Non-Destructive Evaluation
Non-Destructive Evaluation
The group is recognised as a world leader within NDE, having produced several important research outcomes which are now exploited by industry, both in the UK and around the world. Since the late 1980s, the group has contributed to many areas within NDE, including ultrasonic guided waves, electromagnetics and imaging, and today has a wide range of projects continuing across a large number of fields. The group leads the RCNDE, the UK Research Centre in NDE, consisting of 6 UK universities and 16 industrial members, and through this helps to steer the UK research direction. In total it has published over 200 papers in academic journals, and over 50 PhD students have graduated from the group.
Doing a PhD in Non-Destructive Evaluation
Dr Peter Huthwaite, and current research students Naomi Shipway and Xiaotang Gu explain what NDE is all about, and why a PhD in this field is worth doing.