Key Information

Tutors: Dr Helal Ahmed
Course Level: Level 2
Course Credit: 1 credit


  • Fri 25 April 2025, 10:30-12:30, MS Teams
  • Tue 27 May 2025, 13:00-15:00, South Kensington Campus

Posters are an effective way to present your research and highlight key areas of your work. In this course you will gain information and suggestions on how to create a poster, and you will practise presenting your poster to an interdisciplinary audience. 

Course Information

This course includes pre-course activities (1h30) to complete in your own time, and course activities (2h) to engage with during the live course: you will receive the credit by participating in all pre-course and course activities.

In preparation for the live course you are expected to watch a short video, read the provided handout and prepare a poster about your research project. You can decide what part of your project you want to present: for example, if you are a first-year student, you could explain the background of your project; if you are a final year student, you could present your results.

In the live course you will clarify doubts and practice your poster presentation in front of an interdisciplinary audience and give and receive feedback. Live sessions are available on different dates as online interaction or as in-person workshop. Please check details when booking.


  • The first part of the live course covers the basics to creating posters
  • The second part will be presenting posters, followed by providing and receiving feedback
  • This course does not cover the use of software
  • The deadline for registration is 2 weeks before the live course to allow time to complete the pre-course activities
  • For the live session you can use a poster you have recently presented.
  • You will need to send your poster to the tutor by 17h the day before the live session (details in the reminder email).

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Identify the difference between a conference and poster presentations.
  • Recognise the key points to present and how to present them effectively.
  • Employ presentation techniques and practice your skills.
  • Develop your self-confidence in presenting a poster.
  • Assess the impact of your poster on the audience and respond to feedback for improving your poster presentation.

How to Book

Please select a date and book on via Inkpath using your Imperial Single-Sign-On.  Bookings will close approximately one week before each live session.