Each year across the UK, nearly 50,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and over 12,000 will die of the disease. It is the second biggest cancer killer of men, but it shouldn’t be. It’s treatable and curable, especially if diagnosed early. Research into early diagnosis of prostate cancer is vital if more men are to survive the disease.

The current test for prostate cancer, a blood test named PSA, has been found to have poor accuracy and does not detect the cancer early enough. An accurate, non-invasive test is urgently needed. Led by Professor Hashim Ahmed and Dr David Eldred-Evans, an alternative non-invasive test named the PROSTAGRAM has been developed. In May 2020 the Imperial Prostate group concluded a world-leading study which demonstrated that a non-invasive MRI (PROSTAGRAM) is capable of identifying up to twice as many high risk prostate cancers compared to traditional blood tests (PSA).This finding is the first step towards more reliable prostate cancer screening leading to earlier detection and in turn better survivorship.
The PROSTAGRAM is a simple, non-invasive MRI scan which lasts around 15 minutes. It is a simplified version of the full 30-40 minute MRI scan which has been recently recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) as the first-line test for men referred to hospital with a suspicion of prostate cancer. The scan uses magnetism to produce a detailed picture of the prostate. It has no radiation risk making it safe as well as non-invasive.

The PROSTAGRAM is urgently needed because prostate cancer deaths have overtaken those from breast cancer. Screening can be used to ensure that prostate cancer is caught before it’s too late. It is our team’s vision that every man will have access to PROSTAGRAM screenings and the opportunity for non-invasive early diagnosis.
The PROSTAGRAM was successfully piloted in a study of over 400 men across the UK in 2019. But for PROSTAGRAM to be available through the NHS, we need to complete a national study to see how it can have impact across the UK. The study will use mobile scanning trucks in high footfall areas, to guarantee easy access to the trial. The goal is to complete a study of thousands of men that will allow an accurate comparison of PSA and a PROSTAGRAM scan in a one-stop Prostate Health Check.
For this study to take place we need to raise £2.5million. The campaign has already reached £500,000. In order to realise the ambitions of the campaign we are looking to philanthropists and individuals to support us with gifts at any level.
Please consider a gift today. Thank you.