About accordion

History of the board

The Exploration Board was set up in 1955 to consider proposals for expeditions submitted by students of the College, and to administer funds given by the College, Imperial College Union and other sources to assist with the cost of these expeditions. It is under the sponsorship of the College, Imperial College Union and Constituent College Associations and it currently reports to the Provost.

Each of the sponsoring bodies is represented on the Board. The Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer are appointed by the Provost. Three members of the academic staff, one representative each from the Imperial College Union, the individual Constituent Unions, and the Constituent College Associations complete the Board's membership (see current board membership below).

The Board meets twice a year (see Dates of meetings) to consider proposals submitted to it. Decisions to recognise expeditions as official College ventures are usually made at a meeting held in the autumn term. In many cases recognition carries with it a grant towards the cost (see Sources of funding) (most expeditions also receive support in the form of money or equipment from sources outside the College). A variety of equipment is held for loan to approved expeditions and the Board accepts responsibility for adequately insuring the personnel and equipment for these expeditions.

Expeditions provide excellent opportunities to gain experience in organisation and living and working with other people, and when considering proposals the Board takes this, as well as the scientific value, into account. On the whole, the Board aims to support projects that reach a balance between straightforward scientific research and an adventurous holiday.

Imperial College expeditions destinations have included Afghanistan, Alaska, the Azores, the Balearic Islands, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Borneo, Cameroon, the Caucasus, Lake Chad, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Fiji, Ghana, Greece, Greenland, the Himalayas, Iceland, Iran, Jan Mayen, the Karakorum, Kashmir, Kenya, Libya, the Maldive Islands, Malta, Mauritius, Morocco, Nepal, Newfoundland, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Peru, the Red Sea, Siberia, Sicily, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, the Solomon Islands, Spitsbergen, Sri Lanka, St Kitts, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, the Ukraine and the Yukon.

Officers of the board

Dr Lorraine Craig
Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching)
Faculty of Engineering
t: +44 (0)20 7594 6436
e: l.craig@imperial.ac.uk

Dr Phil Power
Director of the Education Office and Head of Strategic Projects
Education Office
e: philip.power@imperial.ac.uk

Mr Chris Green
t: +44 (0)20 7594 8712
e: c.green@imperial.ac.uk

Equipment Officer
Mr Ciarán McKeown
t: +44 (0)20 7589 5111 ext 55393
e: c.mckeown@imperial.ac.uk

Current board membership
Position Member
Chair appointed by Provost Dr Lorraine Craig (Faculty of Engineering)
Senior Staff Member Chris Banks (Director of Library Services)

Three members of the academic staff

Prof Vincent Savolainen (Life Sciences)
Prof Mark Wilson (Medicine)
Dr Philippa Mason (Earth Science & Engineering)

One student representative each from Imperial College Union, and each of the Constituent Unions.

Christian Cooper (ICU)
Haider Nazerali (ICSMSU)

William Carter (CGCU)

Isla Nicolson (RSMU)

One representative from each of the Constituent College Associations

Prof Chris Imray (ICSMA)
Colonel Kevin Oliver 
Carla Huynh 

Honorary Treasurer  Chris Green (Finance)
Honorary Equipment Officer Ciarán McKeown (Life Sciences)
Honorary Secretary Dr Phil Power (Faculty of Engineering)
Co-opted members
A representative from the Health Centre Dr Shikha Sashittal

Terms of Reference

  1. To consider proposed expeditions by students, approve those considered suitable and allocate funds.
  2. To review and assist approved expeditions and publicise the results.