Late Stage Review
The Late Stage Review or LSR is another significant College-wide milestone that all doctoral students should pass. It is also a further opportunity for you and your supervisor to “check-in” on how your partnership is working – you can re-visit the mutual expectations document for this.
Note that:
- The LSR must be completed by the 24 months into your programme registration (48 months for PT students), which may include one opportunity for re-assessment.
At this point you will be able to measure your progress in your research degree and decide how to focus your efforts for your final period of research. This is a golden opportunity for you and your supervisor to agree a clear picture of how you are progressing towards your final thesis. The exact requirements for your LSR will be determined by your department and will have been approved by the College but it will include a written assignment and an oral assessment.
You should read the Guidance for Late Stage Review [pdf] for further details, and check the information provided by your department.
To successfully complete the Late Stage Review you will need to have:
- Accumulated 2 further credits towards your attendance requirement attending professional development activities offered by the Graduate School.