Developing your skills
Developing your Research and Professional Skills
Throughout your doctoral journey you will develop your disciplinary knowledge and skills, and also many research and other professional, transferable skills. These skills will help you to navigate successfully through your PhD research challenges, and contribute towards building a strong professional and academic profile for your future career.
Imperial College offers you many options and opportunities to develop your skills and broaden your outlook. Some key research skills you’ll need to develop during your doctoral degree are:
Developing Skills Block 2
Developing Skills Block 3
The importance of developing your research and professional skills is recognised nationally by the funding councils and other funding bodies and is a key part of the educational experience at Imperial. As such, you will be required to complete a minimum number of professional skills workshops as part of your PhD Milestone progression. Workshops that you attend will be included on your transcript.
Remember to make space and time to think about your professional development and career during your degree, as your research by its very nature will become very focused and intense.