There are two schemes in force, the tuition fee remission scheme for staff of the College registering for a part-time degree at the College, or staff-student fees for staff employed to work on a particular project as a Research Assistant/Clinical Research Fellow or equivalent.  Additionally, students taking a year out of their studies to act as a sabbatical officer of Imperial College Union will not be charged any fees for the duration of their term of office.

Tuition Fee remission scheme and staff-student fees

Eligibility requirements

  • The scheme is open to all full- and part-time staff who have a substantive contract of employment with Imperial College London or any of its wholly owned subsidiaries. The scheme is not open to holders of honorary contracts with the College or any of its wholly owned subsidiaries.  Staff whose employment at the College is wholly and directly externally funded are not eligible to apply for fee remission. 
  • For the avoidance of doubt, the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (ICHNT) is not a wholly owned subsidiary of the College and holding a contract of employment with ICHNT does not qualify Trust staff for fee remission.
  • The scheme is not open to children or partners of College staff.
  • The scheme only covers postgraduate study including postgraduate certificates or diplomas but does not cover attendance on modules from these degrees taken as CPD or on a non-credit basis.
  • Staff will need to demonstrate a clear business case approved by their Head of Department (or equivalent) showing how the proposed studies will benefit their work for the College. Written confirmation that the HoD has agreed the business case and supports the application for fee remission will be required before any application for fee remission can be progressed. 
  • Staff will be required to apply to their desired programme via the normal competitive application route, any application for fee remission will only be considered once the staff member is accepted on to their programme and meets all conditions of their offer.
  • Staff must have completed a minimum of twelve months continuous service prior to commencing their studies. If a staff member commences their studies before completing the minimum period of continuous service, they will not be eligible for fee remission for any part of that programme. 
  • The scheme is open to staff on both open ended and fixed term contracts however, the end date for staff on fixed term contracts must be on or after the expected completion date of their programme. If the end-date is before the expected completion date, the staff member will not be eligible for fee remission even if their contract is subsequently extended to beyond their expected completion date. 
  • Staff are only eligible for the scheme for the duration of their employment with the College. If the staff member’s contract is terminated during their studies, they will cease to be eligible for fee remission from the date their contract ended.  Any remission already applied will be recalculated pro rata
  • If a staff member leaves the College through resignation during or within twelve months of completing their programme, they will be required to repay the fee remission received in full. If a staff member leaves the College through resignation between twelve and 24 months of completing their programme, they will be required to repay 50% of the fee remission received.  If a staff member leaves the College through redundancy, involuntary termination, or the scheduled ending of a fixed-term contract at any time during or after completing their programme, they will cease to be eligible for fee remission but will not be required to repay any remission already received. 

Amount of fee remission

Staff that qualify for the tuition fee remission scheme will receive a discount of two-thirds the relevant Home fee for their programme regardless of their fee classification pro rata the full time equivalence (FTE) of their contract.  Thus, a part-time staff member employed at 0.6 FTE will receive remission of two-fifths of the relevant Home fee. 

The remaining balance of fees will be the responsibility of the staff member however, the receipt of fee remission will not preclude the staff member from receiving any other form of sponsorship or award.  In the event that a staff member receives more funding than the total fee payable (excess funding), the amount of fee remission granted will be reduced by the excess funding amount. 

Eligibility requirements

  • To qualify for staff-student status, staff must be employed full-time to work on a particular project as a Research Assistant/Clinical Research Fellow or equivalent and be registered for a doctoral degree (including integrated Masters/Doctoral programmes) as part of their employment with the College. Part-time RAs/CRFs are not eligible for staff-student fees but may apply for the tuition fee remission scheme provided they meet the full eligibility requirements of that scheme. 
  • The staff member must have commenced their employment on or before the start date of their studies and must have a contract for at least the expected duration of their studies before the commence those studies. For the avoidance of doubt, staff will not be eligible for staff-student fees for any part of their studies if their contract does not cover the full expected duration of their studies even if it is subsequently extended. 
  • There is no qualifying period of service, however, if a staff member commences their studies before their contract start-date, their will not be eligible for staff-student fees for any part of their studies.
  • Staff must be funded by the College and not wholly and directly by an external organisation. Research staff may be employed under an externally funded research grant provided that grant is received and administered by the College and not specifically for the employment of that individual employee.  The status of being funded via an external research grant does not remove the requirement for the staff member to hold a contract for the full expected duration of their studies. 
  • Staff are only eligible for staff-student fees for the duration of their employment with the College; if a staff member’s contract is terminated during their studies, they will cease to be eligible for staff-student fees from their contract end date and any fees payable will be recalculated at the full relevant rate from that date forwards.
  • If a staff member leaves the College through resignation during or within twelve months of completing a doctoral programme for which they were charged staff-student fees, they will be required to repay the balance between the staff student-fee and the relevant full fee in full. If a staff member leaves the College through resignation between twelve and 24 months of completing the programme, they will be required to repay 50% of the balance between the staff-student fee and the relevant full fee.  If a staff member leaves the College through redundancy, involuntary termination, or the scheduled ending of a fixed-term contract at any time during or after completing their programme, they will cease to be eligible for fee remission but will not be required to repay any remission already received.  If a staff member is redeployed within the College under a new contract after either redundancy or the ending of a fixed term contract, the potential to be required to repay any balance of fees will cease even if the new contract is continuous with the previous contract. 

Amount of fee remission

Staff that qualify for the staff-student fees will be charged one-third of the relevant Home fee for their programme regardless of their fee classification. 

The remaining balance of fees will be the responsibility of the staff member however, the receipt of fee remission will not preclude the staff member from receiving any other form of sponsorship or award.  In the event that a staff member receives more funding than the total fee payable (excess funding), the amount of that funding will be reduced by the excess funding amount. 


If you have any questions or wish to check eligibility please e-mail