  Nonlinear mechanics of prestressed stayed beam-columns Wadee, A.
S14 - Peikai Lin  The effectiveness of hollow microspheres on reducing cracks in concrete Wong, H.S.
S15 - Marwa El-Fassi  Influence of vertical reinforcement spacer on transport properties and durability of concrete  Wong, H.S.
S16 - Richard Man  Influence of surface texture on bond strength of spacer-concrete interface  Wong, H.S.
Environmental Engineering (EWRE)
Poster No# and StudentTitleSupervisor(s)
T01 - Ioannis (John) Tsipouras  Optimal ship weather routing for the reduction of marine black carbon emissions Angeloudis, P.Stettler, M. 
T02 - Kisaanth Jeyarayan  Evaluating the impact of the integration of TNC services and a step-free TfL network on the travel utility of London's mobility impaired population Angeloudis, P.
T03 - Pau Boix  Validation and comparative analysis of passenger-to-train assignment methods in a simulation environment Graham, D.J.
T04 - Anthony Featherstone  A truncation correction for bias in passenger assignment models using large scale automated data  Graham, D.J.
T05 - Shuo Zhang  Vulnerability analysis of Shanghai metro network Han, K.Graham, D.J.
T06 - Bingyi Liu  Analysis of taxi hailing in adverse weather conditions in Beijing Han, K.
T07 - Tsz Cheuk Ho  Predicting floating bike flow in Beijing using multiple data sources and machine learning Han, K.
T08 - Sophia Hoy Yee Cheung  Analysing commuting patterns on the Beijing motorway network based on unsupervised learning of taxi GPS data Han, K.
T09 - Juehan Zeng  Trajectory clustering for analysing ride sharing patterns Han, K.Polak, JW.
T10 - Alex Kao Shing Lee  Short-term prediction of passenger flows in the Shanghai metro using deep learning Han, K.
T11 - Hongye Li  Mobility patterns in floating bike-sharing system: A complex network perspective Han, K.
T12 - Marthe Boulleau  Using long short-term memory to predict air quality in Heathrow Airport Han, K.
T13 -  Renneng Chen  Estimating and predicting network-wide traffic speed based on taxi GPS data in Beijing Polak, JW.Han, K.
T14 - Qixian Zhang  The analysis of factors underlying safety in the ports of the United Kingdom Majumdar, A.; Rogers
T15 - Jean Marc Feghali
 Barriers to the spatial orientation and autonomy of visually impaired users on the London Underground Majumdar, A. 
T16 - Yi Xu  Analysis of airspace infringements in the United States of America from 2008 to 2017 Majumdar, A.
T17 - Nisansa Igalawithana   Safety analysis of training helicopter accidents in the United Kingdom Majumdar, A.
T18 - Claudia Caravello  Fire evacuation modelling in the Imperial College London Skempton Building to ascertain the optimal fire evacuation procedure Majumdar, A.; Bateman; Shipman
T19 - Louis Brown  Operational performance analysis and human behaviour evaluation based on Beijing Metro incident database Majumdar, A.; Fei
T20 - Penghui Zhu  Analysis based on Beijing metro line 5 incident database Majumdar, A.; Fei
T21 - Fahmy Adan  Distributed ledger technology ameliorating import cargo clearance efficiency in the Port of Mombasa, Kenya Ochieng, W.
T22 - Fidias Ieridis  Impact of stationless bike sharing scheme on public transport in Beijing Sivakumar, A.Han, K.
T23 - Lluis Colomes Barbara  Using RP data for valuation of travel time savings    Sivakumar, A.; 
T24 - Konstantinos Kakkavas  Development of a modelling framework for air travel demand; case study of the London multi-airport region Sivakumar, A.;
T25 - Frederick Lewis  A systems engineering approach to improve the use of requirements for prefabricated and offsite design towards buildability Whyte, J.
T26 - Zheng Guo  Risk management in modular construction Whyte, J.
T27 - Panukorn (Teddy) Taleongpong  Machine learning techniques to predict reactionary delays, travel times and dwell times on a busy UK railway network Popo-Ola, SO.Han, K.